Seriously, a computer without internet is like gun without bullets. You can't do a whole lot with it. Unless you are editing media, a computer without internet is booring.
What is a computer without internet?
A piece of shit | 37% | 37% - 18 | ||||
A somewhat useful piece of shit | 45% | 45% - 22 | ||||
Amazing | 16% | 16% - 8 | ||||
Total: 48 |
a computer w/o internet, are you kidding, porn industry will fail and i wont know how else to keep my arm in shape
what is internet?
Yeah, I agree. I would die without t3h interweb.
yer same the internet rules
a virus free piece of shit mind you...
When my AOL internet fucked up i still wen't on my pc.I played c and c Generals,theme hospital and sim city.Oh and i drew cars on paint.
OK, actually I have to slightly change what I said there. If I had AOhell, I would be happy if the internet disappeared.
Computer without Internet = TypeWritter
A computer without the internet = gotta find another way to waste time.
What???? IMO a computer without internet is completely useless, where whould you get updates from, play single player games all the time? nawwww that ain't normal...
I'm an need for Internet on an SGI Flame or Smoke station. It really depends on the machine and what it's used for.
A company-bought Dell in a cubicle used for typing out TPS reports (did you get the memo?) NEEDS internet for the sake of the sanity of the user. A machine built to serve a certain purpose, such as an Avid or discreet editing system doesn't really need the net.
A company-bought Dell in a cubicle used for typing out TPS reports (did you get the memo?) NEEDS internet for the sake of the sanity of the user. A machine built to serve a certain purpose, such as an Avid or discreet editing system doesn't really need the net.
Is the answer to the original question : a calculator? If so what do I win?
A computer wothout the internet = going outside ...urrrgghh !
rofl... since when you all (except Marconius) have a job, or what age you have? I was working with computers for years without the internet and they were very, very usefull. You know, there was a time before the internet was reachable at every place and life was also good. In this time a computer was much more than a calculator or a type writer... What is it today? At most places a "Surfing-n-Gaming-Terminal". Poor rigs all over the world...