and nothing of value would have been lostSpearhead wrote:
Seth MacFarlane would have died on 9/11 were he not late for his flight from Boston.
True story
I liked it
you*re even posting like baggs nowbugz wrote:
and nothing of value would have been lostSpearhead wrote:
Seth MacFarlane would have died on 9/11 were he not late for his flight from Boston.
True story
You know how whenever someone talented dies young people always talk about 'what could have been'? The same would have been done with Seth. The funny thing is 'what would have never been' isn't anything to write home about. I guess for some artist dying young might have been good for their legend.bugz wrote:
and nothing of value would have been lostSpearhead wrote:
Seth MacFarlane would have died on 9/11 were he not late for his flight from Boston.
True story
Maryland is home to the shortest two-digit interstate highway, I-97. It also has the longest unsigned interstate highway, I-595, which runs on part of US-50.

The world would be a better place without Family Guy, American Dad, and The Cleveland Show
bugz wrote:
The world would be a better place without Family Guy, American Dad, and The Cleveland Show
you lie, family guy is a great show
Stars man, stars.
Most are so far away that it takes millions of light years for the light to travel to earth. Because of that, by the time the light reaches us, many of the stars have already gone supernova and are gone. Some stars that we see in the sky right now have actually been gone since before the dinosaurs.
That shit blows my mind.
Most are so far away that it takes millions of light years for the light to travel to earth. Because of that, by the time the light reaches us, many of the stars have already gone supernova and are gone. Some stars that we see in the sky right now have actually been gone since before the dinosaurs.
That shit blows my mind.

Really? Family Guy is/was hilarious. Of course it gets old once it starts riding on its popularity (like South Park, and every other show, ever)bugz wrote:
The world would be a better place without Family Guy, American Dad, and The Cleveland Show
American Dad is even better in my opinion.
You think that's bad??
If you hold both arms out horizontally as if showing what your wingspan would be and measure it.
Then measure from head to toe, its the same length
Then measure from head to toe, its the same length
The 'light year' is a measure of length, not time.Eagle wrote:
it takes millions of light years for the light to travel to earth.
If a star is one light year away, it'll take light one year for that distance (at the constant speed of light in vacuum).
Poseidon wrote:
hurricane has a date tonight

3 days ago we moved one minute closer to midnight on the doomsday clock.

family guy sucks

Baba Booey
I lol at it. Also that hurri thing is the most mind blowing thing on here.
Spoiler (highlight to read):aerodynamic wrote:
They are all trannies aren't they?
Last edited by -Whiteroom- (2012-01-13 02:57:26)
aerodynamic wrote:

nope-Whiteroom- wrote:
Spoiler (highlight to read):aerodynamic wrote:
They are all trannies aren't they?

You sure?
yep-Whiteroom- wrote:
You sure?