went to Death Valley

was 120° F when i took the picture. just glad it turned out, fuck.

was 120° F when i took the picture. just glad it turned out, fuck.
Last edited by 13urnzz (2012-07-06 20:56:25)
looks HOT
i hope you got on SPF 100
i hope you got on SPF 100
I never knew you were into wing suit jumping burnzz
crop for maximum sexiness
nice heat
I take it that's the 39 exposure pano?
no, this one was 12. the picture 6 posts up - when i reached the top of Moro Rock (the granite dome in the distance)

i put the camera on a monopod, and exposed every 10°

i put the camera on a monopod, and exposed every 10°

Can someone tell me if this is in fact what happens? I don't know diddly-squat about photography but for some reason this doesn't seem right...
"I left my shutter open for 30 seconds in the wilderness at 10.30pm, under a full moon"

"I left my shutter open for 30 seconds in the wilderness at 10.30pm, under a full moon"

rofl that's bullshit
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
alright just making sure.
i can get exposures like that
Full moon = bright
Full moon = bright
Last edited by Kimmmmmmmmmmmm (2012-07-12 14:24:06)
i think i found my next lens

EF 40mm f/2.8 STM Lens

EF 40mm f/2.8 STM Lens
The 40 has STM? Looks like a fun lens, and sharp from what Ive seen
Yup. Just have to adjust the color temp somewhat and play with the sky a little in PSKimmmmmmmmmmmm wrote:
i can get exposures like that
Full moon = bright
A few choice shots from the latest roll to come out of my Konica. See the album for a few more.

Last edited by CapnNismo (2012-07-14 04:53:39)

My camera died. Surprised it lasted so long given that it spent a lot of its life in my army webbing.
[Blinking eyes thing]
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Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon