The Tiger Prawns are 'Black Madagascar' TP's. They turn Pink when ready. I bought them for £4 from Asda earlier in the day (frozen) and de-frosted them while at work

On the way home I stopped off at another supermarket as mentioned and by chance in the 'reduced' section I saw the things with pincers. I wont bother with these again, £1.50 is a great price but they just too fiddley to 'de shell' by hand an a bit painful as the under carrage of the thing has lil ol spikes in. Tasty, but not a patch on the Prawns.
I got a bulb of garlic, chopped both ends off, peeled each individual clove and bashed it with a flat part of a knife/blade. This keeps more of the garlic flavour in the garlic rather than cutting.
I got a wok (as seen above) heated some oil, threw the Lingustines in first, put the garlic on top of these (thats important so you dont burn the garlic).
I gave these a head start as the shell seems harder and they are thicker, then I banged the TP's in, turning them consistantly until pink. Its better to over cook shell fish just to make sure you dont have the squits the next day, nothing worse than spray painting the Royal Dalton with Tiger Prawns all night!
Just before the end I cut a lemon in half, squeezed it into the wok which made it sizzle. I put the other half in the dish I ate them out of and garnished them again, it wasnt over lemon'y at all, got it just right I think.
Next time I will chop a Chilli into the oil before I add the Prawns and add a small amount of White Wine when cooking them. Just before the end I will chuck some chopped Corriander in for extra flavour. It'll compliment the chilli well.
This is what they look like in the dish and again this is something I could serve in a Restaurant no problem. I also think if you get a girl around one night, chuck a movie on, cook these, you'll be in her knickers in no time and you already have smelly fingers. Result!