molly costs 2x as much per gram here $50 for a g of coke, $100 for a g of mollyUzique wrote:
b) cocaine is far more expensive than mdma.
that's insane. you can get pure crystal molly here (even pink stuff) for £40/gram. cocaine is £75-100 for a good (30%+) gram.
guess it's to do with supply. i mean me and my group have actually dealt molly by the ounce. it's not that rare here.
prolly explains why our dance/underground club scene is so much better as well. pure vibes.
guess it's to do with supply. i mean me and my group have actually dealt molly by the ounce. it's not that rare here.
prolly explains why our dance/underground club scene is so much better as well. pure vibes.
Last edited by Uzique (2011-12-27 10:26:45)
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
i've done ecstasy mixed with coke and didn't die.
do it a few more times

i wish i had some molly then i would love bf3
At the time when my friends were doing X non-stop for like a whole month, they were getting it for $10 a pill if that means anything. I don't think coke is the primary thing they use with diluting it, I'm pretty sure it's usually something else but I just can't remember. My friends have told me you can definitely tell when you were unlucky enough take one that had coke in it though
Here's all the different combinations:
Looks like caffeine is the most common one
Here's all the different combinations:
Looks like caffeine is the most common one
it makes no sense to me why people would mix mdma with coke. mixing a drug (i.e. scamming your buyer) with another drug makes no sense. what you want to do is mix it with something that gives the exact same effect (or side effect) that is legal and cheap to buy in bulk. e.g. cocaine dealers cutting coke with baking powder, cause it tastes the same and also has alkaline in it that makes your gums numb (the effect 'good' coke has). cutting pills with caffeine is very common, as is cutting them with all sorts of heavy vitamins to give you a tough shit... which is what good md does. caffeine also gives you a bit of a rush and a sweat, like mdma does. cutting md with coke? doesn't make any sense. buying a gram of each and taking them together, however...
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Yeah, I don't know, you'd have to ask all these hood dealers in my county to figure out their logic/pricing, lol
I'll stick to weed, thanks... Kind of always wanted to try acid or something like that until I heard the effects last for something like 8+ hours. Not really sure I could handle that.
the time it actually lasts is irrelevant because your brain loses all sense of time
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Cutting the pills is done on the manufacturing level, not on the street level._j5689_ wrote:
Yeah, I don't know, you'd have to ask all these hood dealers in my county to figure out their logic/pricing, lol
The actual high for LSD and mushrooms is only like 5 hours if you're taking a normal amount (1-2 hits or an 1/8oz). The rest is more or less your mind and body coming down from the intense high.

isn't that what they did in the wire, cutting the coke with heroin or some shit so people would be more addicted to their particular product?

i don't remember anyone ever selling cocaine on the wire. it was all about heroin.
Last edited by Uzique (2011-12-27 15:09:41)
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
then it was heroin mixed with some other shit IIRC

all i remember about the wire's drugs in particular was that the gangs fought over the best product, not the shittest.... good heroin = your junkies will come back for more. bad shit = bodies.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
this makes me want to try heroin
maybe i'll catch the dragon
i wanna talk to sampson
Tu Stultus Es
fly me to the moon
hehgurdeep wrote:
Last edited by 13urnzz (2011-12-28 15:32:36)
whys that rick