Take one step and take ten steps back seems the to be the DICE patch dev teams motto.
Still no TV missile hitreg fix, sigh.
Seems like after third patch I'll stop to play this game. After all this shit will end up same like BF2.
Lol?legionair wrote:
Seems like after third patch I'll stop to play this game. After all this shit will end up same like BF2.
I just refer to the opinion of many, that DICE's tweaking and fixing means fucking up. After a while there will be IO servers and no fun to play.BabySpinach wrote:
Lol?legionair wrote:
Seems like after third patch I'll stop to play this game. After all this shit will end up same like BF2.
He has a point. Bf2 did turn into a io shitfest.
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
only if you chose to play on IO servers
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Isn't the fact that mines stay around for a LONG ASS time half the point?
...yeah, yeah, game play balance and all that.
That's probably a good balance item, so Engineers won't be quite so overpowered on vehicle maps.
...yeah, yeah, game play balance and all that.
That's probably a good balance item, so Engineers won't be quite so overpowered on vehicle maps.
True, but with BF2 they made the mistake to give in to the constantly whining fools and added the I/O mode without a second thought.UnkleRukus wrote:
He has a point. Bf2 did turn into a io shitfest.
Simply stripping any and all vehicles from the BF2 gameplay doesn't work.
This time around, they left in transport vehicles and even transport helis.
The only reason people hated on IO was because most servers ran 24/7 Karkand. Hear is the kicker: if they didn't come out with IO those same servers would still have ran 24/7 Karkand.
At this point, I wouldn't mind going back to bf2.
At this point, I wouldn't mind going back to bf2.
IO is great its essentially the same thing on city maps with 1 vehicle without that 1 vehicle that can rape everything distracting from the Infantry action.
<3 my xbox
I don't get any of these gay gamebreaking patches that DICE just makes the game worse with at each update.
I don't get any of these gay gamebreaking patches that DICE just makes the game worse with at each update.
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
Definately worth the lack of 60fps, 1080p, better graphics, more players, better controls, better online gameplay... etc. Etc. Et cetera-Sh1fty- wrote:
<3 my xbox
I don't get any of these gay gamebreaking patches that DICE just makes the game worse with at each update.
for a fatty you're a serious intellectual lightweight.
Yeah that thing is a joke. You have to aim ahead of every thing you shoot at due to the TV missile lagging 10 seconds behind.Sturgeon wrote:
Jebus wrote:
Still no TV missile hitreg fix, sigh.
Good.Reduced the damage done to Armored Vehicles and Infantry from AA guns.
Increased the damage RPGs and Tank shells do to AA vehicles.
Good. Might add some depth to the guns.Slightly decreased the accuracy for all weapons on fully automatic, burst fire is now preferable at mid to long range.
Also good.Slightly Increased the power of Fighter Jet Cannons against all vehicle targets, especially Helicopters.
Hmm. Well this all depends on just how much these things have been changed.Increased the power of Stingers against Jets.
Flares reload times for Jets and Helicopter Gunners have been increased.
Going from the list alone I think it looks like a pretty decent patch. It nerfs the IRNV, mortar and flashlight which gets it points straight away. The jet balancing is hard to judge without the values that have been changed.
I just bounce it into the ground a few metres infront of vehicles, given up on hitting choppers with it though, most times it goes straight through, but sometimes it will hit them and send the tv at a 90 degree angle somewhere and do no damage, so frustrating.Jimbob23 wrote:
Yeah that thing is a joke. You have to aim ahead of every thing you shoot at due to the TV missile lagging 10 seconds behind.Sturgeon wrote:
Jebus wrote:
Still no TV missile hitreg fix, sigh.
If you miss a chopper there's no way to switch back to the cannon either, you have to wait until it goes out of range, so fucking annoying when you could be nailing the chopper with your cannon and you're just helpless for 5-10 seconds.
think the patch looks pretty good... on paper.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
~ Richard Feynman
Protips:Sturgeon wrote:
I just bounce it into the ground a few metres infront of vehicles, given up on hitting choppers with it though, most times it goes straight through, but sometimes it will hit them and send the tv at a 90 degree angle somewhere and do no damage, so frustrating.Jimbob23 wrote:
Yeah that thing is a joke. You have to aim ahead of every thing you shoot at due to the TV missile lagging 10 seconds behind.Sturgeon wrote:
If you miss a chopper there's no way to switch back to the cannon either, you have to wait until it goes out of range, so fucking annoying when you could be nailing the chopper with your cannon and you're just helpless for 5-10 seconds.
-If you miss; go for the nearest object and collide your rocket with it (usually the ground). Saved my butt a few times.
-I'm actually getting the hang of shooting down choppers with the TV missile now.. You just have to think that the camera feed is showing where the rocket will be 2 seconds later.
I know, I normally go for the ground, but sometimes the tv missile has a shitfit and will get rebounded towards space and you just have to wait until the range runs out, very annoying.Jebus wrote:
Protips:Sturgeon wrote:
I just bounce it into the ground a few metres infront of vehicles, given up on hitting choppers with it though, most times it goes straight through, but sometimes it will hit them and send the tv at a 90 degree angle somewhere and do no damage, so frustrating.Jimbob23 wrote:
Yeah that thing is a joke. You have to aim ahead of every thing you shoot at due to the TV missile lagging 10 seconds behind.
If you miss a chopper there's no way to switch back to the cannon either, you have to wait until it goes out of range, so fucking annoying when you could be nailing the chopper with your cannon and you're just helpless for 5-10 seconds.
-If you miss; go for the nearest object and collide your rocket with it (usually the ground). Saved my butt a few times.
-I'm actually getting the hang of shooting down choppers with the TV missile now.. You just have to think that the camera feed is showing where the rocket will be 2 seconds later.
I shot down a few choppers earlier with it, starting to get the hang of it now, it's very temperamental though
did they nerf AA yet
cause AAs overpowered
cause AAs overpowered

Static AA is buffed to fuck. I'll be coming in on some missle run like 500metres away from it and I'll be down to 65% and wondering what the fuck went on.
Then I insult them over chat because people that fester in those things are fucking cretins.
Then I insult them over chat because people that fester in those things are fucking cretins.
As long as they fix the Javelin, im happy!
TV missiles > static AAjord wrote:
Static AA is buffed to fuck. I'll be coming in on some missle run like 500metres away from it and I'll be down to 65% and wondering what the fuck went on.
Then I insult them over chat because people that fester in those things are fucking cretins.