I'm 19 lolzFatherTed wrote:
Last edited by Finray (2012-05-31 09:35:13)

I'm 19 lolzFatherTed wrote:
Last edited by Finray (2012-05-31 09:35:13)
I guard people from bears. Also, sitting here trying to take a drug test but didn't drink water before hand and I'm dehydrated... Haven't been able to provide for two tests lol and now I'm on my last cup of water. This blows.Dilbert_X wrote:
If you're a bear guard aren't you supposed to defend the bears?iceman785 wrote:
I am a bear guard, I'm given a remington 870 with slugs but can only shoot the bears if they're eating someone. Boss said to shoot myself instead of the bear as it's less paper work.
Maybe its guard bear - in which case I don't think you should have a shotgun.
you will turn into that-Sh1fty- wrote:
Got an 82 on my ASVAB and above 115 on all my line scores
Now to pass the physical exam If I fail anything it'll be there.
Also the people at MEPS are absolute cold stone assholes who are either robots or really hate their job.
Got a call yesterday offering me the job. I am over the moon! :-DBuckles wrote:
Just interviewed for a job, and it went really well. I've met the guy a few times and he invited me for interview today. I'll go from £17k basic to OTE of c.£33k. And the targets are very achieveable. Here's hoping I get it; should hear in the next few days.
Last edited by Buckles (2012-06-02 00:23:10)
But its a great career.-Sh1fty- wrote:
Also the people at MEPS are absolute cold stone assholes who are either robots or really hate their job.
Congrats. Going to a job where you are making 2x what you were making before is a really good feeling.Buckles wrote:
Got a call yesterday offering me the job. I am over the moon! :-DBuckles wrote:
Just interviewed for a job, and it went really well. I've met the guy a few times and he invited me for interview today. I'll go from £17k basic to OTE of c.£33k. And the targets are very achieveable. Here's hoping I get it; should hear in the next few days.
Last edited by _j5689_ (2012-06-04 13:42:49)
Minimum wage is $7.50 in my state(Federal minimum as well) so it's not that bad at all. Plus I'm not doing anything else so I'll probably pile on the hours if it's not an awful place to work.Finray wrote:
$10/hr? That sounds a bit shit
Last edited by _j5689_ (2012-06-04 14:13:19)
Last edited by Kampframmer (2012-06-04 14:30:46)
AFTER commission?_j5689_ wrote:
Anybody ever worked at Office Depot before? I might go there and repair computers, my friend said he used to do it and made about $10.00 an hour after commission
They'll help you see in the dark. Night vision!KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
eat carrots
http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Does_eating_c … r_eyesightCarrots contain some vitamin A. A lack of vitamin A can be bad for your eyesight, but eating more of it has not been shown to improve eyesight.
This was a story put about by the War Office during the Second World War. They were trying to keep secret the new invention of Radar by saying that the members of the Royal Observer Corps were eating carrots to improve their night time vision, thus explaining our improbably high intercept rate of the enemies aircraft.
To be technically correct, carrots do NOT improve or help eyesight. Carrots contain beta carotene which the body converts to vitamin A. Vitamin A helps many things including maintaining eyesight. However no matter how many carrots you eat, your eyesight will not improve. On the other hand vitamin A deficiency can lead to night blindness so it is important to maintain a health diet of vitamin A.
In short if your vision is 20/20 eating carrots will not give you 20/10 vision no matter how many carrots you eat.
Although carrots can be beneficial, be careful not to go overboard. Eating too many could make you sick.
Last edited by Jaekus (2012-06-04 16:31:00)