eleven bravo
+1,399|5567|foggy bottom
i hate that movie so much.  every 3 minutes in we were soldiers was either an emotional moment or a deep felt refelction on the lives that were lost. as a a regular movie, its just plain bad.  as a a war movie its fucking laughable.  and unrealistic.
Tu Stultus Es
+2,382|6986|The North, beyond the wall.
I already said it all.

jord wrote:

He's burning by napalm but he's a really nice guy and he's kinda oriental but he's fighting on our side!
eleven bravo
+1,399|5567|foggy bottom
lets run around and shoot at the enemy with our m16's from the hip!!!!  thatll be effective.
Tu Stultus Es
+2,382|6986|The North, beyond the wall.
Oh I just remembered that fucking sgt major with all the cheesy quotes.

Lt. Colonel Hal Moore: I wonder what was going through Custer's mind when he realized that he'd led his men into a slaughter?
Sergeant Major Basil Plumley: Sir, Custer was a pussy. You ain't.
And when he doesn't want to use an m16 cause it feels plastic so he uses his pistol. I mean is that even accurate? Sounds stupid.
eleven bravo
+1,399|5567|foggy bottom
ofcourse they had to throw in that "pea shooter" line so all the guys who fancy themselves military experts could be like "yuyp, thats true, they called a pea shooter! they hated when it was introduced".  these are same mentally abled people that call this movie realistic.
Tu Stultus Es

eleven bravo wrote:

ofcourse they had to throw in that "pea shooter" line so all the guys who fancy themselves military experts could be like "yuyp, thats true, they called a pea shooter! they hated when it was introduced".  these are same mentally abled people that call this movie realistic.
Know a few 1st Cav Viet Nam veterans. (All with CIB, all airborne, 3/4 Ranger)
To this day, they prefer an M-14 to an M-16. 
Never heard them describe it as a "pea shooter".  "Mattel Mickey Mouse gun" I've heard though.

2 of them are even Colt Certified M-16 Armorers.

1911 is the One True Pistol, M-14 is the One True Battle Rifle, and a sniper rifle comes in bolt action 7.62x51mm (with allowances made for wayward Marine brothers and their 30-06)

They are maddeningly dense to discuss anything firearms or ballistics related with.
Though they can recite the ballistics drop chart for M118 173gr 7.62x51 from memory... or just dial it into a scope without conscious thought.

Old Paratroopers - 'If it hasn't killed them yet, they are going to keep using it.  New things get people killed.'
+2,382|6986|The North, beyond the wall.
I've met a guy exactly like that. "The SA80 bayonet is too small and flimsy, now what we used to use on the SLR, THAT'S a bayonet.

And the usual baloney about 7.62>556
BF2s. A Liberal Gang of Faggots.
+452|5697|Fuck this.
Best nam movie? Hamburger Hill.
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!
+721|6889|the dank(super) side of Oregon
84C MoPic is about the best Vietnam movie I've seen.
+2,382|6986|The North, beyond the wall.
The film's final version, though getting many of the facts of the book presented onto film, does not present an entirely historically accurate portrayal of the battle, nor is it entirely faithful to the book. For instance, the film depicts a heroic charge under the command of Lt. Col. Hal Moore at the end of the battle that destroys the Vietnamese reserve, ending the battle in an American victory (a fact that director Randall Wallace noted in the DVD commentary[2]); in fact, there was no heroic final charge in the book, nor were the forces of the North Vietnamese destroyed, though, it should be noted, 1800 out of 4000 Vietnamese soldiers were killed to 72, out of 395, American fatal casualties.
eleven bravo
+1,399|5567|foggy bottom
the nva considered it a victory
Tu Stultus Es

jord wrote:

I've met a guy exactly like that. "The SA80 bayonet is too small and flimsy, now what we used to use on the SLR, THAT'S a bayonet.

And the usual baloney about 7.62>556
Personally, I think the 7.62x51 is still an intermediate assault rifle round.

300 Win Mag is a proper rifle round. 
Difference between 'cover' and 'concealment' - let me demonstrate...

For an assault rifle, the original AR prototype, chambered in something akin to the 6.5x47 Lapua (very much like the original 1950's UK submission for the NATO universal round).  Enough power for the job, enough range for Afghanistan, light enough to burst fire.

[Ballistics geek now leaving the area... ]
+2,382|6986|The North, beyond the wall.
The films about Vietnam that most Americans remember are positively soaked in physical and emotional torment - from "Platoon," with its grunt's-eye view of combat, to "Apocalypse Now," with its exploration of war's dehumanizing insanity. Today, the pendulum has swung back again. If filmmakers with politically twisted knives once sliced away guts-and-glory clichés, their current equivalents hack away all meaningful concern with moral and political questions. We Were Soldiers" is shameless in this regard, filling the screen with square-jawed officers who weep at carnage and fresh-faced GIs who use their last breaths to intone things like, "I'm glad I died for my country.

jord wrote:

The films about Vietnam that most Americans remember are positively soaked in physical and emotional torment - from "Platoon," with its grunt's-eye view of combat, to "Apocalypse Now," with its exploration of war's dehumanizing insanity. Today, the pendulum has swung back again. If filmmakers with politically twisted knives once sliced away guts-and-glory clichés, their current equivalents hack away all meaningful concern with moral and political questions. We Were Soldiers" is shameless in this regard, filling the screen with square-jawed officers who weep at carnage and fresh-faced GIs who use their last breaths to intone things like, "I'm glad I died for my country.
Hollywood doing a movie on war, is about like the Catholic Church doing a porn film.
+1,411|7050|FUCK UBISOFT

we were soldiers and platoon are horrible movies.

Apocalypse Now and Full Metal Jacket are fantastic movies.

The Deer Hunter is ok.
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

eleven bravo wrote:

reasons why we were soldiers was a terrible movie

1) incredibly corny

When the asian trooper tells the dude that his son was born just that morning, you know who is going to die next.  sure enough he gets hit with  napalm and says some corny shit thats been said in every single corny war movie ever made.  maybe youre easily inspired and saddened by such portrayals of "USA is number one" in your movies but I prefer a more realistic approach.  oh yeah and the black wife standing proud for her husband as they fight segragation and the NVA, please.  fucking pathetic. 

2)  only officers fight?

every single back story in that film dealt with officers and their families and relationships with one another.  sure, it was written by the the commander of 1/7 but c'mon.  as an enlisted man, i took personal offense at that considering how enlisted does the vast majority of fighting and dying in every single conflict we've had.

3) mel gibson is a douchebag

I hate the patriot too.  bad casting.  bad acting.  bad writing. really shitty dialogue. last good movie he did was braveheart.

4) they focus almost entirely on 1/7 cav

which is fucking bullshit.  complete bullshit.  anybody who reads the book or watchedd the movie would think that 1/7 cav was  pretty much the only unit that fought that engagement.

thats just what i could think of right now without having to remind myself how bad the movie is by watching it again.

also, garryowen is not a division you pog.  its a regiment.  dont comment on things you have little knowledge about.  As a former garryowen trooper and a person who lived in the same barracks that many of those guys came back too after their stint in nam, I take personal offense.  why the fuck does that bother you so much?  someone who is just as divorced from real combat as the average movie goer.
I'm only bothered by people who think the only ones who have a right to an opinion about a movie about the Vietnam War are those who "lived in the same hooch as the guys did" but 40 years later. Seriously? Get over yourself. I lived in the same hooch in the Colombian jungle as SOF dudes about a week after they left...does that make me uber-qualified to comment on SOF-related topics now?

It doesn't matter that Gibson is a douchebag. He's a talented filmmaker. The focus on that unit is because that is the unit the author commanded in the engagement. Gee, I wonder why the focus would be on them? It's who the book, and therefore the movie is about, ffs. That's like saying there's too much focus in Platoon on that unit. Or too much focus in Apocalypse Now on riverboats.

And get over the "I've been in combat, you haven't" nonsense. You haven't a clue what my background is or isn't. I just don't feel the need to wave it around on an Internet gaming forum to feel like a man.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
BF2s. A Liberal Gang of Faggots.
+452|5697|Fuck this.

Miggle wrote:

we were soldiers and platoon are horrible movies.

Apocalypse Now and Full Metal Jacket are fantastic movies.

The Deer Hunter is ok.

ROGUEDD wrote:

Best nam movie? Hamburger Hill.
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!
'Light 'em up!'

They ain't got nothing on Forrest Motherfucking Gump.


Pulp Fiction was robbed.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Best WWI movie was The Blue Max.

No doubt Dilbert would tell you it was Flyboys.
Das Boot was a pretty good WWII movie.
plundering yee booty
+510|5782|Ventura, California
I liked All Quiet on the Western Front, Un Long Dimanche de Fiancailles (A very long Engagement), and this one other WW1 movie I can't remember the name of. Oh and Passchaeradsadlkjaéldjaésl-dale was an enjoyable movie, although none of those movies really did a good job with war authenticity. There were too many scenes that were total BS.
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

-Sh1fty- wrote:

although none of those movies really did a good job with war authenticity. There were too many scenes that were total BS.
plundering yee booty
+510|5782|Ventura, California
I never mentioned Flyboys, but it is full of bollocks.

But yeah, I often wonder WTF the directors were thinking.
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
Shock it till ya know it
+375|6650|Atlanta, Georgia
I liked flyboys. I didn't love it but as a movie I liked it. Doesn't have to be like a documentary. I don't care about authenticity. Just the ooo ahh moments.

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