can somebody tell me how it ended?...what happen to clark and lois?....what the hell happened to lex?
superman got eaten by a camel.
a camel whose testicles were made of kryptonite..the_heart_attack wrote:
superman got eaten by a camel.
him and lois were filming a highly controversial "art-house" piece at the time..
spoiler for the next season:
the camel was really lex luthors grandfather!
I have tivoed it and have not had a chance to watch it will let you know
Holy shit! for real??the_heart_attack wrote:
superman got eaten by a camel.
Which season are you on about btw
Last edited by =|A mere Shadow|= (2006-05-24 07:14:22)
YaY! Camles FTW!!!
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:
ya its truethe_heart_attack wrote:
superman got eaten by a camel.
Lex gets kidnapped by Fine to start process of transfer of Zoltar (bad guy who destroyed Clark's original planet) into Lex. Clark finds out what was Fine was up to. Lana hears Clark talking to Chloe that he need to kill Lex. Lana passes on the info to Lex. Lex and Clark fight it out for a while in the barn. Meanwhile Clarks Mom and Lois thinks they are on the way to Washington but find out later on. While fighting, FIne shows up, Clark has a chance to kill Lex with the knife instead kills Fine which starts the tranfer of Zoltar into the body of Lex. Lex throws the mirror into the sky and they end it with Clark trapped in the glass thing floating in space.hiimkalaKILLME wrote:
can somebody tell me how it ended?...what happen to clark and lois?....what the hell happened to lex?
just go download it... the internot is your friend
Joe Camel FTW!!!11
Joe Camel FTW!!!11
you know, it didnt feel like a season finale. sure clark is in some serious kansas poop, but it didnt have the "ONOZ!!" factor the other season finales have had..
i agree taha... and its was only an hour, give us a lil more for a season ender atleast