+2,187|6887|Mountains of NC

I've heard alot of talk that this is Bad Company 3 tagged as Battlefield 3

SO .... what would you change or do different :
+2,382|6997|The North, beyond the wall.
I'd get whoever made the critical decisions on bf2 and plant him in every meeting regarding bf3 from the beginning. And I'd tell him that the key focus isn't to maximise short term profits but to ensure the game has a longevity to it which we could then extract a secondary income from to cover some of the lost profits from not catering to consoles.
Infantry, I would overhaul everything infantry related.

Add Commander + all its functions

6 man squads

More destruction, when you say destruction 3.0 I expect to see an improvement over BC2

Change the goddamn minimap

Get rid of armor disable penalty

This is just off the top of my head.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7009|Tampa Bay Florida
120 player servers
I am all that is MOD!

fire whoever thought it would be a good idea to launch the game from a web browser.

BF3 is more like BF2 than it is BC2 in my opinion.  Granted, I only played BF3 for like an hour and a half last night.

Roc18 wrote:

More destruction, when you say destruction 3.0 I expect to see an improvement over BC2
an improvement doesn't mean there has to be more of it.

Destruction is more refined in BF3, it also requires more damage to be done before it becomes catastrophic. In BC2 it was retardedly easy to destroy buildings and the displayed damage was always pre-defined.
+1,010|6605|Denmark aka Automotive Hell
Shift+Delete all Origin files in existance and hope EA doesn't make a new one :3
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6107|Catherine Black

Spearhead wrote:

120 player servers
Fuck no, I hated playing anything above 32 on BF2.

jmsprovan wrote:

Roc18 wrote:

More destruction, when you say destruction 3.0 I expect to see an improvement over BC2
an improvement doesn't mean there has to be more of it.

Destruction is more refined in BF3, it also requires more damage to be done before it becomes catastrophic. In BC2 it was retardedly easy to destroy buildings and the displayed damage was always pre-defined.
In real life buildings are retardedly easy to destroy using a tank.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
woulda been better not to have a campaign and just give us rape i mean bot mode.
entire game engine / feel / movement (just isn't fluid, even on highest fps and lowest settings... you just feel too heavy and inefficient)

map design

mini-map design

commo-rose (what the fuck is it in-game right now)

squad system (pointless mobile spawn, next to no in-game teamwork)

rank / reward / medal point-scaling (i.e. much higher and tougher to achieve)

oh and i don't actually think the entire frostbite 2 / destructible environments actually ADDS anything to the game. lots of visual clutter so you're permanently squinting and going 'where the fuuuck are the enemy' amongst all the flying litter and particle effects and foliage and other visual pollution... and as for destructible environments: meh. karkand's solid geometric shapes were nice; you knew where you stood. when everything is destructible the maps lose their structure and chokepoints and just become a mess.

Last edited by Uzique (2011-10-26 11:34:38)

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
+572|6978|BC, Canada
Less clutter on the screen.

Awards that show up on the side and not the center.
i literally spend half my time in game just trying to SEE and SPOT an enemy amongst all the map bullshit... in bf2 it was about shooting and gunfights. bf3 has really weak gun-play (because the engine sucks) so most of the gameplay revolves around 'who can spot who camo'd in the bushes first'.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
+572|6978|BC, Canada
Its not even the bushes and shit, its the awards, targets, triangles and points earned flashing through the center of your screen, its all well and good for them to have it for the kids that love the flashing shiny things, but at least give the option to turn it off.
Voices are calling...
+136|6250|Somewhere out in Space
my eyes permanently hurt now after less than 8 hours on and off BF3 because of all the squinting I have to do to see anything, and my ability to focus my view is wavering. 

/optometrists having a field day in the near future.
Guns don't kill people. . . joe bidens advice does

Nic wrote:

its the awards, targets, triangles and points earned flashing through the center of your screen
Yeah, I hate that shit. You're taking a base and the center of your screen is blocked by the flag capture status.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
fire everyone at dice

hire frank delise and and tell him to fix this shit.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
Hector: Ding, ding, ding, ding...
+1,975|6793|6 6 4 oh, I forget

-That award award award shit should be minimized to some upper corner.
-The chat window, the frames atleast, should be shot to the moon.
-Squad leaders should be able to lock the squad and kick members out. I don't want to play with some random Hunterkillerleetmofo666. I wanna play my friends so we can get something done.
-Flag capture status moved to a corner.
-Changing your kit looks a bit messy (BC2 was clear and good) and takes forever, and you have to click 56 times back to get to choose where you deploy because if you deploy from the kit thingy window you'll start at the uncap. Which sucks balls.
-I'm not sure if you can change the size on the minimap (didn't find a key for that), but that would be a good thing.

That's what I want changed so far, but I still like the game nevertheless.
I am all that is MOD!

you can change the size of the minimap using 'N', just like old BF games.  I haven't found how to stick that size though, so every time you respawn you have to reset the size.

Ultrafunkula wrote:

-That award award award shit should be minimized to some upper corner.
-The chat window, the frames atleast, should be shot to the moon.
-Squad leaders should be able to lock the squad and kick members out. I don't want to play with some random Hunterkillerleetmofo666. I wanna play my friends so we can get something done.
-Flag capture status moved to a corner.
-Changing your kit looks a bit messy (BC2 was clear and good) and takes forever, and you have to click 56 times back to get to choose where you deploy because if you deploy from the kit thingy window you'll start at the uncap. Which sucks balls.
-I'm not sure if you can change the size on the minimap (didn't find a key for that), but that would be a good thing.

That's what I want changed so far, but I still like the game nevertheless.
I think you can lock squads
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

If you're admin you can kick people, invite others to the squad, even when they are on the other team.

Not ideal, but if you're a game admin you can squad stack however you like.

<3 taz
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
Everything is just a constant cluster fuck. In BF2 there were actual moments of peace and quiet. Now there are flashes and sounds popping all around non stop.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
killcam is stupid. most of the time i dont want to see it. at least give an option to skip you fucks
battlefield 2's spawn/squad screen was much better overall.
why do i have to wait 30sec before the map loads and sometimes even more for the round to start. why not let it load while looking at the stats like all the other battlefields .  .

minimap change zoom is the same as bf2. n i believe
Mass Media Casualty

- Make kill-cam shorter. No-one wants to see the dick that just killed you prancing around for longer than they have to. Meanwhile you can't do anything useful like change your load-out.
- Allow people to change their settings when they're dead. Only being able to access the menu when you're alive is fucking ridiculous.
- An overhaul of the menu. Maybe it just take a while to get used to but changing load-outs is a needlessly complicated task of navigating the various menus. It doesn't need to be that difficult. Changing the visual aesthetic might help, the glowing blue may look flashy but it's not particularly easy to look at.
- If you're trying to spawn on a squad member and that squad member dies the spawn menu shouldn't default you to selecting the main base. Too often I haven't noticed when I've been deselected and it pisses you off finding you've spawned way the fuck back at the start.
- Chat window placement and size.
- The HUD map could have been done better.
- Less reliance on choke points in level design. I get the aim of wanting to direct people to where the action is but there needs to be options around these to change the status quo once in a while instead of having a brawl going on at one point throughout the whole round. In previous BF games points of conflict formed more naturally. Level design needs to trust the player more.
- Origin. Fuck Origin. Why does it even exist? All it seems to do is get in the way, fail and crash. Everyone knew this would happen too and predictably it's playing out exactly how EA Download Manager did. I've got the game installed on my computer, I have to sign into BattleLog, why in the blue fuck do I need Origin on as well?

It's a good game. Will be better when it's fixed.
[Blinking eyes thing]
I'd give it the BC2 spawn/squad interface and server browser.  This web stuff is a POS.

There are also way too many unlocks/awards.  You unlock a scope, it should be unlocked for all guns etc.  Standard rails are standard.

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