sorry for two replys but i just found this while looking around!
"Sony, you broke our hearts. Before the press conference, a lot of people thought that this could be the year that Sony placed so much distance between itself and its competitors that they'd automatically be declared the next-gen winner. Instead, the conference cast a ton of doubt on just about everything. From the extreme boredom that set in when the Gran Turismo HD demo ran too long to showing lackluster titles at their press conference, Sony let the momentum they built up from last year literally fade away. No Killzone or Devil May Cry (and no apology to their absence) had people scratching their heads, while other viewers couldn't get over the wii-tarded demonstration of the "additional" motion sensing controller, which seemed to borrow just about everything from Sony's competition (while killing vibration at the same time).
The price of the console gave lots of players around the world a heart attack as they tried to figure out how they could pay down for it come this November. Plus, the discovery of the 20 gig system missing key hardware features turned the dual price point argument into a point of ridicule for many supporters of the platform. Not the best start to the 2006 show by any means."
its from and if your guys are interested in more detail bout the hardware, or lack of it, then i posted a link earlier on in this topic, last page i think!
"Sony, you broke our hearts. Before the press conference, a lot of people thought that this could be the year that Sony placed so much distance between itself and its competitors that they'd automatically be declared the next-gen winner. Instead, the conference cast a ton of doubt on just about everything. From the extreme boredom that set in when the Gran Turismo HD demo ran too long to showing lackluster titles at their press conference, Sony let the momentum they built up from last year literally fade away. No Killzone or Devil May Cry (and no apology to their absence) had people scratching their heads, while other viewers couldn't get over the wii-tarded demonstration of the "additional" motion sensing controller, which seemed to borrow just about everything from Sony's competition (while killing vibration at the same time).
The price of the console gave lots of players around the world a heart attack as they tried to figure out how they could pay down for it come this November. Plus, the discovery of the 20 gig system missing key hardware features turned the dual price point argument into a point of ridicule for many supporters of the platform. Not the best start to the 2006 show by any means."
its from and if your guys are interested in more detail bout the hardware, or lack of it, then i posted a link earlier on in this topic, last page i think!
Last edited by The_Movielife (2006-05-21 04:07:40)