Skruples wrote:
While I have experienced this as well, something tells me this thread isnt off to a good start. Countering a generalized personal attack from the conservatives with a generalized personal attack on them isn't going to further discussion any. Conservatives, by and large, are good people who want the best. I have met some very intelligent conservatives, and I agree with them on some issues. On the other hand, around these forums the conservatives I see are somewhat scary... they hate the liberal mindset because they've met (or maybe seen on tv) some liberals they didn't like. I've seen a few comments advocating the death of liberals, which I hope were not entirely serious but fear were meant to be taken at face value. The best I can say is ignore these people, or argue with them in a logical manner. Insulting them isn't going to help any.
It's like I said before, there are stupid conservatives and stupid liberals. It just seems like the stupid people from both sides are the most vocal.
Hey, I resemble that remark!
Seriously though....counter to Skruples experience, I have seen some scary liberal ideologues in the forums as well. Another thing to consider is that to make an attack effective, there should be truth in it. If you truly are feeling beat up upon based on your idealogical perspective and expressed views, perhaps you should re-examine them to find out where they are vulnerable.
There have been a few threads recently discussing the current U.S. economic sytem that are so easy to tear apart simply because while the ideas may sound good many don't have the breadth of experience to understand the ramifications of the ideas that they propose.
There is an old saying "If you are not liberal while you are young, you have no heart. If you are not conservative when you get older, you have no brain." Now, the great majority on this forum are extremely young and the young generally have not yet developed a skin thick enough to handle the give and take of political discourse. This is a general statement, of course to which there are a few notable exceptions.
Just as you can look back and consider foolish some of the behaviour or beliefs you held 5, 10 or 15 years ago, so it is when I look at some of the ideas presented in these forums. Do not worry though, you will age too and perhaps you too will look back on your closely held youthful ideals and smile at your own foolishness.