
When you don't have mortars yourself, and the 2 enemy mortars are behind the map boundary there's nothing you can do. If you stop in the same spot for more than 2 or 3 seconds, you die, if you don't stop, you die from small arms fire.Uzique wrote:
no i have never crossed a "competent mortar team". you know why? BECAUSE THEY'RE STOOD STILL AT THE BACK OF THE MAP. there are 101 ways to get around to killing them and ending their shitty little barrage; or, failing that (in the case of rush), you can just go mortar yourself and play point-and-click-adventure-games with their pretty little mortar icons on the map. then they're dead and gone, and you can advance. SUPER TUFF HI SKILL TACTICOOL PLAY, TROOPER!
No, stop being silly, have you ever even played with a mortar?thepilot91 wrote:
yeah the unlimeted ammo is a terrible mistake , wasn't it limited in the beta?
give them like 3-4 rounds or something...
and also I think atleast the tank and apc's main weapons should have limited ammo , support has not much of a "ammo" role in bf3 exept giving ammo to the nadespammers and themselves
Last edited by Adams_BJ (2011-11-07 17:30:33)
I didn't even bother reading it all, because you seem to be totally blind...(no I haven't played mortar) but I'm not crying that I'm not getting kills as a mortarfaggot am I?Adams_BJ wrote:
No, stop being silly, have you ever even played with a mortar?thepilot91 wrote:
yeah the unlimeted ammo is a terrible mistake , wasn't it limited in the beta?
give them like 3-4 rounds or something...
and also I think atleast the tank and apc's main weapons should have limited ammo , support has not much of a "ammo" role in bf3 exept giving ammo to the nadespammers and themselves
I think I am the most qualified guy her to talk about mortars (lol! xD so randum!) as any of the AU guys will attest to. I have my mortar medal, and I wear my proficiency dogtag will trolling pride.
I have 320 kills with the mortar, and I can tell you that limiting the ammo to ANY number is just retarded. I would have probably dropped 2-3 thousand mortars to get those 320 kills. I have had guys spotting for me, saw my mortar land not even 3 feet away from the guy (he was at full health) and no kill. They then he was killed immediately after and I got a kill assist 30. 30! flak jacket or not, I dropped it a few feet off his toes and I only did 30 damage. I can count the amount of multikills I've gotten from it on one hand, and that was from dropping 3 rounds on the same group of people before the actual kill. The splash damage is negligible, the damage full stop is so pathetic I have had round actually land on guys and not get a kill.
Do you know how many kills I would get with 3-4 rounds? One, if I'm lucky. 9/10 I would get none, maybe a few damage assists. Everyone who complained about mortars, quickly stopped once they got it. Its isn't nearly as effective as people claim..
Mortars are so pathetic infact, that I will only use it on Seinne, I won't even bother equipping it on any other map. And the second someone on the enemy equips the mortar, I spend all my time playing cat and mouse with them, since A GIANT ICON SHOWS UP FOR EVERYONE TO SEE PLAIN AS DAY. Quit screaming nerf, nothing in this game needs to be nerfed, infact vehicles need to be buffed. Everything is fine so far.
And shifty, no-one expects you to keep running forward to avoid mortars. But fuck, move 3 feet in any direction and you're safe. Or even better, stop playing fucking rush. The only people who die to mortars are either very unlucky, have hardly any health anyway, or over stayed their welcome long enough for the mortar to see you, line you up, lob one, wait 3-4 seconds for it to hit, and maybe drop 1-2 more on top of you in that time.
Last edited by thepilot91 (2011-11-08 06:39:11)
yep because he fails to see the point :TimmmmaaaaH wrote:
*this guys post makes sense and refutes my point, I wont read it*thepilot91 wrote:
I didn't even bother reading it all, because you seem to be totally blind...
The only time I remember was on damavand, I fired my gun when I spawned, took a sip of tea and a mortar hit me.Sturgeon wrote:
I don't think I've ever been killed by a mortar.
Implying that everyone uses mortars, which they don't because mortars suck.thepilot91 wrote:
yeah move 3 feet to the left where the rest of the 32 player-teams mortarshells are landing
more then enough + the fact that with unlimited ammo for mortars and mortar instead of ammobag , make even recons better teamplayersUnkleRukus wrote:
Implying that everyone uses mortars, which they don't because mortars suck.thepilot91 wrote:
yeah move 3 feet to the left where the rest of the 32 player-teams mortarshells are landing
I didn't even bother reading it all.thepilot91 wrote:
more then enough + the fact that with unlimited ammo for mortars and mortar instead of ammobag , make even recons better teamplayersUnkleRukus wrote:
Implying that everyone uses mortars, which they don't because mortars suck.thepilot91 wrote:
yeah move 3 feet to the left where the rest of the 32 player-teams mortarshells are landing
so...(yeah I'm gonna whine about it)
I've (surpriseingly , lol spell? )lived through all the years of bf2 and nade-spam , and every other fps I've played for that matter , If you ask me , you shouldnt be able to throw a nade if there were'nt more than 3 enemies/a vehicle in the "throw radius", nades are cheap and require barely any aim ...bla bla and so on , I hate nades .
Noobtubes aren't as bad , since you have to aim them they can't be thrown over the cover you're sitting on your ammobag behind , and often have a smaller blast radius than nades (but ofc. there are always annoying cunts who wont stop overusing it )
bazookas/rocketlaunchers/nooblauncher/whatever in bf2 they barely had and blastradius and were slow compared to your soliders movement-speed and to some skill to hit inf with , in bc2 everyone who couldn't get a KDR with a WEAPON used CockGag2 , and as soon as a vehicle showed up they ran away like the pussies they were
and here we go with the noobtube with unlimited ammo and "UAV-map" on the same time , it might not kill alot when used by only one player but it wounds and it supresses and it makes a fucking lot a noise , and if used by multiple support players aiming at about the same area as eachother it's lethal...
not to mention hardcore, where you wont regen health even if you survive a mortar shell
Don't play rush then. Or if you're playing a round with people spamming mortars, then leave (or just l2p). It's never happened to me, maybe because im not shitLucien wrote:
you can't look at mortars from an individual point of view. Oh boohoo I only get 30 kills in a round with them so they're not overpowered at all, just learn to play! adapt!
how about fuck off, have any of you even tried playing rush mode on offense with several mortar spammers going at it constantly? Doesn't matter so much that you ONLY got 2nd mvp and a 7:1 KDR when there's several of you doing it constantly, and the poor actually-playing-the-fucking-game-scumbags like me can't take cover anywhere.
Not to mention that 'click on map, maybe get kill' is fucking awful game design to begin with