Time is money, young padawan.
I'm probably going to change it up to regen sigs more often.
So it wasn't a fookup of mine in the sig setups?
There are some caching issues with sigs that I need to resolve which cause the image to not look updated, so yeah.
it always comes down to cash . . .
Worked nicely, thanks
Can you please have an option to add a progress bar showing % left to rank?
pid, 174595309 size, 400, 30 box,0,0,400,30,000000 image, 0, 0, http://i1206.photobucket.com/albums/bb443/jskilnyk/BattleField%203/Sig.png font, 4990810 fontcolor, C0C0C0 fontsize, 18 fontaa, on text, 7, 4,{{ranknum}} font, 4990810 fontcolor, 00cc00 fontsize, 12 fontaa, on text, 40, 2,{{name}} font, verdana-bold fontaa, on fontsize, 6 fontcolor, cccccc text, 40, 20,KDR: {{kdr}} text, 100, 3,Accu: {{accuracy}}% text, 100, 12,Kills: {{kills}} text, 100, 21,Deaths: {{deaths}} text, 180, 3,Skill: {{skill}} text, 180, 12,SPM: {{spm}} text, 180, 21,L. HS: {{longest_hs}}M text, 275, 3,Sccore: {{score}} text, 275, 12,Time: {{timeplayed}} text, 275, 21,W/L: {{wlr}}
Chuy you gotta add a progress bar option and a number indicating what Colonel prestige a player is at instead of me having to manually add in a graphic every time I rank up.
just some suggestions
just some suggestions
Just noticed that the last battlelog update change the stats format and now the medals and ribbons are all wrong.
Looks like they reformatted the json so they can give the extra info in battlelog like the pop-ups on the medals to give the details of the requirements.
I looked and couldn't see it mentioned anywhere else, sorry if its a repeat.
Looks like they reformatted the json so they can give the extra info in battlelog like the pop-ups on the medals to give the details of the requirements.
I looked and couldn't see it mentioned anywhere else, sorry if its a repeat.
It was elsewhere, but in any case: http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?id=145046