Australia, like New Mexico but with cooler animals!
Misread that as just 'Mexico', to which I would've said they're on equal terms in the amount of stuff trying to kill you.RAIMIUS wrote:
Australia, like New Mexico but with cooler animals!
My favorite street in all of Vienna - Kleeblattgasse. Around the corner is also my favorite restaurant.

Last edited by CapnNismo (2012-10-22 13:35:01)
what went down there?

Nothing at all - just a tiny little side street in the center district with some old houses. … mp;iwloc=A … mp;iwloc=A
Last edited by CapnNismo (2012-10-22 13:49:17)
looks like a riot or battle went down

I like Aus, but its a big place and TBH not that much to see.RAIMIUS wrote:
Australia, like New Mexico but with cooler animals!
As for my photos, thanks, one advantage I have is I don't need to carry a tripod - I just rest my elbows on my stomach.
Fuck Israel
I was at a protest that was organized by Austrian online journalists to protest against the fact that they are being used by the companies and the print journalists have much better working conditions and I snapped this photo:

"Barack, who? No journalism, no idea."

"Barack, who? No journalism, no idea."
Some new stuff from Albuquerque:

Last edited by RAIMIUS (2012-10-30 21:38:10)
i havent been up the tram yet, looks kinda cool
he walked that entire mountain
Spoiler (highlight to read):
Spoiler (highlight to read):

For he is the Mayor of Alberquerque!
I hiked up in the Sandias a couple times. The last time I went hiking, I took a "crest trail" down the opposite side of the mountain, until I found a trail I knew, then hiked up the ski lift slope to the tram. That "crest trail" made my 5mi hike a 15mi hike.
RAIMIUS wrote:
I hiked up in the Sandias a couple times. The last time I went hiking, I took a "crest trail" down the opposite side of the mountain, until I found a trail I knew, then hiked up the ski lift slope to the tram. That "crest trail" made my 5mi hike a 15mi hike.

Fuck Israel
Snapped this one a little while ago. Came out REALLY dark but I brightened it up in Lightroom.

Took this one when I woke up one morning in Styria on All Soul's Day.

This is the Jewish Memorial to the Holocaust in Vienna. The square where it sits is called Judenplatz and is eerily quiet since it only has small side streets for pedestrians leading into it and all sound from the rest of the city is blocked out because it's tucked so far away from the main streets.

This is the Jewish Memorial to the Holocaust in Vienna. The square where it sits is called Judenplatz and is eerily quiet since it only has small side streets for pedestrians leading into it and all sound from the rest of the city is blocked out because it's tucked so far away from the main streets.

welcome to the tallest tourist trap in shanghai

Last edited by Trotskygrad (2012-11-05 12:10:45)

Messing around with some lighting.

i really like the first one. the light at the bottom, the backlighting, make it work.
Thanks. The first one was a lot harder to set up. I tried setting up a single, dual fluorescent fixture behind her but it wasn't working out. It was getting cold and she was starting to complain so I set up my 1000w halogens above her to help keep her warm and it ended up being exactly what I needed to make it turn out.
The first one doesn't fit into the Ass Appreciation thread though.
Nor the Breast Appreciation one.
It would be niceer with a bit more light from the back to achieve the same effect as with the arms and shoulder all around the body.
Nor the Breast Appreciation one.
It would be niceer with a bit more light from the back to achieve the same effect as with the arms and shoulder all around the body.
like the b/w one. would love to see that rim light line go down the entire body(stops at wrists)