+1,128|6949|Burmecia, Land of the Rain

Final Fantasy 9.
Creatures created by the big evil guy Kuja were described as "the dark spawn of the mist"

that has to be the shittiest way of naming my online gaming self ever..

but yeah.. final fantasy 4 t3h w1n!!

liquidat0r wrote:

Mine was the first thing that popped into my head when i got bored of my old name which was pyromaniac
was it pyromaniac256?
+3,135|7046|The Hague, Netherlands

^*AlphA*^ well already 4/5 years ago, was called Alpha Force, with a friend Delta Force, after some time i transformed my name to AlphA and later with the ^*AlphA*^, well about -=>cSc<=-*RunDje*cT|.....thats a loooooooooooong story lol
=|A mere Shadow|=
The Anarchist
+121|6933|Britain and Damn proud of it!
Normally im called The Anarchist but some sneaky bastard took that... so i came up with my current one xD
Laid Back Yorkshireman
+183|6899|Scarborough Yorkshire England
Jinto - Was asked to create a Name for knights of the old republic on xbox - I came up with Jinto Detu, I then started playing star wars galaxies, so I stuck with the same name and joined a clan Guild called the Shadow Knights - SK. I now always use jinto as my on line name, I added Sk on the end of my BF2 name because there were half a dozen sk players but they all left for D+D online.
I got mine from Delta Force: Task Force Dagger and DF: BHD.
I'll kill you when its light outside, but when it gets dark, I suck.

Last edited by Daysniper (2006-05-24 06:24:22)


Aslan_the_Creator wrote:

liquidat0r wrote:

Mine was the first thing that popped into my head when i got bored of my old name which was pyromaniac
was it pyromaniac256?
I never had a BF2 account with pyromaniac. Pyromaniac was pre BF2
+35|6869|E 2/351 Camp Anaconda
I got mine a year ago from the cool USMC Recon Snipers and the [KS] stands for Keyboard Samurai Clan I played Vietcong 1 with. The job of the RECON is to observe the enemy positions and movements while stay unseen and if get the chance to eliminate as many tangos as possible
The Lizzard
Stole it off Bubbalo Bill icecreams.  The Sherrif w/ the bubblegum nose.  Go Peters!
I got mine from using acid allot a few years back and always hallucinated that I was being killed in some weird way and the 187 speaks for itself  (don’t hate me cause I’m different)

Last edited by acidkiller187 (2006-05-24 07:00:21)

Pony Slaystation
+343|7016|Charlie One Alpha
LaidBackNinja because well... I'm a laid back ninja. I think I came up with this name myself. I wanted something that was laid-back but at the same time I love ninjas. So there you go.
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell
+2|6970|Uddevalla, Sweden
My real name is Sebastian, and the obvious swedish nickname for that is "Sebbe". So if you take the word sexmachine and mix it with Sebbe, Sebbmachine.
Ooooooh yeah!
bruisehound...well I guess I was having a discussion with some friends about D&D, and we were talking about 'beefcake' fighter characters, you know with like 17 strength and constitution, and like 6 charisma. I wanted to describe a really hardcore stereotypical all beef no brains fighter and the words that came out of my mouth were 'beefcake bruisehound'.

Bruisehound just kinda sounds good, so I use it for BF2.
GunSlinger OIF II
Gunslinger is the name of one of the camps that I was at during my year in Iraq.  Camp Gunslinger.  It was my favorite FOB to be in because it was in the heart of Baghdad in the oldest neighborhood, adahmiya, going back at least 1200 years. and it was one of the shittiest, most run down place you will ever see. Every day at that FOB and the sector that we patrolled was full of activity.  I felt like a cowboy in the middle of indian country.  They changed the name of that FOB now to Camp solidarity.

I live in King County and my style is unorthodox. Some might even call it retarded. Hence the name.
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
+60|7020|USA, Arizona
Aardcore's been a name I've used for a long time starting out as some weird Yahoo! account name I had and then thought about how I needed to carry myself as a graphic artist and thought "Hey... that name sounds pretty cool, unique, not many people have a name like that or whatever... sure! I'll use it." So now I use it for alot of things whenever an ID name or account is needed.

Course, cuz my real name's Arthur, the joke about that damn aardvark from that cartoon/book Arthur has really defunced the nature of my name
My name IRL is Kimberly, but everyone calls me Kimmy... A while back my completely bored friend and I started adding "to-the" to random words. LtotheIKE TtotheHIS. He called me KtotheIMMY, and the name just stuck with me over time.

Last edited by KtotheIMMY (2006-05-25 09:52:28)

Whisky Tango Foxtrot?
+201|6986|Broadlands, VA
My kid plays as Kaos008 (007 was taken).  Thus, I am Kaosdad008.

It's kinda cool when we play together.
Mine is from warhammer 40k, Imperial Guard, Colonel Schaffer´s Last Chansers...( or maybe it was Schaefer, dont remember)

I use it when I played the demo version of battlefield 1942, Wake Island, and Ive used it since then:)
No 1 Gooner
coopj Dependant
I support Arsenal football club,their nickname is the gunners cos their badge emblem is a cannon! so because we are the gunners fans are called gooners!
One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|7001|San Francisco
My name is Marco, and due to my Sicilian/Italian heritage, I decided to name myself in a true Roman god-like fashion, hence Marconius.  In other games, my name is usually il_duce ("The Duke" in Italian, which was Mussolini's nickname).
My rank coming out of the Marine Corps - Sgt
No spaces aloud - _
My last name is realllly long and my Corps buddies shortened it for me - mango
My favorite number - 333

drum roll please............Sgt_mango333   tahdah
Heia den som vinner!
+115|6865|Oslo, Norway
My father call himself Solver_59648 on QXL's pages.
(my last name is Solberg)

The he just said: "Why don't you call yoursefl Solver?"

Then, it got -Solv3r-

I am all that is MOD!

named myself after my hero
jus like my name, wanted Hydro-ion but for some reason i didnt do it, cant remember why

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