Heia den som vinner!
+115|6865|Oslo, Norway
PlayStation 4 life!
No 1 Gooner
coopj Dependant
I just hope that all the new machines will concentrate more on two player co-ops(offline as in splitscreen) than just concentrating on online. sure peeps play online but i think one of the main things that made halo so popular was the splitscreen! there are not enough games to play when your mate come round in my opinion. cant figure out how call of duty 2 on the 360 had no co-op mode offline,that sucked big time.
+32|6934|British Columbia, Canada
Xbox 4 life!
ATG's First Disciple
+263|6932|Birmingham, UK
Oh dear Lord...so PlayStation fans hold an argument against (mainly me) all thes other well structured arguments by saying 'PlayStation 4 life!' - they can't even spell! Is this what the majority of gamers are reduced to (I say this because the PS2 has sold the most...)?
+105|6939|Lexington, KY
@ the original post, that is what occurs when you have a 1 st gen console.  First consider yourself lucky that they replaced your 360 for scratching the disc, most of the people only got a free copy Prefect Dark Zero from what I read.  Also, Bill did not have anything to do with the creation of the 360, you need to blame that bold guy that announced the release of the 360.  I forget his name but I think it starts with a A or J.

@ the people talking about the game price, the PS3 and 360 third party vendors will be charging $59.99 USD.  Microsoft will be charging $49.99 USD on any of the games that are made in house.  So the price will for games will be the same for the PS3 and 360.  I am not for sure what Wii games are going to cost. 

@ the person who asked about Wii's price.  It is estimated that the Wii will cost around $250 USD.  Someone at Microsoft stated that he is glad that the PS3 cost so much so that people will buy the Wii and 360 for the price of the PS3.

@ the person saying that the mod chips is illegal.  It is not illegal to own a mod chip, it is illegal to sell one.  The roms are not illegal if he has a copy of the games, or if he deletes the game within 24 hours.

TheDarkRaven wrote:

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

diglow~Flow wrote:

i know there gonna both be the same PS3 and X360 They both are made FROM "IBM". IBM has there mark in both consoles so dont matter to me i spent enough on my x360 not gonna spend anymore lol
And both use INFINEON memory....

Nintendo charges to much for 3rd party developers

Microsoft needs to attract 3rd party developers but are to high and mighty to do so.

Sony owns all 3rd party developers

More support for your system, the better it will be, longer it will last, and more happy customers it will make.

Honestly, can you guys say they pushed the origional XBOX as far as it could go? PS2 is STILL putting out quality games. Micro is trying to purge thier XBOX inventory because its useless to compete.

It will be fun to watch. overall the prices need to come down period. All three companies (Nintendo especially) have been raped for the past year. They want to make some of that money up now.

IMO Overall Sony Playstation is King and will remain King. I have played the XBOX 360 extensively.....no thanks. Nintendo has always been the trend setter....the new controller isnt going to save them. Nice novelty.....
Well, then. So here we have a typical (sadly without knowledge of who he supports) PlayStation supporter. Not a rare, dying or extinct breed - I can tell you! Anyhow, if it's such a nice 'novelty' why when Sony heard about it did they rush out a far inferior product  (controller) with inferior motion sensor controls so quickly? Becuase they are scared of what it can do, and what it represents - the death of normal gaming (and, inherently, Sony). There really unresponsive and terrible system also has approximately 1 second of lag from movemtn in RealTime to movement in the game! How can gamers live with that? Sony have gone off the rails...they don't know which direction they are heading one day to the next...
I am assuming your talking about the BlueTooth Technology when refferring to the Sony controller. THis tech goes way beyond just gaming systems bud. Google it...Nintendo can stick to the nunchhuku's controller and the Duck Hunt Light gun......even the powerpad....didnt each of those "novelties" support about 1 game each?

WE'll see how it goes.....see you on these forums in 6 months.....

You need a reality check also, if a Nintendo controller will be the death of Sony......

They should just stick to releasing 25 Pokemon games a year and 10 versions of a gameboy. Whatever will help save that bottom line.
ATG's First Disciple
+263|6932|Birmingham, UK

No 1 Gooner wrote:

I just hope that all the new machines will concentrate more on two player co-ops(offline as in splitscreen) than just concentrating on online. sure peeps play online but i think one of the main things that made halo so popular was the splitscreen! there are not enough games to play when your mate come round in my opinion. cant figure out how call of duty 2 on the 360 had no co-op mode offline,that sucked big time.
The Call of Duty team hardly ever do co-ops...
ATG's First Disciple
+263|6932|Birmingham, UK

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

TheDarkRaven wrote:

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

And both use INFINEON memory....

Nintendo charges to much for 3rd party developers

Microsoft needs to attract 3rd party developers but are to high and mighty to do so.

Sony owns all 3rd party developers

More support for your system, the better it will be, longer it will last, and more happy customers it will make.

Honestly, can you guys say they pushed the origional XBOX as far as it could go? PS2 is STILL putting out quality games. Micro is trying to purge thier XBOX inventory because its useless to compete.

It will be fun to watch. overall the prices need to come down period. All three companies (Nintendo especially) have been raped for the past year. They want to make some of that money up now.

IMO Overall Sony Playstation is King and will remain King. I have played the XBOX 360 extensively.....no thanks. Nintendo has always been the trend setter....the new controller isnt going to save them. Nice novelty.....
Well, then. So here we have a typical (sadly without knowledge of who he supports) PlayStation supporter. Not a rare, dying or extinct breed - I can tell you! Anyhow, if it's such a nice 'novelty' why when Sony heard about it did they rush out a far inferior product  (controller) with inferior motion sensor controls so quickly? Becuase they are scared of what it can do, and what it represents - the death of normal gaming (and, inherently, Sony). There really unresponsive and terrible system also has approximately 1 second of lag from movemtn in RealTime to movement in the game! How can gamers live with that? Sony have gone off the rails...they don't know which direction they are heading one day to the next...
I am assuming your talking about the BlueTooth Technology when refferring to the Sony controller. THis tech goes way beyond just gaming systems bud. Google it...Nintendo can stick to the nunchhuku's controller and the Duck Hunt Light gun......even the powerpad....didnt each of those "novelties" support about 1 game each?

WE'll see how it goes.....see you on these forums in 6 months.....

You need a reality check also, if a Nintendo controller will be the death of Sony......

They should just stick to releasing 25 Pokemon games a year and 10 versions of a gameboy. Whatever will help save that bottom line.
Know...you really should learn your facts. Sony have rushed motion sensors into their controller to combat the Wii's controller...that's what I said when I was talking about the lag...
IMO 360 and Wii will do better than the PS3, 360 being cheaper and already knows about online markets and Wii cos it offers fun new ways to play, plus i think the world may be ready for a change in gameplay tactics. PLUS WTF sony. That controller obviously stole ideas from nintendo an 360. Motion gyros and the little button on the centre like 360s LiVE button.
No 1 Gooner
coopj Dependant
Dont like the sound of this motion stuff,i think its an uneeded gimmick.
l33t sp33k Specialist
+159|6865|Behind j00OMFG HAX, Bristol UK
PS series will rape anything bar a PC because it has made friends with it

I think the PS3 is gonna rip the nipples off all gaming consoles when it comes out
ATG's First Disciple
+263|6932|Birmingham, UK

No 1 Gooner wrote:

Dont like the sound of this motion stuff,i think its an uneeded gimmick.
Many people said that about analogue sticks...and wireless controllers (the Nintendo Wavebird for GameCube comes to mind). Now these are de rigeur.
ATG's First Disciple
+263|6932|Birmingham, UK

Zeon. wrote:

PS series will rape anything bar a PC because it has made friends with it

I think the PS3 is gonna rip the nipples off all gaming consoles when it comes out
So I'll basically reiterate what I said before...
Oh dear Lord...so PlayStation fans hold an argument against (mainly me) all these other well structured arguments by saying 'I think the PS3 is gonna rip the nipples off all gaming consoles when it comes out'. Is this what the majority of gamers are reduced to (I say this because the PS2 has sold the most...)?
+69|6954|Nova Scotia
If Sony stole controller ideas from xbox's live button, then xbox stole controller ideas from sony (shoulder buttons).  They replaced the shock stuff with 6 axes motion sensor, so maybe they stole that from Nintendo.  I'd like to say Nintendo's new controller is the stupidest thing ever conceived (design wise) but I'd have to use it first...sigh
The PS3 is going to own the market, regardless of quality, because it has a bigger fan base than the other two.  And, the PS3 should, spec wise, be capable of producing better graphics than the 360.
Regardless of which, owning any system won't give you a big boost in graphics unless you've got the TV and external components to take advantage of it (360 does 1080i HD, PS3 will do 1080p which is TRUE progressive).
I'm not 100% sure on the following, BUT, the PS3 will be operating somewhere in the teraflop range of power whereas the 360 isn't (not sure on that one, feel free to flame), and the cell processor of the PS3 has 9 cells(?) and they're giving it room for error, i.e., expect 1 to fail....looking for the article now, will get back to you...
I am an Xbox fan, I've got around 70 games for it.  I have a PS2, and am up to 10 on that (had the xbox for a few years before the PS2).  But I like to consider myself unbiased.  For example, Forza attempting to compete with GT4 was foolish as far as gameplay goes (that's the reason I got my PS2, GT4 rocks..).

edit: sorry on the 1080i/1080p thing....theoretically there won't be the biggest of differences between these two, and there isn't any TV capable of handling 1080p yet (- hmm, Sony cooking something up for release with a PS3 date?? )

Last edited by Rygar (2006-05-19 09:47:39)

soup fly mod

the motion gyros sound like an interesting concept but i think it will take them a while to get the system to a point where it is more than a gimmick and actually enhances the game play experience. 

for instance, why should i do something with the gyro controller when its much easier to press a button.  i think that at the beginning it will be interesting for the novelty of having to do things with motion. 

the technology does have the ability to revolutionize gaming: i can see games like maybe a sword duel or maybe swinging a bat in a baseball game where the motion controller will revolutionize gaming but i don't think they'll get in on the first try...  i'm gonna wait and see on the Wii, i hope i'm wrong but i just don't see it being a revolution yet.
ATG's First Disciple
+263|6932|Birmingham, UK

Rygar wrote:

If Sony stole controller ideas from xbox's live button, then xbox stole controller ideas from sony (shoulder buttons).  They replaced the shock stuff with 6 axes motion sensor, so maybe they stole that from Nintendo.  I'd like to say Nintendo's new controller is the stupidest thing ever conceived (design wise) but I'd have to use it first...sigh
The PS3 is going to own the market, regardless of quality, because it has a bigger fan base than the other two.  And, the PS3 should, spec wise, be capable of producing better graphics than the 360.
Regardless of which, owning any system won't give you a big boost in graphics unless you've got the TV and external components to take advantage of it (360 does 1080i HD, PS3 will do 1080p which is TRUE progressive).
I'm not 100% sure on the following, BUT, the PS3 will be operating somewhere in the teraflop range of power whereas the 360 isn't (not sure on that one, feel free to flame), and the cell processor of the PS3 has 9 cells(?) and they're giving it room for error, i.e., expect 1 to fail....looking for the article now, will get back to you...
I am an Xbox fan, I've got around 70 games for it.  I have a PS2, and am up to 10 on that (had the xbox for a few years before the PS2).  But I like to consider myself unbiased.  For example, Forza attempting to compete with GT4 was foolish as far as gameplay goes (that's the reason I got my PS2, GT4 rocks..).
But Sony stole shoulder buttons from Nintendo (need I look any further than the N64?)...

The PlayStation2 is actually the worse of the 3 consoles avaliable at the moment (nearly everyone thinks this 'accolade' belongs to the GameCube, but in reality the PS2 is the worst). So, with the 'Wii' being 'the worst' (only judged on slightly worse graphics capabilites) the logical thing to say would be that it will be the best selling (especially being the cheapest).

TheDarkRaven wrote:

Zeon. wrote:

PS series will rape anything bar a PC because it has made friends with it

I think the PS3 is gonna rip the nipples off all gaming consoles when it comes out
So I'll basically reiterate what I said before...
Oh dear Lord...so PlayStation fans hold an argument against (mainly me) all these other well structured arguments by saying 'I think the PS3 is gonna rip the nipples off all gaming consoles when it comes out'. Is this what the majority of gamers are reduced to (I say this because the PS2 has sold the most...)?
#1 Raven.....no its not all about you. Your just the condescending one in this thread who is making it about you. You make good points. We will all see in 6 months. Then you can have a good cry, suck it up, and go and purchase a PS3.

TheDarkRaven wrote:

Rygar wrote:

If Sony stole controller ideas from xbox's live button, then xbox stole controller ideas from sony (shoulder buttons).  They replaced the shock stuff with 6 axes motion sensor, so maybe they stole that from Nintendo.  I'd like to say Nintendo's new controller is the stupidest thing ever conceived (design wise) but I'd have to use it first...sigh
The PS3 is going to own the market, regardless of quality, because it has a bigger fan base than the other two.  And, the PS3 should, spec wise, be capable of producing better graphics than the 360.
Regardless of which, owning any system won't give you a big boost in graphics unless you've got the TV and external components to take advantage of it (360 does 1080i HD, PS3 will do 1080p which is TRUE progressive).
I'm not 100% sure on the following, BUT, the PS3 will be operating somewhere in the teraflop range of power whereas the 360 isn't (not sure on that one, feel free to flame), and the cell processor of the PS3 has 9 cells(?) and they're giving it room for error, i.e., expect 1 to fail....looking for the article now, will get back to you...
I am an Xbox fan, I've got around 70 games for it.  I have a PS2, and am up to 10 on that (had the xbox for a few years before the PS2).  But I like to consider myself unbiased.  For example, Forza attempting to compete with GT4 was foolish as far as gameplay goes (that's the reason I got my PS2, GT4 rocks..).
But Sony stole shoulder buttons from Nintendo (need I look any further than the N64?)...

The PlayStation2 is actually the worse of the 3 consoles avaliable at the moment (nearly everyone thinks this 'accolade' belongs to the GameCube, but in reality the PS2 is the worst). So, with the 'Wii' being 'the worst' (only judged on slightly worse graphics capabilites) the logical thing to say would be that it will be the best selling (especially being the cheapest).
By your logic, we can safely say every gaming company today stole gaming from Atari!!! And the Atari stole the Joystick from Arcades!!!! OMFG!!!!
+69|6954|Nova Scotia

TheDarkRaven wrote:

But Sony stole shoulder buttons from Nintendo (need I look any further than the N64?)...
Who stole it from where?  That's right, hahaha, sega saturn baby!
+156|6935|space command ur anus
Mario 4 life

me love Nintendo long time
ATG's First Disciple
+263|6932|Birmingham, UK
Ah, the Saturn...good days...but we are talking about the big 3 here...this we cannot deny. This is plainly an excuse by PlayStation supporters to worm out of accusations.

TheDarkRaven wrote:

Ah, the Saturn...good days...but we are talking about the big 3 here...this we cannot deny. This is plainly an excuse by PlayStation supporters to worm out of accusations.
Cause you know Sony pays me so much to be a supporter that I have to "worm" out of accusations.

The only good game ever on the Saturn was Nights. How about this one: Sony PS1 stole cd's from.....SEGA CD!!!!!!

This is like 7 degrees of Kevin Bacon.
+69|6954|Nova Scotia

TheDarkRaven wrote:

Ah, the Saturn...good days...but we are talking about the big 3 here...this we cannot deny. This is plainly an excuse by PlayStation supporters to worm out of accusations.
I mentioned the Saturn in reference to the shoulder buttons.  Playstation supporters worming out of accusations, do you mean me?  I said I'm an Xbox fan with a PS2, not a Sony fan with an Xbox

If Nintendo does better against the 360 and PS3 than it did against the Xbox and PS2, hey, great for them!

Uh, Street Fighter Alpha 2 and Resident Evil were both better on the Saturn than the PS1 (I have both of those, too )
And Panzer Dragoon Saga, while I didn't, unfortunately, own it, is rumored to be quite the ass-kicking RPG.

Last edited by Rygar (2006-05-19 09:58:59)

ATG's First Disciple
+263|6932|Birmingham, UK
Lol! The CD was a development not just made by one company though. What Sony has stolen has been developed by one company...not a conglomerate...
+9|7010|North Kackalaka
Sony trumps all with the best selection of games, and when the games are on multiple consoles, Sony's comes out 1st.  I will buy a PS3, because I will not be able to wait 6 monthes for the next Grand Theft Auto to come out on another console, cause you know it will hit the PS3 1st. Also nintendo's games are usually for kids instead of adults and I don't think this will change any time soon.

Last edited by [DR2nd]Dr.Smoov (2006-05-19 10:04:23)

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