every couple of months you get someone a bit pious coming in trying to stir things up a bit. it'll pass in a few days.
no, it doesn't. it simply turns you into a vegetable.eusgen wrote:
you do know it doesnt kill brain cells right?
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.
trufax. Everyone listen to this guy before you wind up dead.Shahter wrote:
no, it doesn't. it simply turns you into a vegetable.eusgen wrote:
you do know it doesnt kill brain cells right?
Russia has the highest rate of alcoholism in the world.
sounds like some fucking hardcore weed you're smokingShahter wrote:
no, it doesn't. it simply turns you into a vegetable.eusgen wrote:
you do know it doesnt kill brain cells right?

Look at all these victims of marijuana use. What a shame.

no, not yet. but we are getting there, unfortunately. but then again, if you don't drink alcohol you are almost guaranteed to never become an alcoholic, right? i don't.Macbeth wrote:
Russia has the highest rate of alcoholism in the world.
sounds like i'm smoking? ehm... are you feeling okay?Hurricane2k9 wrote:
sounds like some fucking hardcore weed you're smoking
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.
pot kills
Tu Stultus Es
it wasnt the lobotomy that made mcmurphy a vegtable in "one flew over the cuckoos nest", it was that joint he smoked the night before it.
If you smoke enough you start to believe that you are in fact a vegetable.

My buddy dropped me off some of his chiesel. So yummy....
Kimmmmmmmmmmmm wrote:
Congrats Connecticut "Connecticut lawmakers' approval of the use of medical marijuana includes strict regulations for the cultivation and distribution in an attempt to avoid problems other states have run into when legalizing the plant for medical use."http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/story/2012-05-05/medical-marijuana-connecticut/54775510/1
eusgen wrote:
Florida next please ;P
no, If you smoke enough you start to believe that you are in fact a lizard.Superior Mind wrote:
If you smoke enough you start to believe that you are in fact a vegetable.
you learn the true meaning of life when you see houses and cars blow by like leaves on a windy day.
I've been smoking it every day for the last 15 years without any issues.Shahter wrote:
turn yourself into a vegetable. uh-huh.eusgen wrote:
smoke weed every day
Yeah it makes you a bit lazier and there has been the odd night every now and again when I can't be bothered to go out because I'm stoned - but so what. Doesn't impact on my work and has a positive impact on my social life all in all - so what's the problem?
The problem is that the Bible says it's wrong (Ezekiel 23:20) and I don't care whether you believe it or not, it's a fact and the demons must be stopped.
"There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses."

Bertie's got it right just up a bit

Damn, one of the first two people I ever smoked with died
rip in peace
watch out Shahter, if you think people turn into vegetables if they smoke weed you're in danger of becoming a vegetable your self.
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