My friends and I need a funny group Halloween costume. We have a early party next weekend, post your ideas! <3
dress up as star wars characters
How many friends? This may effect the recommendations.
I'm thinking either Patrick Bateman or Pee Wee Herman.
Steve the Pirate
yo costume gay, i'ma piss on yo costumeCC-Marley wrote:
Steve the Pirate
Probably about 6-7 friends, maybe up to 10
If you wanna scare ppl for real, dress up like public transport ticket inspectors
ed. Oh, and I don't take responsibility if you get shot/stabbed/run over/killed by death/stabbed again/thrown babies at you/thrown aids at you.
ed. Oh, and I don't take responsibility if you get shot/stabbed/run over/killed by death/stabbed again/thrown babies at you/thrown aids at you.
Philosophy, economics, culture, science, art. <3
and toto!
Village people and willy wonka plus oompa loompas are at the top right now.
your mum
sorry about the japanese text. of course i can read it, im japanese. grasshoppa. imagine being able to wear your own face for halloween. order thru here!
click here for the Engrish version
click here for the Engrish version
Last edited by Kimmmmmmmmmmmm (2011-10-18 13:40:28)
Pixar Lamp Halloween costume.
Xbone Stormsurgezz