well that flying garage is looking more and more likely right now...

$5.4mil with 10 hours to go,

5.5 Million
Site was down all night for me, but this morning everything seemed to have worked out ok.
Incredible. $1million in 24 hours, almost.
Site was down all night for me, but this morning everything seemed to have worked out ok.
Incredible. $1million in 24 hours, almost.
wings in space=wat
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!
ROGUEDD wrote:
wings in space=wat
Atmospheric flight? Heat dissipation? Because you can?
To be fair, the pirate(?) fighters looked awesome, so rule of cool I guess.
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!
It's space. They could be armored bananas and still be viable.
6 mil

We got it? Awesome. Site's just a message now while they work on the new one.
What a fucking victory
Glad I got in on this. But now we play the waiting game...
What a fucking victory
Glad I got in on this. But now we play the waiting game...
yup up to 6.3 i think
hopefully the alpha wont be too far away and will keep us entertained for a bit
hopefully the alpha wont be too far away and will keep us entertained for a bit

Alpha in 12 months. Only the dogfighting, though, for ship refinement.
After reading up on the subscriber magazines and looking at the development that's going in to some of these ships...
I just can't wait. It's blowing my mind at the complete detail, even in their massive carrier ship. It's just insane.
Just over 8 months til Alpha
I just can't wait. It's blowing my mind at the complete detail, even in their massive carrier ship. It's just insane.
Just over 8 months til Alpha
Last edited by FFLink (2013-02-22 18:10:32)
So anyone else still following this? They just released the complete brochure for the Aurora class ship. They have also released work-in progress designs for the Freelancer and 300i ships and both are looking pretty awesome. The level of detail not in just what is being shown but what is being explained is pretty neat.
It's an exciting project to follow. I've actually pledged around $200 towards it.
Anyway for anyone who is interested they are going through another campaign to reach a goal of $10m. They broke through $9m yesterday. If you are interested in the game now is a really good time to pledge a bit of money to secure the game as well as an Aurora ship.
It's an exciting project to follow. I've actually pledged around $200 towards it.
Anyway for anyone who is interested they are going through another campaign to reach a goal of $10m. They broke through $9m yesterday. If you are interested in the game now is a really good time to pledge a bit of money to secure the game as well as an Aurora ship.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
I could get into this
To be fair, I've plunked down money on consoles I've played less than I would play this, but it would only feel right plunking down $60 at the most. Kudos to Ty for the devotion, though.
I might actually be able to throw in a pledge this time if I get my first paycheck before they do their next fundraising campaign
I, also, have spent a fair amount towards this game.
It's looking great, and I love the look of some of the stuff so far. Check out this post for a compiled list of all concept art done: http://www.robertsspaceindustries.com/f … pt+gallery
Here's my 300i:
It's looking great, and I love the look of some of the stuff so far. Check out this post for a compiled list of all concept art done: http://www.robertsspaceindustries.com/f … pt+gallery
Here's my 300i:

New trailer for the 300i and a new promotional campaign.
Ship Brochure
Will probably be upgrading mine to the fighter version.
Ship Brochure
Will probably be upgrading mine to the fighter version.
Last edited by FFLink (2013-06-22 02:46:27)
Lookin good, im still keeping an eye on this, cant wait for the beta.
I see weve reached over $10mil now too
I see weve reached over $10mil now too

Alpha in November
Tempted by that 350r. I've spent more than enough though so I think I'll just be happy with my 300i. I'll wait to buy stuff in-game rather than bankrupting myself.
A lot of stuff being announced over the next couple of weeks. They're launching the new website, hosting a live-stream event, and showcasing a couple of new ships.
A lot of stuff being announced over the next couple of weeks. They're launching the new website, hosting a live-stream event, and showcasing a couple of new ships.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
I bought the 325a upgrade...
Are you a subscriber, Ty?
Are you a subscriber, Ty?
My monies are starting to look very pretty on screen. My wife is going to hate this game...