
I'm no pro, but I've unlocked everything and played around a bit, so here are my thoughts. Share your strategies and thoughts as well, enlighten us all.

I've boiled it down to the same setup whether I'm flying a fighter plane or the A-10/Frogfoot and gives you decent air-to-air fighting ability, as well as decent air-to-ground.
1) Stealth, just to keep the locks down; nothing else is very helpful, I've found. Could go with maintenance if you're only being harassed by machinegun fire.
2) IR Flares. Extinguisher stops the bleed if you go below 50%, but you can't recover back to 100% at that point and your jet is still flying wonky.
3) Rocket pods. Everything else is useless shit.

You only need the default machinegun/cannon to take down jets and helicopters, and you can usually disable a tank in a single pass with rocket pods (if you're in an A-10 or Frogfoot, the rocket pods serve as great spam from a distance, then switch to main cannon and finish them off easily, with a full destroy).

Regarding other unlocks,

- ECM jammer is ok and has about the same cooldown as the flares, but you have to use it before the enemy launches their heat seekers. That's not good since it lets the enemy keep their missiles ready for one of your teammates or ready for you if you come back around for another pass too soon. It could be helpful if you're getting multiple locks from all over the place though.

- Beam scanner (faster lock with heat seekers or guided missile) is lulzy when used in conjunction with guided missile because that shit locks on so fast. Useful for a quick little pass on a vehicle with lots of high cover nearby. In the end, though, the guided missile doesn't do a whole lot of damage and lets the enemy know you're coming, and they also have a chance to use their own IR flares. I prefer the dumb-fire rocket pods because the enemy won't see it coming, and you can at least disable a vehicle with a solid pass; with guided missile, you fire one and have to reload, giving the enemy plenty of time to repair the vehicle.

- Heat seekers are a total waste. Even if the enemy isn't using flares, you still need to line up a good pass just to get a lock, at which point you might as well be machinegunning them. Plus they'll be aware of your presence before you can even damage them.

- Air radar can be helpful if your teammates suck at spotting but it's easy to live without it.

- Auto loader can be useful I guess, but you should focus on being accurate and hitting all your shots, not spamming and more spamming. It's a waste of a slot.

- Below radar is the only one I haven't used, but I've heard it's broken? Who knows. Seems to be a waste of a slot anyway.
Thanks for the info, will definitely put this to use when I can actually get in a jet.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6983|Canberra, AUS
are guided agm's no longer the instant deathballs they were in the beta?
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Fantasma Parastasie

you can dodge missiles 100% of the time


you can't look behind you

you can dodge missiles, so ECM, flares, stealth, etc. are just a waste

because you can't see shit in a jet, you need the air radar to be able to see what's trying to kill you, and also so you can actually win 1 on 1 jet fights

jet guns take out other jets, as in, outright kill them, in a single burst. never use missiles.

also you can snipe infantry with them if you're good enough


14 rocket pods + quick gun burst while rockets reload + more rockets = dead armor in one run

What's your strategy on dodging missiles?

I'm really disappointed with the jet guns on infantry. I've only managed to kill 2 that I can remember, and both were headshots. Yet that same burst instantly kills a jet.

Also, what's so great about the extinguisher? It can't bring you back to 100%. I suppose you could land and repair. Or am I doing it wrong?

Last edited by mtb0minime (2011-11-04 22:58:23)

Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6998|Tampa Bay Florida
They really screwed up everything when it comes to flying jets.  Nuff said.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6998|Tampa Bay Florida

mtb0minime wrote:

- Below radar is the only one I haven't used, but I've heard it's broken? Who knows. Seems to be a waste of a slot anyway.
Yep, for some reason, after you unlock it, you can't select it in the jet customize screen
back to i-life

Spearhead wrote:

mtb0minime wrote:

- Below radar is the only one I haven't used, but I've heard it's broken? Who knows. Seems to be a waste of a slot anyway.
Yep, for some reason, after you unlock it, you can't select it in the jet customize screen
nor in chopper one.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6983|Canberra, AUS
would dearly love to know how one dodges missiles...
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
do a u turn

Last edited by m3thod (2011-11-05 03:23:16)

Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
The A W S M F O X
I Won't Deny It
It's quite hard to do much in the barebones jet, especially on PS3.
Lex Luthor, King of Australia
+72|6850|Sammamish, WA
Perhaps they over-compensated for BF2 jets which were way too powerful. BF3 ones seem fairly tame.
+572|6967|BC, Canada
I should probably learn to fly them sooner rather than later.
all grown up now (its boring)
They had jets nailed to a tee in BF2 1.41, even more so in desert combat or the other add ons. But they have ruined it here just like they ruined helicopters in BC2. I can fly a heli fine in bf3 but cant kill anyone with it, the rockets dont kill an infantry let alone a tank! Ive managed to kill a tank once in a jet, my heat seekers dont work ever, they dont lock on to anything, or if you try to fire them they dont fire. (yes, ive unlocked them, and added them to my jet config in game). I managed to kill said tank in 5 strafes with the machine gun.

And you cant look backwards!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF is the point of that?
There is.
+1,380|6999|Devon, England
Oh man, this just answered my questions on Below Radar.

I thought that because it wasn't selectable, it was always active, so I'd fly literally metres above the ground to lose locks and thought it was working, ha ha

I use guided missles over rocket pods, because I play with a friend who always uses his SOLFAM. Other than that, stealth and extinguishers
Lex Luthor, King of Australia
+72|6850|Sammamish, WA

twoblacklines wrote:

And you cant look backwards!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF is the point of that?
Yeah padlock view is pretty essential. If they can put your view outside the jet looking forward it must be easy to do the same looking backwards.

twoblacklines wrote:

They had jets nailed to a tee in BF2 1.41, even more so in desert combat or the other add ons. But they have ruined it here just like they ruined helicopters in BC2. I can fly a heli fine in bf3 but cant kill anyone with it, the rockets dont kill an infantry let alone a tank! Ive managed to kill a tank once in a jet, my heat seekers dont work ever, they dont lock on to anything, or if you try to fire them they dont fire. (yes, ive unlocked them, and added them to my jet config in game). I managed to kill said tank in 5 strafes with the machine gun.

And you cant look backwards!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF is the point of that?
Press 2 to use missiles.
i find flying with air vehicles in bf3 harder with my joystick than i do with mouse+keyboard. they're doing something wrong.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Voices are calling...
+136|6239|Somewhere out in Space
I sat in a Tunguska and completely shut down the enemy's air power.  Our team still lost by a ton because the air vehicles are completely non-factor in determining a rounds end and are no more than a gimmick.  I need not even say why.
Jets are a joke. They don't even have bombs lol.
You with the face!
I had people stealing my teams jets and helos from our main base today.  (*&^%ing  &^%$#@!@#$ers!)
So, we grabbed the Tunguska and stingers, capped all the bases, and killed them repeatedly...but it was still frustrating BS.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6998|Tampa Bay Florida
What is most surprising to me is just how fucking useless they are.  Even if you "shoot down" someone, you dont kill them, its just "vehicle destroyed"

and what Uzique said.  Its just a gimmick.  Does not affect conditions on the ground, at all.  Would it really be too fucking hard for them to do Highway Tampa, A MAP THEY HAVE ALREADY FUCKIN MADE???
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6998|Tampa Bay Florida
Just discovered you can use the guided missile on support players using the mortar!  LOL!  finally a one shot kill...
Some misinformation here:

1: Fire extinguisher usage.
If you are disabled, the fire extinguisher will restore you to 53% HP. You then regenerate HP back up to 100% if you cease to take damage, I think after 15 seconds or so. Maybe Hardcore has vehicle regen turned off?

2: Below Radar
Below Radar is a permanent upgrade. It is active all the time. I am not sure just how close to the ground you have to be for it to work, but I'd hazard a guess that it starts working when your altimeter readout turns red.

My own personal style is to rock Air Radar, Fire Extinguisher, and Guided Missile. I may switch back to rockets soon, I feel more effective with them and they can be used on anything. You can get a disable on an MBT with a full cannon burst and Guided Missile hit, but you have to lock on from max range at stall speed and do the gun run after launch which leaves your ass hanging out in the sky for a good 3-4 seconds.
There is.
+1,380|6999|Devon, England
The A-10 is broken. Anyone noticed? Worst jet in the game.

If you take damage, it starts vearing out of control as if it's disabled, when HP is clearly above 53%.

I'm not sure if this is just after I use extinguishers, but it doesn't stop flying shitty til 100%.

I never noticed it before, but maybe it was just a bug in the two rounds I played.

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