i'm not an RPG guy in any sense of the word. I picked up this game on my brother's recommendation and all the hype behind it. No game is going to be flawless - there's been a few parts where i've been stuck in some digital quicksand and it's frustrating, but overall I don't really have complaints in that regard. The game has never crashed on me.Uzique wrote:
skyrim, polished? mine kept crashing whenever i tried to return some quests in the very first instanced-city. also the interface sucks balls and the texture work could have been done by a 6 year old with a crayon set. polished? ok. i guess you rpg geeks are into games that crash every 15 minutes, or else you enjoy using the console all the time to circumvent game-breaking flaws.
I have it on PC. I pretty much only play sports games on console.