it's been posted here already :p
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
~ Richard Feynman
Nuh uhhhhhh, I looked through every page and dfidnt see itSpark wrote:
it's been posted here already :p … 8#p3777628Eagle wrote:
Nuh uhhhhhh, I looked through every page and dfidnt see itSpark wrote:
it's been posted here already :p
Last edited by Spidery_Yoda (2012-05-11 11:49:20)
Spidery_Yoda wrote:
Two: Part or all of the ending is in Shepards head. This is the worst idea for an ending to a huge franchise ever. If this is the case, the game doesn't actually end. It "ends" with Shepard overcoming his internal struggle and still lying in London about to attack the Citadel, and we never find out what happens.
Last edited by Shahter (2012-05-12 02:56:58)
Nah Bioware forums have been crazy for months now, plenty of people who dont carePoseidon wrote:
Am I the only one who really doesn't care about the extended cut DLC? I mean I'm sure I'll look up gameplay videos on YouTube, but I just don't have the energy to go through the last two major battles after how disappointing the ending was. Even if the "theory" ends up being true. The initial bad ending left me without really caring enough.
even without the "so be it voice" how can anyone not tell its harbinger being the catalyst? hurr durr reapers are good mmk, yeah sure real convincing.Poseidon wrote:
In the refusal ending, the Catalyst says "so be it" in HARBINGER'S voice.
How can that not prove the indoctrination theory?
Just as I expected, nothing to really satisfy me. Didn't even bother DLing, just watched the endings on YouTube like I said.
In the end, BioWare dropped the ball. All it is. Happens sometimes with stories. I dealt with it with LOST too. Not every story can have a great ending. It's just disappointing after such consistently great writing, even for most of the 3rd game itself, that it'd be such a terrible ending. The destroy ending still leaves a feeling of "eh" with me.
Its strange it wasnt confirmed but theres still things that dont make sense regarding IT.Poseidon wrote:
In the refusal ending, the Catalyst says "so be it" in HARBINGER'S voice.
How can that not prove the indoctrination theory?
In terms of hype for a narrative based piece of fiction, the path ME3 has taken has been eerily similar to me as Lost was a couple years back. Corporate suits wanting to cash out on something and nervous writers worried about critical reception = not a good combination.Poseidon wrote:
I dealt with it with LOST too. Not every story can have a great ending. It's just disappointing after such consistently great writing, even for most of the 3rd game itself, that it'd be such a terrible ending. The destroy ending still leaves a feeling of "eh" with me.