the way i sees it is this: play it, forget it, play it, forget it. I simply cannot be fucked to buy BF3 and stand a chance of being disappointed, BF2 was too special for that, too many good times and to expect those again is simply too much.
Looks like people are complaining about lag on console again.

I enjoy reading the "reviews" every time the new CoD title rolls out in time for the holidays.
You can almost hear the soft rustling of cash falling gently around the reviewers as they lick Activisions toes.
"Exactly the same as the last one, but SOMEHOW BETTER IN EVERY WAY! The MUST-HAVE game of the year! Genre DEFINING!"
After one of the last couple titles were released, it was amazing how much disparity there was between the initial day-of-release reviews (ahem, paid-for "reviews") and reviews that came out a little while later. Some of the latter actually gave scores in the 7 and 8 out of 10 range, and cited the very obvious flaws and rehashing going on.
Of course they don't want to bite the hand that feeds them, but it's discomforting to know that you can't even trust people to be honest about shit that's as unimportant as video games, when the almighty dollar rests in the balance.
You can almost hear the soft rustling of cash falling gently around the reviewers as they lick Activisions toes.
"Exactly the same as the last one, but SOMEHOW BETTER IN EVERY WAY! The MUST-HAVE game of the year! Genre DEFINING!"
After one of the last couple titles were released, it was amazing how much disparity there was between the initial day-of-release reviews (ahem, paid-for "reviews") and reviews that came out a little while later. Some of the latter actually gave scores in the 7 and 8 out of 10 range, and cited the very obvious flaws and rehashing going on.
Of course they don't want to bite the hand that feeds them, but it's discomforting to know that you can't even trust people to be honest about shit that's as unimportant as video games, when the almighty dollar rests in the balance.

I agree with what you said 100%, basically everyone has paid 40 odd quid for new maps. But forgive me if i'm wrong, but isn't that basically what a lot of people wanted BF3 to be? Slightly updated but same feel?-CARNIFEX-[LOC] wrote:
I enjoy reading the "reviews" every time the new CoD title rolls out in time for the holidays.
You can almost hear the soft rustling of cash falling gently around the reviewers as they lick Activisions toes.
"Exactly the same as the last one, but SOMEHOW BETTER IN EVERY WAY! The MUST-HAVE game of the year! Genre DEFINING!"
After one of the last couple titles were released, it was amazing how much disparity there was between the initial day-of-release reviews (ahem, paid-for "reviews") and reviews that came out a little while later. Some of the latter actually gave scores in the 7 and 8 out of 10 range, and cited the very obvious flaws and rehashing going on.
Of course they don't want to bite the hand that feeds them, but it's discomforting to know that you can't even trust people to be honest about shit that's as unimportant as video games, when the almighty dollar rests in the balance.
i'm a whore too baggs
wat is your steam?Toilet Sex wrote:
i'm a whore too baggs
Paid reviews tbhNaturn wrote:
I don't understand. A lot of the review articles are saying "Its just like MW2." But, yet they give it a 9 out of 10. Where is the creativity and shit? I thought it was in a developers best interest to innovate to set them apart from everyone else in his/hers industry.
A person claiming to be a reviewer on IGN posted on 4chan that his editor demanded a 9/10 review nomatter what the reviewer thought of the game....
Obviously no way to prove it was a reviewer but it was written convincingly....
Last edited by FloppY_ (2011-11-08 10:03:51)
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
It doesn't even have to be direct payment. By controlling who gets access to "sneak peaks" and the like, they (Activision) can directly affect the amount of web hits those sites will get, how many copies of magazines will be bought, etc...which translates into revenue for the media outlet and potential sales increases for the developer/distributor.FloppY_ wrote:
Paid reviews tbhNaturn wrote:
I don't understand. A lot of the review articles are saying "Its just like MW2." But, yet they give it a 9 out of 10. Where is the creativity and shit? I thought it was in a developers best interest to innovate to set them apart from everyone else in his/hers industry.
A person claiming to be a reviewer on IGN posted on 4chan that his editor demanded a 9/10 review nomatter what the reviewer thought of the game....
Obviously no way to prove it was a reviewer but it was written convincingly....
I'm not an economics whiz by any stretch of the imagination, but it's not hard to see how it's mutually beneficial for them to cozy up and gloss over any faults in the product.
And yet, sheeple continue to buy into it. And so the cycle continues...

True, Square Enix did that with Deus Ex Human Revolution, only giving it to reviewers before release if they agreed to give it at least a 9/10 score...-CARNIFEX-[LOC] wrote:
It doesn't even have to be direct payment. By controlling who gets access to "sneak peaks" and the like, they (Activision) can directly affect the amount of web hits those sites will get, how many copies of magazines will be bought, etc...which translates into revenue for the media outlet and potential sales increases for the developer/distributor.FloppY_ wrote:
Paid reviews tbhNaturn wrote:
I don't understand. A lot of the review articles are saying "Its just like MW2." But, yet they give it a 9 out of 10. Where is the creativity and shit? I thought it was in a developers best interest to innovate to set them apart from everyone else in his/hers industry.
A person claiming to be a reviewer on IGN posted on 4chan that his editor demanded a 9/10 review nomatter what the reviewer thought of the game....
Obviously no way to prove it was a reviewer but it was written convincingly....
I'm not an economics whiz by any stretch of the imagination, but it's not hard to see how it's mutually beneficial for them to cozy up and gloss over any faults in the product.
And yet, sheeple continue to buy into it. And so the cycle continues...
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
Did they have the option to not publish their review if they didn't rate it a 9-10?FloppY_ wrote:
True, Square Enix did that with Deus Ex Human Revolution, only giving it to reviewers before release if they agreed to give it at least a 9/10 score... … 3#p3465073FloppY_ wrote:
A person claiming to be a reviewer on IGN posted on 4chan
4chan posts by people claiming to be games industry insiders are 100% legit yo!
PS3baggs wrote:
wat is your steam?Toilet Sex wrote:
i'm a whore too baggs
lol userscores … -warfare-3 … -warfare-3 … -warfare-3 … -warfare-3 … -warfare-3 … -warfare-3
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
It really is about the economy.
Every one of you who buys this rehashed bullshit is guilty by association of ruining the Battlefield series. Just so you all know.
My 7 year old will love it, TBH. He actually goes for the objectives, capping flags and arming bombs. He'll finally get rewarded for his playstyle.Spearhead wrote:
Every one of you who buys this rehashed bullshit is guilty by association of ruining the Battlefield series. Just so you all know.
sickSpearhead wrote:
Every one of you who buys this rehashed bullshit is guilty by association of ruining the Battlefield series. Just so you all know.
Letting a 7 year old play a mature rated multiplayer game
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
my sister plays it, she's 12

I don't know whether that's wrong because they might grow up thinking they like the series and look back on mw3 with nostalgia.
Or a good thing in that when they play a real quality game they'll appreciate it so much more.
Or a good thing in that when they play a real quality game they'll appreciate it so much more.
tears itt
Pixel violence. Meh.FloppY_ wrote:
Letting a 7 year old play a mature rated multiplayer game
I would be pissed if i paid 45 quid for it, but I only paid 25.
for a fatty you're a serious intellectual lightweight.
i paid 39.99