Deeds, not words.
+311|6914|Greenwood, IN
Dear Sprint,

Please go kindly fuck yourself.


I've never been so frustrated with my phone service before.  Constant call drops and extremely late texts.(Even while not at home.)  Hell i've even missed calls even though my phone never rang.  The Phemtocell they sent me to help with signal is a piece of shit.  Everytime I even use my connection to any extent it shuts off my 3G service to my phone and other phones connected to it.

The phone it self is great.  I've had one random restart and never experienced any slow down while doing things on it.

I guess my rant don't really matter, especially since i'm posting it here. lol
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6909|132 and Bush

Naturn wrote:

Dear Sprint,

Please go kindly fuck yourself.


I've never been so frustrated with my phone service before.  Constant call drops and extremely late texts.(Even while not at home.)  Hell i've even missed calls even though my phone never rang.  The Phemtocell they sent me to help with signal is a piece of shit.  Everytime I even use my connection to any extent it shuts off my 3G service to my phone and other phones connected to it.

The phone it self is great.  I've had one random restart and never experienced any slow down while doing things on it.

I guess my rant don't really matter, especially since i'm posting it here. lol
Sooo. ..  I ended up at Verizon this weekend was because of the same reason (my girlfriend has sprint). She got so frustrated with them that she asked me to talk to them. I ended up on their customer care line for quite some time. Got down to the bottom line (despite their reluctance) and was told I could get an early upgrade for her, which doesn't fix the root of the problem, for $40. Or that I could buy out the rest of her contract for $70. They tried to keep us, but their service blows when compared to Verizon 'round here. So we bought it out. I've had Verizon for awhile now and have been very happy.  They offered me an early upgrade, just for considering them with my gf.
Not only was it an early upgrade, but I didn't even have to pay the upgrade fee ($300). The phone I got is awsm. I've also been able to keep my unlimited data, now @ 4glte speed, despite the plan being canceled.

That's how you keep customers.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Deeds, not words.
+311|6914|Greenwood, IN
Where abouts do you live?

I'm probably going to file a second complaint with them.  They will probably want me to take my phone to a local store and tell me that its the phone.  Then i'll get a replacement and have the same issues.  I'll have to file a third complaint... been there done that with a Blackberry on Sprint.  They never use to have these problems.  Little over a year ago I had good coverage with no drops or text issues.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6909|132 and Bush

Tampa.. and my gf had a blackberry curve with them. Ask them how much your buyout is. .. not to be confused with early upgrade.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Deeds, not words.
+311|6914|Greenwood, IN
Damn and Florida is suppose to be heavy Sprint territory.  Yea I might do just that.  It really depends on what phones Verizon has.  Or can I move my phone to verzion?(CDMA ?)
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6909|132 and Bush

You might be able to. We went in to Verizon before cancelling. They offered to knock off whatever the buyout was at Sprint on her phone at vz. So she got the same phone I did (Razr Maxx) minus the seventy bucks we had to pay to leave sprint. You see, Verizon seems like they actually want your business.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Deeds, not words.
+311|6914|Greenwood, IN
Just posting this to show you how shitty its been here.

This test was done on Sprints network, without my home cell tower, and data roaming off.  The funny thing is I have 5 bars.(Normally have 1 or 2.)
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6909|132 and Bush

I've hit up to 20Mbps down on Verizon's lte. Never below 10. Uploads between 10 and 15.. but verizon still forces wifi when uploading youtube..fml.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Deeds, not words.
+311|6914|Greenwood, IN
I could care less about uploading to youtube from my phone.  I just want to check my email and minecraft server on the go.(Make phone calls too. lol)

Edit: This is what I get when connected to Verizons towers.(I can do that under settings.)

Last edited by Naturn (2012-04-10 23:05:55)

Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6909|132 and Bush

Winston_Churchill wrote:

its not even a moderately interesting or good photo app, they can keep it.  plus wtf is with the square photos … droid-ios/
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Shock it till ya know it
+375|6650|Atlanta, Georgia
Where are my quad core phones damnit!
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6909|132 and Bush

Still like this phone.. but Motorola has is loaded with bloatware. I'm going to root it to get rid of it. But the fact i even have to do this is ridiculous. I just hate having shit on my phone that i don't want or use, it's certainly not affecting the performance of the phone. I know Google bought out Motorola Mobile, maybe they fix this preinstalled crap. I thought about trading it in for the galaxy nexus, but I like the camera and battery on the Razr Maxx more. I figure I can fix the software stuff myself easily.. hardware, ntsomuch.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Deeds, not words.
+311|6914|Greenwood, IN
My phone went EOL(End Of Life) last month.  It has only been 9 or so months since release.  Although, it is slated to have ICS sometime in the 3rd quarter.  I love this phone and it works really well.

P.S. Sprint denied my discount application through my work.(20%)  They act like they don't want to keep me.  Thats fine Verizon will be more than happy to take my money.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6909|132 and Bush

NeXuS wrote:

Where are my quad core phones damnit!

edit: "1.5 GHz, quad-core (global version)
1.5 GHz, dual-core LTE version (USA and select countries)"
Xbone Stormsurgezz
There is.
+1,380|6999|Devon, England
Is that phone any good? I upgrade in 2 months...
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6909|132 and Bush

I'd say so
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Deeds, not words.
+311|6914|Greenwood, IN
I get the beta update for my Photon 4G today.  I'm hoping its ICS...  The rumors as of the past few weeks are that its a 2.3.5 update rather than ICS.

Edit: Power went out when I hit the submit button.  lol

Last edited by Naturn (2012-05-15 09:17:09)

Shock it till ya know it
+375|6650|Atlanta, Georgia
So Samsung Galaxy III is number one on my list until something else knocks it off...

Anyone else know of anything?
Hector: Ding, ding, ding, ding...
+1,975|6782|6 6 4 oh, I forget

Hey Microwave. You happen to know any groovy programs that would maybe boost the speaker volume so one could actually hear the phone ringing?
Since day One.
Galaxy 3 looks very nice! But its too HUGE
+515|6963|Loughborough Uni / Leeds, UK

Ultrafunkula wrote:

Hey Microwave. You happen to know any groovy programs that would maybe boost the speaker volume so one could actually hear the phone ringing?
You've got the Nexus right?

There is an issue with the speaker volume being quite low, I don't know an app that would sort it. But if you root your phone and install a custom ROM you can boost the speaker volume from the extra settings the ROM gives.

I know AOKP does it -
Shock it till ya know it
+375|6650|Atlanta, Georgia
So verizon is trying its damndest to get rid of unlimited data plan. If you plan to upgrade you better do it now. In the future if you go for a phone such as a new activation or 2yr upgrade then you will be switched to the tiered data plan. 3g and 4g. The only way verizon said to bypass it is to buy the phone outright. The damn phones are $500+. Verizon is about to piss me off. Ive got an upgrade June 1st so i hope to get a 4g phone before this fucking shit goes live.

have they said they plan to stop "grandfathering" people with unlimited plans ?

Only if you are going LTE.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
i dont use close to my 4gb usually.

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