my day has 23 hours left 7 of which will be awesome uninterrupted sleep.
Give me your sleep. You don't need it!
Pro Bowl.
Baba Booey
I need more sleep.
Also, proxies ahoy!
Also, proxies ahoy!
No, I don't need an attitude adjustment. You just need to fuck off.
Let's steal Rik's sleep. He's young, he won't be needing it.
and he's a dik
Mutantbear wrote:
...just got back from Aus. 40 hours spent travelling. Fuck.
How was it?
Australia was ok though
did you see any tarantulas riding kangaroos being eaten by koalas?
nope. Saw sharks riding snakes though. With jellyfish overlords
No, I don't need an attitude adjustment. You just need to fuck off.
It's summertime, that's why.
Aussies use kangaroos and koalas for heating their chimneys and ovens in winter, thus, the populations drastically decrease during spring and only increase by autumn.
Heating??globefish23 wrote:
Aussies use kangaroos and koalas for heating their chimneys and ovens in winter, thus, the populations drastically decrease during spring and only increase by autumn.
The fuck do I need heating for?
28 minutes, 25 seconds ago
time for sleep negro