I feel bad for people who have never vaped
What's so special about it?
I want to try one but nobody has one
I want to try one but nobody has one
It's real smooth. So smooth. I got a nice steady rise and fall of the high, as opposed to something like a bong where it hits you fast and hard but doesn't last as long. Adjusting temperatures can let you choose different kinds of highs, though I never messed much with that.
For me personally, vaporizing is my favorite way to get high.
For me personally, vaporizing is my favorite way to get high.
Did you use one of the big expensive ones or did you use a portable one?
Vaporizers 101
Last edited by west-phoenix-az (2012-07-21 19:57:51)

The portable ones are in general about as expensive as the desktop units.... Except the Magic flight launch box._j5689_ wrote:
Did you use one of the big expensive ones or did you use a portable one?
Which, tbh is kinda shit.
It has a HUGE following and rightfully so, its fucking tiny and insatiably discreet. For stealth portability its about tops... but part of that is that it doesn't produce very fat clouds of vapor (at least in comparison with other popular portables.) so you trade some ease of use and big hits for something you could damn near use next to a cop.
Vapes are not hugely complex.... But for some reason the cheap ones never quite work as well as the ones from reputable manufacturers... Its good to spend at least a reasonable amount on a quality unit. Don't need a led filled device made as cheaply as possible for you to heat up and breath off...
I like my extreme Q a bit... I just about never use bags, they are some what of a novelty.... A whip or stem tastes better and lets you get hits at lower temperatures (since bags = many hits mixed together and only so much vapor is produced at lower temps, and the best flavors are released early).
Since I pretty much only use whip, I almost got a Da Buddah vape... But I had a EQ before that was stolen, so I already had a bunch of accessories for it. Its a big plus that it uses standard 18mm glass on glass joins, and comes with a few so you can hook it up to a bong easily right out of the box.
The DBV should be on and ready faster, comes with nice case and is a solid unit. Digital temp controls are somewhat over rated as units vary slightly, and different models/brands place the temperature sensor in different locations so temperature readings are not the temp of the weed, and can vary based on how the manufacturer decides to measure temp.
Check out fuckcombustion.com , lots of good info there.
I used my friend's mid-range one. Looks like the one in the video thumbnail wpa posted._j5689_ wrote:
Did you use one of the big expensive ones or did you use a portable one?
I used a volcano on 4/20, shit was so cash

I am going to finish the quarter today. So it took me a week and 2 days. Too long of a time or too short?Macbeth wrote:
I am getting a quarter for $110. Thoughts?!
not bad
Tu Stultus Es
If you smoke a quarter by yourself in about a week, you are a pot head. Officially.
My buddy and I used to be on a 2 blunt a day regimen. Usually went through a 20 bag every day.
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
thats it?
Tu Stultus Es
ow can you roll 2 blunts with a dub that arent pinters?
Tu Stultus Es
Be friends with your dealer and you can get away with all sorts of shit.
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
i was saying you smoke tiny little blunts if all youre putting in is a dub for two
Last edited by eleven bravo (2012-07-23 17:48:49)
Tu Stultus Es

a little much. I average about an eighth a week.Macbeth wrote:
I am going to finish the quarter today. So it took me a week and 2 days. Too long of a time or too short?Macbeth wrote:
I am getting a quarter for $110. Thoughts?!
Super tiny. If you're smoking cess I guess that's ok (figure 1/8 for $20, half eighth per blunt), but if you're smoking chron that's not enough. Better off rolling joints.eleven bravo wrote:
i was saying you smoke tiny little blunts if all youre putting in is a dub for two
Tu Stultus Es
Doesn't matter now, the new water pipe is doing me well. Blunts are awesome, but I still like a decent piece.
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
water pipe as in burb/bubbler or bong? I thought only people over 40 called those water pipes.
whenever i hear or read waterpipe i always think of this
Tu Stultus Es
I'm white and not cool, so I didn't hangout with the hood rats too much growing up, so I never picked up the custom of smoking blunts. Back in middle school I was still figuring out how my dick worked and exploring the realms of Kanto and Johto while the other kids were getting laid and getting high behind the skate park.
And then I got high...
And then I got high...
I want to share more but Im afraid Im already going to regret everything i posted in this forum. Pretend I shared an interesting anecdote about getting high for the first time on halloween of 1996 out of soda can
Last edited by eleven bravo (2012-07-23 19:43:18)
Tu Stultus Es