Zee Ruskie
+295|7083|Moscow, Russia

Macbeth wrote:

Shahter wrote:

Jay wrote:

After reading through the last few pages, someone has to say it... is life so terrible for the lot of you that you feel the need to escape it? I'll never understand it.
i did a shitload of drugs in my life. i don't even know the names of them all - i used to take just about anything i could get my hands on. my conclusion - the clean, undisturbed by any chemical shit perception of life wins every time.

so i stopped, i don't even drink alcohol these days, and i've never been better. i kinda pity these dudes who are incapable of enjoying their life as it is and have to fuck themselves up with drugs.
Why are you even in this thread then?
to read through stuff, to post stuff, to see people react to stuff. you know, the usual stuff people do in the forums. this thread is just as good for that as any other.
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.
+572|6966|BC, Canada
So, you took drugs because you sucked at life means that's the reason everyone does?
Also, did you just say you only come to bf2s to troll?

Last edited by -Whiteroom- (2013-03-21 04:55:56)

Uzique The Lesser

Jay wrote:

After reading through the last few pages, someone has to say it... is life so terrible for the lot of you that you feel the need to escape it? I'll never understand it.

jay: in the history of human civilization, there have been a few basic human drives/appetites/needs:

and after that, what comes next?

pick up any anthropology textbooks and you'll see this. human resourcefulness, throughout our history, has always been directed towards finding ways to 'escape' the ordinary reality. it's part of our innate intellectual curiosity. when you go and drink beer? you are partaking in one of the oldest rituals of reality-escape ever conceived of by human society. congratulations.

Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-03-21 05:10:14)

Uzique The Lesser

Ultrafunkula wrote:

Try taking two the next time. It should work better.

Br, Doktor Traktor
increasing the dose won't 'scale' the trip normally if he has a tolerance because of his medication. he'd just have to take so much acid that it would be a waste. basically what's happening is his medication is either blocking/changing the receptivity of the transmitters involved in the brain, or they're causing his body to metabolize the lysergic acid far quicker than a person's system normally would (i.e. so the substance doesn't stay in the brain for as long, psychoactive). basically if you're on long-term anti-depressant medication macb, your brain has been jacked up like a bodybuilder on a 6-month cycle of protein shakes and anabolics. you can't just leave off it for a week and hope your brain will return to some organic tabula rasa. the whole point of that sort of 'medication' is to top up your fuel tank until it is over-brimming... and then some. this is because the (putative) physiological medicine behind it all is that depression or anxiety disorders are caused by a 'deficiency' or 'lack of receptivity' of certain neurotransmitters (nominally dopamine and seratonin). basically it's like putting a straitjacket on your brain's fun/reward pathways, so that no kinky shit goes on whilst it is trying to refind a 'balance' and 'normality'. tl;dr: you're gonna have to cut the meds for a much longer period as a pre-load (you should look into the chemical half-lives of the specific substances you have been prescribed)

shahter, it's nice that you think ordinary consciousness is best. i don't think anyone is going to disagree with you - anyone that isn't unhinged or a little insane, anyway. but doing drugs isn't this binary-dichotomy type thing, where it's a case of "life/reality sucks, drugs are best kekeke". some people like the different perspectives or angles or planes or experience or emotions or thought-processes or whatever that drugs temporarily open up. they can be beneficial and add a lot of experience/wisdom about so-called 'normal' or 'real' life. my views on 'life', in the everyday-concrete sense of just 'living' and 'experience', and not the hippyish metaphysical-ontological pseudo-religious bullshit ("omg what even is reality duuude") has been enriched tenfold by experimenting with drugs. even if you discount the myriad extreme emotions and insights you have whilst on drugs, i now have a basic root-level sensitivity to chemicals and the consequences of what i put in my body. i know that eating too much sugar over a prolonged period will cause a radically bigger change in my mood/lived experience/'reality' than i ever realized before. drugs have taught me that 'what goes in has an effect', no matter how innocuous what i'm putting in may seem. i now eat healthier, drink healthier, sleep more, work-out etc. everything. i basically now lead a healthier lifestyle than most... because of drugs, in a positive way. they've taught me a lot. and i'm pretty sure i'm one of the few people here who, for a period, with a specific few substances, definitely strayed into 'abuse' territory, to 'escape' things. but that doesn't even explain 20% of the experiences or times i have had with drugs overall in my life. the bad and the good - it was all worth it, tbh. people who never try anything and never leave their comfort zone - squares like jay who talk about it being some sort of "pathology" or "weakness" - are pathetic creatures, imo. too shit-scared to ever leave the familiar confines of their life. that average every-man could learn a lot from a few tokes on a joint, or an acid trip or two. and i don't mean that in the supmind "if everyone took acid there would never be another war" type hippy rhetoric. but i just mean it, again, in the concrete: it shifts your sensibility a little, to be more open-minded, more self-aware, and more empathic.
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
How could you know my intentionality? I meant that last bit the same way you do.
Uzique The Lesser
no you actually literally said in d&st that if everyone took mushrooms there would be no war. you continually come up with this quasi-anthropological stuff about taking drugs to access 'higher dimensions of truth', as if they're actually ontologically-existing things, or as if that absolute truth or 'next level' of knowledge is a metaphysical reality. i don't buy into all that. illusions and fantasies of human psychology. drugs help you see concrete material existence in a new light, sure, but i'm cutting all the leary-lite baggage from my statement. you seem to want to keep it intact.

Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-03-21 05:36:34)

Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
I dont see how experiences in drug or dream states are less ontologically real than sober experience, but that doesn't mean I place blind belief in any words meant to describe these phenomena.

If absolutely everyone in the world began a mushroom regimen I could definitely see war ending for as long as that lasts. Signs of warfare don't appear in the fossil record until the begining of the Neolithic period. The reasons people began warring with one another are based in values which are evaporated with mushroom use.

Last edited by Superior Mind (2013-03-21 05:45:17)

Uzique The Lesser
you don't see how experiences with hallucinations are less ontologically real than sober experience?


please go take a few first-year philosophy modules. not sure you even understand what 'ontology' is.

also that idea about "violence doesn't appear until humans take on property" or "engage in agriculture" or "tie themselves to land/family" or any variation of the argument is a VERY old and very laughed-at idea. how are you so out of touch with the hypotheses and areas of research in your OWN field? violence is as old as human existence itself. 'war' is just a new level and scale of organization. war and violence are as closely tied to spiritualism/religion as they are to property and 'modern' human civilization. what do you make of south american religions that used drugs shamanistically, and also engaged in human sacrifice? all those hallucinogens weren't chilling them out, man...

Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-03-21 05:46:54)

Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
It's not that property caused warfare (not violence) to appear. It's that property eventually stopped people from eating mushrooms and to start drinking alchohol.

As for ayahuasca using peoples of the Amazon. Human sacrifice wasn't practiced there like it was in Mexico. Ayahuasca using Amazonian tribes tend to be made of small family groups which may have engaged in revenge killing and canbilization, but not human sacrifice.

The people who committed mass scale human sacrifice in Mexico were not eating mushrooms or datura or morning glory or anything other intoxicant on a weekly or biweekly basis like some jungle people take ayahuasca. The people part of those mass sacrificial cultures who did use psychedelics on a regula basis were shamans and witch doctors, who lived outside the normal sphere of society.

Last edited by Superior Mind (2013-03-21 06:05:51)

I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

Superior Mind wrote:

It's not that property caused warfare (not violence) to appear. It's that property eventually stopped people from eating mushrooms and to start drinking alchohol.
Vikings used to munch down a shitload of shrooms before raping, murdering and pillaging whole villages.
Uzique The Lesser

Superior Mind wrote:

It's not that property caused warfare (not violence) to appear. It's that property eventually stopped people from eating mushrooms and to start drinking alchohol.
this is an extremely flimsy thesis. alcohol was one of the first mass-produced byproducts of one of the first mass-produced agricultural products, sure. you are basically tying it to property, at the root level of it (you've got to start at the economic base when you make any of these grand theories, not the putative and abstract super-structures). to say that a shift in human mentality/behaviour happened when we switched from mushrooms and peyote to alcohol is pretty weak. violence and mass-death existed a long time before beer brewing. even under the influence of these 'higher ontological truth serum' hallucinogens you talk so idealistically about.

Man was better off in the state of nature
Uzique The Lesser

Macbeth wrote:

Man was better off in the state of nature

you can go join galt in the wilderness: the noble savage and the post-lapsarian libertarian!

Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-03-21 05:56:12)

Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
See my previous post, I responded to the south America question.

Also, Jaek, the types of mushrooms the Viking were eatin were not psyilocibin containing.

Last edited by Superior Mind (2013-03-21 06:02:34)

Zee Ruskie
+295|7083|Moscow, Russia

-Whiteroom- wrote:

So, you took drugs because you sucked at life means that's the reason everyone does?
no, i took drugs because i wanted to. now i don't because i don't want to. that's actually more than most of the people who do suck at life, turn to drugs, get addicted and loose control of themselves can say.

Also, did you just say you only come to bf2s to troll?
no, i said what i said. read it again. take all the time you need.
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.
Uzique The Lesser

Superior Mind wrote:

See my previous post, I responded to the south America question.

Also, Jaek, the types of mushrooms the Viking were eatin were not psyilocibin containing.
oh right, so it's not hallucinogens that will free us... it's a very specific rare few. the ones that contain this 'ontological truth serum'.

what's so bad about fly agaric that liberty caps have?

Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
Amanita muscaria varies widely in chemical content depending on locality. It's use as a vehicle of shamanic ecstasy has been limited to those especially good shamans. The manner in which Jaekus describes the Vikings to have eaten the agaric probably would have produced unpredictable and semi poisonous results.

Psilocybin containing mushrooms, on the other hand, have predictable and repeatable consistencies in their short and long term effects.

Last edited by Superior Mind (2013-03-21 06:15:04)

Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5665|London, England

Shahter wrote:

Jay wrote:

After reading through the last few pages, someone has to say it... is life so terrible for the lot of you that you feel the need to escape it? I'll never understand it.
i did a shitload of drugs in my life. i don't even know the names of them all - i used to take just about anything i could get my hands on. my conclusion - the clean, undisturbed by any chemical shit perception of life wins every time.

so i stopped, i don't even drink alcohol these days, and i've never been better. i kinda pity these dudes who are incapable of enjoying their life as it is and have to fuck themselves up with drugs.
I experimented here and there when I was in my early 20s, but I'm too much of a control freak to ever want to let myself become incapacitated 'for fun'. Now I just drink occasionally, and rarely to the point that I'm out of control (I've never blacked out).

Life is simply too short to want to dump a bunch of chemicals in your body to escape reality. Every minute is precious.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Uzique The Lesser

Jay wrote:

Shahter wrote:

Jay wrote:

After reading through the last few pages, someone has to say it... is life so terrible for the lot of you that you feel the need to escape it? I'll never understand it.
i did a shitload of drugs in my life. i don't even know the names of them all - i used to take just about anything i could get my hands on. my conclusion - the clean, undisturbed by any chemical shit perception of life wins every time.

so i stopped, i don't even drink alcohol these days, and i've never been better. i kinda pity these dudes who are incapable of enjoying their life as it is and have to fuck themselves up with drugs.
I experimented here and there when I was in my early 20s, but I'm too much of a control freak to ever want to let myself become incapacitated 'for fun'. Now I just drink occasionally, and rarely to the point that I'm out of control (I've never blacked out).

Life is simply too short to want to dump a bunch of chemicals in your body to escape reality. Every minute is precious.
again, "escape reality". nobody is trying to "escape" reality in the negative sense you are using. "dump chemicals", as if you live a chemical-free lifestyle and take care of your body, either, you fat fucking troll. LOL.

and what sort of schmaltzy bullshit is "every minute is precious"? lol. oh, life can't be precious when you're on an acid trip? it's a 'waste'? it somehow stops you appreciating life's beauty? you clearly have never taken acid. if anything, it helps you see how life is ohh so precious in far more profound and emotionally exalted ways.

btw did you think every minute of life was precious when you were in the military, helping to take it away from someone else? seems like a strange life philosophy to espouse.

Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-03-21 06:36:10)

I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

Jay wrote:

Every minute is precious.
This was posted on BF2s as a serious point.

I want you all to think about this for a moment.
Zee Ruskie
+295|7083|Moscow, Russia

Jaekus wrote:

Jay wrote:

Every minute is precious.
This was posted on BF2s as a serious point.

I want you all to think about this for a moment.

p.s. i've bad cold, staying at home. can't really do much atm.
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.
+2,382|6986|The North, beyond the wall.

Finray wrote:

so, anyone done dmt?
Yup. I never really broke through the first time but I didn't have scales to 2 decimal places so I kinda had to do the doses by eye and obviously I decided to err on the side of caution.

The 2nd time a few days later I put more in and kinda got the hang of the whole turbo lighter/vaporizer/don't combust the material thing. Never come up so fast before, the room started changing colour so quickly. Yellow to Green to Blue. I decided to close my eyes and see where that took me and it was fucking insane. If you know about dmt you've probably read the trip reports and mine is no different, indescribable geometric patterns and all that.

Would recommend but it is pricey. Well if you go by weight I don't think I've paid more for a drug.

Last edited by jord (2013-03-21 10:32:59)

DMT wasn't too pricey when I got it.  You can make it quite easily as well.
Uzique The Lesser
i prefer the idea of extended trips/changes to mood. DMT and things like salvia are like intense experiences that come and go. i'd prefer to have a long session with some acid and some friends. something that can grow and gain momentum, take you strange places in a social setting.

bf2s has taken me to strange places in , well, ok so it's not exactly a social setting . . .

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