Looks like the first good Tom Hanks movie in forever. It is extremely long at 164 minutes, it's the most expensively budgeted independent movie ever at $100 million according to Wiki, and looks very likely to be a QQfest
i've taken dumps longer, but_j5689_ wrote:
It is extremely long at 164 minutes
seeing the trailers i may
have to see a chick flick so my wife will sit through this one. will go.
i tried to get tickets for it at TIFF but they were sold out in seconds
wtf?_j5689_ wrote:
independent movie ... at $100 million
But yeah it looks like i'll have to watch it.
Tom Hanks is a billionaire, isn't he?
I don't know how to feel about this from that trailer. The song towards the end I love though, everytime I hear it I get a sense of happiness and sadness mixed together. Don't know what it's called
This one?Adams_BJ wrote:
I don't know how to feel about this from that trailer. The song towards the end I love though, everytime I hear it I get a sense of happiness and sadness mixed together. Don't know what it's called
I remember the book being good, but couldn't remember what it was about, the trailer didn't exactly clue you in until the last section tbh.
Will try and see it I guess.
Will try and see it I guess.

no one likes a smart ass.Jaekus wrote:
This one?Adams_BJ wrote:
I don't know how to feel about this from that trailer. The song towards the end I love though, everytime I hear it I get a sense of happiness and sadness mixed together. Don't know what it's called
except you. Youre alrights.
tbf I did solve your dilemma
I'm aware. But studios generally have all the money so the 'wtf' comes from where they gathered all this money with no studio backing.Cybargs wrote:
independent means no studio.pirana6 wrote:
wtf?_j5689_ wrote:
independent movie ... at $100 million
But yeah it looks like i'll have to watch it.
hurt locker was an "indie" film too.
A quick googling says they got a portion of their funds from a studio though the majority came from independent sources hence "independent movie".
Yeah, Warner Brothers supposedly put up a big chunk and then a bunch of others did too until the budget got that big
Some Dumb Shit 7 will be churned out with a $175m budget in the next year (and likely 'underperform'), but movies like this - which looks interesting and worth seeing, at the very least - struggle to ever hit screens. Oh, entertainment industry.
Anyway, looks pretty cool.
Anyway, looks pretty cool.

I don't know. Tom Hanks and Halle Berry are pretty famous actors.
You don't cast Halle Berry, Tom Hanks and Hugo weaving and at the start explain it's from the makers of the Matrix Trilogy with the director from Run Lola, Run and make a near six minute trailer if it isn't gong to the big screen.
Last edited by Jaekus (2012-10-05 14:46:34)
the wachowskis are involved...............MUST SEE
so how was it?
'meh' is really all i can say about it
Yeah that is what the reviews I have read said. Anyone read the book?!
I got an hour or so into it last night, ough
too much makeup and money ..it's kinda boring so far except for the future waitress breaking out of the service industry
too much makeup and money ..it's kinda boring so far except for the future waitress breaking out of the service industry
the first hour is boring, because you have no real idea what's going on for the first half. you just have to commit to come full circle. i enjoyed it, and i thought as usual hugo weaving was great.
allright, ill give it a chance. tonight.
yeah, it's all about the weave here once the stories settle in.. halle barry, ' i catch ya'
good good
everyone connected, sacrifice non stop fight believe ..wholesome./
warm hugs
good good
everyone connected, sacrifice non stop fight believe ..wholesome./
warm hugs