Spent a few mins and created this from scratch. The background is one from a wallpaper I use.
pid, 174595309 size, 400, 30 box,0,0,400,30,000000 image, 0, 0, http://i1206.photobucket.com/albums/bb443/jskilnyk/BattleField%203/Sig.png image, -12, -5, http://battlelog-cdn.battlefield.com/public/profile/bf3/stats/ranks/small/r{{ranknum}}.png font, 4990810 fontcolor, 00cc00 fontsize, 12 fontaa, on text, 40, 2,{{name}} font, verdana-bold fontaa, on fontsize, 6 fontcolor, cccccc text, 40, 20,KDR: {{kdr}} text, 100, 3,Accu: {{accuracy}}% text, 100, 12,Kills: {{kills}} text, 100, 21,Deaths: {{deaths}} text, 180, 3,Skill: {{skill}} text, 180, 12,SPM: {{spm}} text, 180, 21,L. HS: {{longest_hs}}M text, 275, 3,Sccore: {{score}} text, 275, 12,Time: {{timeplayed}} text, 275, 21,W/L: {{wlr}}
Last edited by Naturn (2011-10-31 13:03:53)