As noted here: … 777469044/ the coop score requirements have been dropped quite dramatically. I went from 1/7 guns to 5/7 unlocked. (Now I just have to update the stats pages...)
Challenge accepted.
Oh wai...
Oh wai...
Yay, no more grinding the same levels for guns!
Might give it a try now.

2 hours and 34 minutes and not a single butthurt post from someone that spent the time grinding them? :3
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
Especially if the invite a friend option works on ps3 now.west-phoenix-az wrote:
Might give it a try now.
The Bomb fudging trick pretty much reduced the grinding required. Besides, the G3 isn't worth it anymore.FloppY_ wrote:
2 hours and 34 minutes and not a single butthurt post from someone that spent the time grinding them? :3
I ran through all the missions once each on easy and I have almost every weapon
gg dice
gg dice

MeFloppY_ wrote:
2 hours and 34 minutes and not a single butthurt post from someone that spent the time grinding them? :3
I spent 6-7 hours grinding for that shit like a week after release.

all fo' free fo' me

I'm quite butthurt that I spent probably 4+ hours playing those damn missions, however it was quite nice to have the G3A3 when nobody else did.FloppY_ wrote:
2 hours and 34 minutes and not a single butthurt post from someone that spent the time grinding them? :3
I'm not butthurt because I don't give a fuck.
you give a little fuck

matty you should play with me when i get it kmtb0minime wrote:
I'm not butthurt because I don't give a fuck.

might have been a good idea to have warm-up missions for the vehicles or something
give basic unlocks like flares for completing a singleplayer mission that teaches you the basics instead of throwing players in the deep end while denying them basic stuff they need to get by
give basic unlocks like flares for completing a singleplayer mission that teaches you the basics instead of throwing players in the deep end while denying them basic stuff they need to get by

not very butthurt , grinded the last mission with pub noobs who raged when I always died at the "defuse bomb" section stopped when I get the m93 or m39 , but anyways played some with a friend , found out the ssg is too weak , and now I got the g3 wich absolutely rapes at HC (only tried it on HC) just can't wait to get 6x and bipod
Co-op needs more missions like the helicopter mission. It was a good chance to fly around in a small free-roaming area and play with some of the gunner unlocks as well (vehicle locks, thermal vision).
Every other mission is just shooting pairs of enemies at the same time.
Every other mission is just shooting pairs of enemies at the same time.
Yeah, really needs a non-rails jet co-op mission.
Funny thing about that helicopter mission. I'm a demon when playing that mission, rocketing with ease, and doing crazy flying, barnstorming and hugging the trees. But come MP, I don't fly with such abandon and end up getting shot down or crashing sooner.
Funny thing about that helicopter mission. I'm a demon when playing that mission, rocketing with ease, and doing crazy flying, barnstorming and hugging the trees. But come MP, I don't fly with such abandon and end up getting shot down or crashing sooner.
One of the reasons I'm not risking myself in a jet, along with the fact that I'd probably crash itLucien wrote:
might have been a good idea to have warm-up missions for the vehicles or something
give basic unlocks like flares for completing a singleplayer mission that teaches you the basics instead of throwing players in the deep end while denying them basic stuff they need to get by
yay, I now have all the unlocks, when I basically said "fuck it"
plus I knew they were gonna pull this shit anyway.
plus I knew they were gonna pull this shit anyway.
still not playing gay-op
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
yes indeed. One of my biggest gripes with vehicle combat, especially air - you start at a disadvantage.Lucien wrote:
might have been a good idea to have warm-up missions for the vehicles or something
give basic unlocks like flares for completing a singleplayer mission that teaches you the basics instead of throwing players in the deep end while denying them basic stuff they need to get by