i'm doing about 5,000-6,000 words a module (4 modules per term) with a final dissertation of 15,000-20,000 words. no graphs or space consuming elements. so yeah that's all i'm talking about, really. the vast amounts of ultra-super-quad-flavour 'formal' writing that  you have to do in the non-maths/science academic subjects. and - for better or for worse - your quality of english and written tone do count at least for a tiny part of your mark. which i think is fair. if you're 22 and you're researching hardcore academic subjects, you should have a grasp of the written sentence. imho. though it seems to me (and no offence intended...) that good writing skills are sorely missing for many people. like i said it's not the end of the world, just it doesn't need some elaborate "i'm a quaker so i just avoid that stuff" excuse. to be honest being able to write fancily doesn't count for shit unless you're going to be a freelance writer or a journo.

Last edited by Uzique (2011-12-23 19:41:47)

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX
I've worked with enough people who can't construct a clear and unambiguous sentence.....
Fuck Israel

Jay wrote:

It doesn't count when half the pages are diagrams and photos
I'd say not being able to communicate properly can hurt just about any field of science. Yet mostly, it's not what people write that hurts to's the layout: how they write it and where it's put.
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
I'm not too sure but I think there is no afterlife in Judaism.

Last edited by Superior Mind (2011-12-24 07:41:47)


Superior Mind wrote:

I'm not too sure but I think there is no afterlife in Judaism.
What is the point of being a 'good jew' then?
plundering yee booty
+510|5793|Ventura, California

pirana6 wrote:

edit: crap sorry didn't see this was DST. Well mods can remove it if they so desire.
I dislike those "Christians" they give us others a bad name. Always going around telling people how better they are than you, and twisting Scripture to try and insult you or tell you what you're doing wrong. Oh and attempt to soul-win via the "You're going to hell, faggot." approach.
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
eleven bravo
+1,399|5578|foggy bottom
youre going to hell, faggot
Tu Stultus Es

Shifty stop trolling
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5803|Bolingbrook, Illinois

-Sh1fty- wrote:

pirana6 wrote:

edit: crap sorry didn't see this was DST. Well mods can remove it if they so desire.
I dislike those "Christians" they give us others a bad name. Always going around telling people how better they are than you, and twisting Scripture to try and insult you or tell you what you're doing wrong. Oh and attempt to soul-win via the "You're going to hell, faggot." approach.
uh, you're the type of person who gives theists a bad name
plundering yee booty
+510|5793|Ventura, California
How so Haibai?
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5803|Bolingbrook, Illinois
"evolution is fake im an idiot herpdep"

Macbeth wrote:

Shifty stop trolling
Why are you feeding him Haibai?
plundering yee booty
+510|5793|Ventura, California
Christians, or at least the non-fake ones, should believe evolution isn't real because there's a genealogy from Adam to Jesus written in the Bible. By adding up the ages between births you can get an good idea withing a hundred or so years between Adam and Jesus. If the earth is ~6000-7000 years old, why would I believe in evolution? So I read articles online and in magazines that discuss why evolution isn't possible and I share them with you guys here.

That's in no way a "bad Christian." I have no idea how you could possibly think I'm being unreasonable. I thought you were a Christian yourself or something.

If I'm a bad example of a Christian because I don't believe in evolution and I share my thoughts here than evolutions are also bad evolutionists because they say "Creationism is fake derphep". That's your logic apparently.

Last edited by -Sh1fty- (2011-12-24 11:19:41)

And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
+572|6978|BC, Canada
Do you honestly believe thr world os that young?
+2,382|6997|The North, beyond the wall.

-Whiteroom- wrote:

Do you honestly believe thr world os that young?
meet shifty.
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5803|Bolingbrook, Illinois

-Sh1fty- wrote:

Christians, or at least the non-fake ones, should believe evolution isn't real because there's a genealogy from Adam to Jesus written in the Bible. By adding up the ages between births you can get an good idea withing a hundred or so years between Adam and Jesus. If the earth is ~6000-7000 years old, why would I believe in evolution? So I read articles online and in magazines that discuss why evolution isn't possible and I share them with you guys here.
maybe because the bible isn't a work of science?  the bible is a letter of love from God to his people.  the fact that you think the bible contains geneology is laughable.  the entire bible is filled with symbolism so i have no idea why you take everything word for word like a retard.

-Sh1fty- wrote:

That's in no way a "bad Christian." I have no idea how you could possibly think I'm being unreasonable. I thought you were a Christian yourself or something.
because when you run around claming that evolution is false and then use the bible as an argument for it, you make christianity look bad.  if you don't want to believe in evolution, that's fine, you're an idiot.  but when you bring out the bible, you just make anyone who follows the bible look bad.

-Sh1fty- wrote:

If I'm a bad example of a Christian because I don't believe in evolution and I share my thoughts here than evolutions are also bad evolutionists because they say "Creationism is fake derphep". That's your logic apparently.
thats not my logic at all.  learn to write english because i have no idea what you're trying to say.

Last edited by HaiBai (2011-12-24 11:32:51)

+572|6978|BC, Canada
It does make christianity look bad. I'm not sure if its just a bad regurgitation of seemingly valid arguments, but it does make me think less of the religion as a whole.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5677|London, England
I don't mind Christianity or Christians at all. Pleasant people for the most part. The only aspect I have a problem with are the people that believe in creationism. Intelligent design arguments don't even bother me (though I wouldn't want it taught to my children). Just creationism.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5803|Bolingbrook, Illinois
i also wish they kept religion out of politics, school, and parents let their kids decide on their own what they want to do because it makes it seem like we're all crazy idiots who want to force our beliefs on others.  i don't care what the person next to me believes in.  yet for some reason, the entire forum likes to bash and make fun of me for my beliefs?  it's complete bullshit

HaiBai wrote:

i also wish they kept religion out of politics, school, and parents let their kids decide on their own what they want to do because it makes it seem like we're all crazy idiots who want to force our beliefs on others.  i don't care what the person next to me believes in.  yet for some reason, the entire forum likes to bash and make fun of me for my beliefs?  it's complete bullshit
I don't take part in it and I have even defended you at times but when it comes to stuff like abortion and gay marriage you do let your religion bleed into your public policy stances
plundering yee booty
+510|5793|Ventura, California

HaiBai wrote:

-Sh1fty- wrote:

Christians, or at least the non-fake ones, should believe evolution isn't real because there's a genealogy from Adam to Jesus written in the Bible. By adding up the ages between births you can get an good idea withing a hundred or so years between Adam and Jesus. If the earth is ~6000-7000 years old, why would I believe in evolution? So I read articles online and in magazines that discuss why evolution isn't possible and I share them with you guys here.
maybe because the bible isn't a work of science?  the bible is a letter of love from God to his people.  the fact that you think the bible contains geneology is laughable.  the entire bible is filled with symbolism so i have no idea why you take everything word for word like a retard.

-Sh1fty- wrote:

That's in no way a "bad Christian." I have no idea how you could possibly think I'm being unreasonable. I thought you were a Christian yourself or something.
because when you run around claming that evolution is false and then use the bible as an argument for it, you make christianity look bad.  if you don't want to believe in evolution, that's fine, you're an idiot.  but when you bring out the bible, you just make anyone who follows the bible look bad.

-Sh1fty- wrote:

If I'm a bad example of a Christian because I don't believe in evolution and I share my thoughts here than evolutions are also bad evolutionists because they say "Creationism is fake derphep". That's your logic apparently.
thats not my logic at all.  learn to write english because i have no idea what you're trying to say.
A) It does contain Geneology. I have my KJV (only proper translation, but I won't argue about why here) and lets check out Genesis. Genesis chapter 5 has the ages down to the year from Adam to Noah. With the names of each person, the years they lived, the year of age they had their next kid who also had the former details listed. That's a genealogy. Generations of Shem, one of Noah's sons, starting at Genesis 11:10 and going till 27 with the generations of Terah till chapter 12. I could go on and on but that's enough to prove my point. The Bible is to be taken literally, if not I don't want to have to imagine how fouled up people are spiritually who don't take it literally.

B) I've brought up many scientific facts over the years and mentioned many very well educated Christians and shown their proof of Creation. So I don't know why you're saying I only bring up the Bible.

C) You said I was a 'fake christian' or a 'bad example of one' (along those lines) because I claimed evolution wasn't true with your "Evolution is fake herpderp" comment, I'm saying I could say the same for evolutionists saying "Creationism is fake herpderp".

Bring up an argument, not a personal insult. That will get you a lot further in a debate.
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.

Second time you brought up the KJV and refused to debate or even explain why that version is the only one that matters. Please enlighten us.

Shit I got trolled

Last edited by Macbeth (2011-12-24 11:49:05)


Holy hell ipads suck cock for writing
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5803|Bolingbrook, Illinois

Macbeth wrote:

HaiBai wrote:

i also wish they kept religion out of politics, school, and parents let their kids decide on their own what they want to do because it makes it seem like we're all crazy idiots who want to force our beliefs on others.  i don't care what the person next to me believes in.  yet for some reason, the entire forum likes to bash and make fun of me for my beliefs?  it's complete bullshit
I don't take part in it and I have even defended you at times but when it comes to stuff like abortion and gay marriage you do let your religion bleed into your public policy stances
maybe...  i think i've changed a bit.  i feel that everyone should do whatever the fuck they want.

do i still think abortion and homosexuality is wrong?  of course.  but do i care what other people do?  no.

Spoiler (highlight to read):
sort of anyway...  i still think somebody needs to stand up for those that are victims of abortions and homosexuality.  dunno, still in a figuring out phase about this stuff

also, it's not like i think that homosexulaity and abortion are wrong because the church tells me that it's wrong.  they're my own personal beliefs that coincide with what the church believes in.

just because someone is a democrat doesn't mean he needs to believe in stricter gun control, but he may do so anyway.  is it because he's a democrat?  no, it's because it's his own personal belief that just happens to agree with the democratic party.
plundering yee booty
+510|5793|Ventura, California
Short story, KJV comes from the original (but recopied because goat skin doesn't last forever) greek and hebrew texts, as opposed to the alexandrian and other garbage the vulgate and others were made from. KJV also was translated by hundreds of people, and they pretty much all had to agree, etc.

NIV, ESV, etc. are all derived from the KJV, they remove scripture as well, or change a word here or there that is crucial which can change a lot of the meaning of a verse.

Here's something to ponder upon.

Revelation 21:19:

"And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and [from] the things which are written in this book."

Basically changing verses in the Bible or whatnot is a no-no.
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.

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