I disagree. While there was room in the actual gameplay to be improved, the game as a whole was pretty awesome. You see old people you'd met in previous games because that was the point. Shepard was riling up the galaxy, addressing the need to band together - and depending on how much you explored/tried, he did.mikkel wrote:
I was so sorely disappointed with this game. Half the length of the other games, and half of that was spent being herded from one pointless "Oh, hey, I know you from the other games!" encounter to the next. I suppose it was to be expected, given the developer and the publisher.
But the ending still bothers me and probably always will.
Spoiler (highlight to read):
Without the Mass Relays, everything you've done means nothing. Trillions will still die. The Krogans will die due to lack of supply/overpopulation (if you cured the genophage). The Turians and Quarians will die due to a lack of supply lines. The Asari will most likely die off. And what makes the least sense is that if the lore of the Arrival DLC is true, exploding a Mass Relay kills off the majority of the population of any system that a Mass Relay is housed. So everything is gone, everything you've done is for nothing if the Mass Relays are gone, and everything is destroyed if they are as well. It just doesn't make any sense. Not to mention there's little change in the endings themselves.
The indoctrination theory seems to be the most likely reason for the ending as is, and you have to think with just the very indication that DLC is being released that it's on the right track. And yet on the other hand, the Reaper on Rannoch seemed to be sure that regardless of what Shepard did, it was destiny that the Galaxy was going to be devoid of space-faring life regardless of the outcome. So in the end... all the choices you made, as much as it might anger you, really never did mean anything. This was meant to happen as it always had throughout the universe's billions of years of existence.
It's the first video game ending that actually has me pissed off and had me truly going back and forth, so I'll give them that. With Arkham City, I was disappointed in the ending but I didn't really care in the end. It's still easily one of my favorite series of all time.