Damn, episode 4 got real, especially at the end.
Continuing that trend is episode 5. You know what they say: mo' money, mo' problems.
Get on your knees and kiss my shoes. Such a great comeback to his brother.
Really violent episode.
Really violent episode.
so is jimmy ever gonna bang his mum or wat
I'm glad I'm no the only person wondering this same question!!!gurdeep wrote:
so is jimmy ever gonna bang his mum or wat
lelgurdeep wrote:
so is jimmy ever gonna bang his mum or wat
Well she is pretty milf-ish.cdailey2142 wrote:
I'm glad I'm no the only person wondering this same question!!!gurdeep wrote:
so is jimmy ever gonna bang his mum or wat
That scalping scene though, very much enjoyable, hell any scene with Richard is one I can enjoy, he really is an awesome character. I'm quite looking forward to where they take the story in Chicago, we all pretty much knew what would happen the moment we heard the words "Al Capone" but it'll be nice to see how the show gets there.
I doubt they'd make a fulltime transition to Chicago (especially if it's Boardwalk Empire). Plus, the Capone actor doesn't seem like he could be as good on center stage as Buscemi.
Damn, MAcbeth gave me too much of a spoiler from that first sentence.

i'm getting caught up, watched 2 weeks ago last night, last weeks in a minute. i like where this is going
fuck yeah13urnzz wrote:
i'm getting caught up, watched 2 weeks ago last night, last weeks in a minute. i like where this is going
i brought lemons
i aboutgurdeep wrote:
i brought lemons
Spoiler (highlight to read):
shit when the lemons were in the bowl, and the broken plate cleaned up
yeah, these last few episodes have been pretty good
I just watched all of season 1 last night and caught up with season 2 today.
Terrific show. The characters are amazing. Does anyone know how accurate the Al Capone character is?
Terrific show. The characters are amazing. Does anyone know how accurate the Al Capone character is?
The writers said they took liberties with the characters for the sake of story telling. I know in real life Capone really adored his family especially his son. I also know he did in fact lie about being in WW1. Working for Torre and having the other boss killed also happened. Anything else is probably the writers imagination.
When does the new episode come out in America, is it on a sat?
it's first aired on Sunday night, i think 7 eastern time . . .jord wrote:
When does the new episode come out in America, is it on a sat?
9 eastern
I like anything with horses in it
This just keep getting better and better.
This just keep getting better and better.
it needs a jimmy-owen stand off.
that line jimmy dropped at the end was spot on.
that line jimmy dropped at the end was spot on.
The sheriff is such a scumbag.
but then again, Nuki is?
but then again, Nuki is?
Last edited by Superior Mind (2011-11-07 15:31:06)
Spoiler (highlight to read):
who was that guy owen strangled?
who was that guy owen strangled?
A guy who betrayed the Irish apparently.