Capt. Foley wrote:
WHAT THE FUCK is wrong with goths and skaters your prepy shit.
But yea, fuck emos.
Goth's IMO, are TWICE as bad as Emo's and they've been around for TWICE as long as Emo's. If you want to wear black, worship the devil, read Anne Rice and shove the fact down EVERYONE'S throat to make yourselves look "unique" or "mysterious" then I hope you get your ass mauled by a fucking werewolf or vampire or whatever bullshit you morons read. I've worked with quite a few "Gothic" people and all I can say is that they were all definitely, without a doubt, the biggest dipshits I have ever met. Also, most sport around a trendy emo haircut now a days too, which kinda defeats the whole purpose of BEING A DAMNED GOTHIC. Idiots.
Skaters....I can tolerate to an extent. I have a few "casual" friends that are quote, un quote, skaters. Nice people until they start trying to take me to Hurley stores and telling me that I need to "Try on these dope DC shoes man, and when you put them on, don't tie your shoelaces". FUCK YOU, my mom taught me how to tie my shoelaces when I was three for a I wouldn't bust my face on the concrete, but it tends to be the exact nature of their existence, busting their faces on concrete over and over again for no purpose. I swear to GOD if another person tries to pony off an old AFI cd to try and get me "hooked" I'm gonna rip out their fucking heart and eat it. Also, not one single "sk8er" person I know has a job that amounts to anything more than fast food, and they don't care. Which is sad. A guy I went to high school with who is about 23 now, still works at Wendy's and goes to the skate park to hang out with his 15 and 16 year old friends. Losers.
As for you, I take it you fall under the "skater" category, because you can't even spell "preppy" right. It's usually skaters who speak out against other "cliques", the Goth's usually sit in the corner and sulk, but at least their minding their own business. Until they try to sell me a Satanic Bible AGAIN. But maybe I'm wrong, either way your still a fag.
Myself, I fall under the "I am me" category. I don't buy in to these stupid and idiotic fads and trends, I don't run with a clique, I don't buy this or that because it's endorsed by so and so. I have two pair of jeans that I wear, when I'm not wearing work slacks, and they are a pair of Lucky's and a pair of Levi's. I usually wear a button up short or long sleeve shirt that I got from.....wherever and a pair of Cochran Marauder combat boots because they are the most comfortable damn shoes I have ever had. To call me preppy is probably the dumbest thing that can come out of a persons mouth.