Graphics are terrible. They may look nice but they are functionally bad. It's way too busy, everything looks the same and is the same colour. It's almost impossible to see people and you're shooting at lights or traces rather then bodies.
Movement is a joke, it's sluggish bordering on unresponsive. The auto unscoping when going from prone to crouch/stand is a horrible feature as is the randomly flailing scope when you jump.
The terrain is overly complicated, hindering the already poor movement and making the already busy visuals even more obnoxious.
Having deploy and scope as the same button is terrible
The scope glint is a terrible idea, terribly implemented.
The flash light is a terrible idea, terribly implemented.
The mini map is useless and in the wrong spot.
The hud is busy complicated and gives little to no valuable information and what it does tell you is neither clear nor easy to read
Health being a number rather then a visual bar is terrible to quickly see how hurt you are. Regenerating health is a terrible idea.
Squad system terrible. Spawning on any member terrible.
Launching game from a browser, terrible.
Not enough classes, too many unlocks, too quick progression, ammo count instead of clips, awards every second kill lots of minor problems but added to everything else. Thank fuck I haven't wasted any money on this. I can not think of 1 redeeming quality about this game, it's either meh or terrible.
EDIT: almost forgot, no directional dmg indicator and the god awful blurring when you get shot at and the horrendous screen shake when shit blows up.
Last edited by DrunkFace (2011-10-07 11:17:37)