You talkin' to me? Well I'm the only one here!

I wished we had that passionate music loving people in my country! I am playing in a semi professional band (PFEFFER) myself and it is very difficult nowadays to promote an album in Germany if you are not played on the radio. We don't really have much radio shows for hard rocking bands and Germany is too big to spread the word on the whole country... if you are interested, this is the link to a cheap video our record company did to help us promoting ourself in order to play more gigs and it helped! (over 30 gigs last year).

This is the title track of our second album "Herz Bricht" (Bob Media/Zyx):
High bandwith:   
Low bandwidth:

Last edited by mrboogman (2006-05-18 06:38:34)

Mass Media Casualty

May 19/20 - I'm not even sure if people are keeping up with this any more but oh well... I still insist you guys listen to the music though. Don't even read my drivel just listen to the music!

If I don't know what to listen to while riding the bus, some Steriogram always puts me in the right mood.
I guess you could say that Steriogram are the not-so-serious side of New Zealand music. They certainly make fun music with a mixture of rap and rock and their unique sound, and you can always be in a mood for some of their music.

Steriogram are fairly successful in terms of New Zealand musicians. Randomly some freelance dude from Capitol Records saw their music video for their song "White Trash" and pretty much had them instantly signed them up. Up to that stage Steriogram's successes had all been done by themselves, all videos all recordings had all being initiated by them, which makes them definatly deserving for a neat record deal.

A while ago Steriogram were nominated for a Grammy. However you feel about that award, it's pretty impressive for a New Zeland band to get that far. Since of course, the Grammys only really accomodate for commercially viable music, the band was nominated for their video "Walkie Talkie Man", which I think still holds the record for the most expensive music video ever produced - which is quite a change from the 'White Trash' video which was produced on a shoestring budget with tons of favors.

Some of you may be familliar with Steriogram, (but only in a very small way.) Apple bought "Walkie Talkie Man" to appear on the global iPod ads, after the contract with Aussie rockers 'Jet' had expired.

Rap vocallist and sounds dude Tyson Kennedy is also some of the inspiration for the main character of the comic I'm in the middle of starting to write...

I've chosen three tracks, the first, 'Walkie-talkie Man' is the most well known, (see the Grammy nominated and incredibly expensive video by clicking Here, (Opens in Windows media player.)
Secondly the song 'On and On' because it's one of my favorites and shows maybe a more serious side to the band(?)
Lastely, 'White Trash.' I had to go for the origonal rather than the optimised one thanks to copy protection on their CD "Schmack" but it's good, and makes me laugh. The video's a riot too with Tyson sporting a mullet that would make Joe Dirt blush, with some pretty funky white trash riverdance at the end. It's all on their site, if you care.
(A note: 'White Trash' came out years before Joe Dirt existed, dispite the similarities between him and Tyson in this video.)

Steriogram - Walkie-Talkie Man

Steriogram - On and On

Steriogram - White Trash

Next time - May 21/22: Weta

(I'm likely to go back and do bands I missed after that. )
[Blinking eyes thing]
Mass Media Casualty

May 21/22

Weta, like Shihad, is a Wellington, (hometown,) rock band. In 1995 when I was seven/eight years old I was happily listening to the Backstreet Boys but starting to realise it was crap, (well, all except 'Backstreets Back' ALRIGHT Duh, duh duh duh duh duh, duh, duh duh duh!!)

Okay anyway, I was ju-ust starting to get into real music and at this stage there were two New Zealand rock bands that were worth a listen. One was Shihad, slap bang in the middle of thrash-metal "Killjoy" stage, and for an eight year old, that stuff is simply too hard. The other was Weta, a real rock band that was hard, but not hard enough to scare little prissy children like me.

Weta played some good shows, (apparently, remember I was only eight,) alongside Soundgarden, Foo Fighters, Filter and of course Shihad. They moved to Melbourne in 1998, (likewise did three out of four of Shihad.) The last time I heard of them was in 2000, when their singer Aaron Tokona won most promising male vocalist at the 2000 Tui awards. Since then they've kind of dissapeared, and I have no idea what's happened to them. Keep a look out, they could emerge at any time, (much like a real Weta. I'm the only one in my family who isn't creeped out by them, including my Dad.)

I liked Weta.

So after much rummaging I managed to get two of Weta's most well known songs. Havn't listened to them in ages which is cool. 'Got The Ju' I still have no idea what it's about, but it's catchy. 'Calling On' is the calm one, although I remember as as eight year old blocking my ears when I first heard the 'hard' bit. I was so pathetic.

Weta - Got The Ju

Weta - Calling On

Next time - May 23/24: The Bleeders.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Personal philosophy: Clothing optional.
+1,022|6931|Camp XRay

Man thanks for making this post. I am really into good music. I know people have vary degree of what they feel constitues this, but I think music is music and people should not harp on you for what you like. I know this a bit off topic but I feel like this might be good place to post this. I have recently been listening to a band from australia(clost to NZ) called Wolfmother. The more I listen to these guys I get the feeling that they are reincarnation of Black Sabbath. I think everyone should def check them if you have never heard of them. Anyways sorry to branch off topic but I had to share.
Mass Media Casualty

Ha ha! I found this on the 4th page of the "Not BF2, not Bf2s" section. It's obvious that people don't care that I missed yesterday, (couldn't have it conflicting with patch release day.) Strangly enough I also found it above the thread on Emos which is strange because today...
May 23/24

Okay, firstly, to redeem myself, I don't like The Bleeders. I mentioned the fact that I recovered this thread just above a thread on Emos because I reckon that the Bleeders is Emo music. Not just Emo music but Tween Emo music. However, although I rightfully avoided initially putting them in this thread by saying to myself "not until they have written one decent song or released an album"
Fuck. Whoda thunk it?
I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, a lot of New Zealand bands release albums in May. Their latest single isn't bad. Definatly one of their best ones.

With a name like The Bleeders, this band oozes Emo. Their singles, (the ones I can remember anyway,) are "All the Glitters" with the lyrics "you're finding out quickly, all that glitters is not gold."
The next one "So Lonely"
Then one I can't remember the name of.
Obviously not worth remembering. Most probably Emo.

The one I've chosen is "Nightmares" which also follows the whole Emo thing. Strangly enough the music isn't depressing as such, which is the band's redeeming quality. In a word it's... Meh.

Consider this a bump so you can listen to the other artists. Give the Bleeders a shot if you want, or if you're... that way inclined... Emo... you may even like them.
In keeping with my whole "NZ Music rules" mentality, it's still better than a lot of shit that gets exported here. Crazy Frog... Schnappi... Good Charlotte...

The Bleeders - Nightmares

Next time - May 25/26: Concord Dawn.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Mass Media Casualty

May 25/26

Okay, now I'm going to get into some specific genres, todays being Electronica. Concord Dawn are two guys and a couple of computers. Or something.

You know I really don't understand electronica. My sister gets me into all this type of thing. What I know is that Concord Dawn write music that they say 'is guarunteed to frighten small children'. I suppose that'd be correct, but as a kid I was frightened fairly easily.

The song I've chosen, "Morning Light" was the first Concord Dawn track I heard. I'm no critic of electronic music really, so maybe a techno-junkie could give me some advice to whether this is good or not. I like it though and to get me to like anything techno is a pretty good accomplishment. Well done Concord Dawn.

Concord Dawn - Morning Light

Next time - May 27/28: Goodshirt

(By the way, since there's only a few days left of NZMM and heaps of bands I havn't covered, PM me if you have a genre request and I can see what I can find.)
[Blinking eyes thing]
Mass Media Casualty

May 27/28

Goodshirt are a quirky band from Auckland who would probably be something like New Zealand's answer to Supergrass or Regurgitator. They produced their first CD under their own label, but were brought to the attention of EMI who helped them distribute it.
I havn't heard what their live act is like. I reckon with some of their more frantic songs it would be pretty fun to witness live.

The song I chose today is the title track from their second album "Fiji Baby." It's a slow song, and it's really... nice. Really nice. The simplicity of it really works, and the subtle harmonies are great. Calms me down every time, I often listen to it when stresses from exams or assignments or Battlefield 2 are freaking me out.

Goodshirt arn't a great band, but they're cool to listen to every now and then. Either with their fast songs to perk you up or their slow songs to completely calm you down, it works, which is great.

Goodshirt - Fiji Baby

Next time - May 29/30: I have no idea. I'll decide later. Too many to choose from and it's the last one I get to choose. I take suggestions for Genres. PM me.
[Blinking eyes thing]
+572|6966|BC, Canada
nice, i liked alot of the music scene when i was down there.... even the radio was better cause they didnt play the censored versions like they do up here in canada. i mostly got into the hip hop from nz because thats what my wife is into(shes from queenstown) but i liked it. on a side note i loved watching bro-town, i got the first seasons dvd.
+572|6966|BC, Canada
to jeff--- yeah morningside...
Mass Media Casualty

May 29/30

Okay, today I'm not doing one artist, simply because I couldn't decide on one to do. There are so many worthies that I have left out, so rather than re-visit old genres I've decided to touch on ones that haven’t had a mention yet.

First off, speed/thrash/death/whateverthefuckitis metal
The NZ version of this is 8 Foot Sativa. Honestly, I have never listened to them aside from this one track. I reckon they're wanky and try-hard, but then again I don't have a very high opinion of grown men belching into microphones. Maybe some Death-type metal fans can get into it, but I'm strictly against it. I chose this track at random I'm not sure if it's one of their better ones or not.

Moving on...

Okay, the world of New Zealand Hip-Hop, although apparently very strong, has been missed in my little feature here, so I must rectify that. No-one better to do that than Scribe. Cleaned up the Tuis and won a Silver Scroll I think last year. I never thought much of him really, but I'm admittedly a rockhead so my opinions on hip-hop are next to worthless. the video of this trackk strangly enough features the drummer from 8 Foot Sativa, but I think in the track it's obviously electronic drumming. This one was very popular here a while ago. P-Money, a turn-table guy was really the brains behind this one.
I've also included Scribe's "Not Many", because I've always thought it was cool, and features Savage, who's an awesome guy. Would you please give it up for Sava-age!


Oldies. It's hard to know what to pick. Not Split Enz, because I never really liked them. Not Crowded House because all but one were Aussies, (at least Neil Finn, the main man behind Crowded House was the brains and voice of the outfit, is a Kiwi.)
Muttonbirds? Yes! I love Dominion Road. Sure I may sound wussy for saying that, but I really like Dominion Road! It's an awesome song. Always cheers me up. Often sing it at the top of my lungs when driving somewhere, earning strange looks from pedestrians at stop lights.
But what else... well, really I needed to include this:
Bliss by Th' dudes. I mentioned it earlier, except that I mistakenly wrote that it was by The Exponents. I was wrong, I apologise. I always seen to get those two mixed up.
Bliss is the BEST beer-drinking song in the world. The loud drunk-bar/pub vocals, the highly accented verses which seem to suggest drunken-ness and a good time, and the rowdy "YAAA!! YA YA YA YAAA!!"s... this is what drinking a shit-load of beer is all about. A bit dated, but still a classic. With a name like “Bliss” this song couldn’t be about anything but beer.

So without further ado...

8 Foot Sativa - Stolen Life

P-Money feat. Scribe – Stop the Music

Scribe – Not Many (remix)

The Muttonbirds – Dominion Road

Th’ Dudes – Bliss

Edit: Oh shit, I forgot. The Prime Minister would kill me if she found out. The late entry is "Loyal" by Dave Dobbyn. Many Kiwi's consider it our secondary national anthem. Soppy, but at least better than "God Defend New Zealand". Would go under the oldies section - because Dave wrote decent music back them.

Dave Dobbyn - Loyal

Tomorrow: Final.

Last edited by Tyferra (2006-05-30 22:57:07)

[Blinking eyes thing]
+572|6966|BC, Canada
not many had good superficial value to listen to just like dei hamos "whatever track that was" im a bit to drunk to remember right now, good bar or pump up tracks....
stop the music seemed to have more thought put into it, but then again its my wifes CDs not mine and i never really studied them.
+0|6850|Nelson, NZ
Great thing your doin for New Zealand, man why didn't i start collecting earlier.
Mass Media Casualty

May 30/31

So... this is the end.
It's May 31st here. Usually there is some kick arse free show somewhere in Wellington but unfortunatly the next free gig I get to go to is on June 3rd, (Rhombus.) The Rock radio station is counting down the Top 100 Kiwi rock songs at the moment. The top ten:

10) The Exponents - Who Loves Who the Most
9) Blindspott - Phlex
8) Split Enz - I See Red
7) Shihad - Pacifier, (included in Shihad section of this thread.)
6) Crowded House - Don't Dream It's Over
5) Dragon - April Sun in Cuba, (my Dad flatted with the Dragon guys.)
4) Dave Dobbyn - Loyal, (included in the May 29/30 post.)
3) Exponents - Why Does Love Do This To Me
2)Th' Dudes - Bliss, (included in the May 29/30 post.)
1)Shihad - Home Again, (included in the Shihad section of this thread.)

Go Shihad! Included eleven times in total on this count-down.

There have been so many musicians I have left out which kind of sucks. Oh well. Since most of you didn't know ANY of the fifteen or so artists I have put on this thread I think I've done a pretty good job anyway.

I leave you, (on this thread,) with one final song. It is my favourite New Zealand song. Uber Alles, (for me at least.) No prizes to those who guess the artist. It's not even a single by the way and the band has never even played it live, (although I do like turning up the sterio, plugging in my guitar and playing along with it.)
Strangly enough, the song itself is about making music in New Zealand - or trying to.
At least that's what it says to me. I have a habit of misinterpreting things like this though.

The Metal Song

This thread will remain, so come back and listen every now and then.
This? This is Palmerston North, a city in the West of the North Island of New Zealand. Why do I finish the NZ Music Month thread by posting this?
Because John Cleese once scathingly said "This is where to be if you want to end it all."
Cheers to all those who supportered or humoured me for this thread.

Play Loud,

- Ty.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Mass Media Casualty

Enough Beauty Pageants and lolcats, it's time for me to attempt to reintroduce some culture.

For those who remember last year in May I created a New Zealand music month featurette showcasing fifteen or so unheard acts from my country. Well, it's May again so I'm doing it again. Unfortunately since my CD collection is far from admirable and the increase in fucking copyright protection, (thank you very much Op Shop,) I have been forced to rely on other ways of uploading the songs here, (last year I simply ripped them and put them on Putfile.) YouTube, MySpace and anything else I can use when I find myself with no way to get a CD quality recording, which will unfortunately be most of the time.

I was thinking of flagging it this year, but then I watched a "documentary" by Wellington duo "Flight of the Conchords" at the south by southwest music festival who interviewed some Texan dude who stated "I didn't think New Zealand had the capabilities of having bands." So to try and cut through the ignorance I have indeed decided to do a follow-up to my thread of last year. I'm not sure I can last the whole month as I'm busier than last year, if any of the regular-ish Kiwi members here, (Tuatara Dude, 101 InvaderZim, Pubic,) want to give me a hand It'd be cool, (if not that's fine too,) but hey, I'll do my best. As well as introducing new artists I will also review artists I included last time, adding new stuff or looking at them from a different angle. Whatever.

Like last year I will be trying to include as many genres as possible, but honestly guys, we're off the mainstream radar here so if you're a "METAL AND ONLY METAL RULES" or "THE HIP-HOP SCENE IS WHERE IT'S AT" than his thread is not for you. Come to think of it that's probably where most of you are. Try to widen your horizons anyway. My basic aim anyway is to introduce you to music you've never heard before, and WILL never hear if not for my 'intervention'. The only thing that really links the tracks I plan to put up is that they're all from this twisted corner of the world known as New Zealand.

So, if I haven't turned you off already I'll offer a couple of reruns from last year to start us off. Shihad as always are my favourite band, I've been trying to convert people for years. Some of you have already heard this, but to those who have not I suggest you do so. This was from the "Pacifier" years of Shihad when they lost their identity and name trying to get into the American market, (Shihad sounded too much like 'Jihad' so "Pacifier" they became - not so any more.) So yeah, this track is pretty mainstream hard rock style, but it's still awesome.

Shihad - Run

Autozamm hasn't done much in the last year, I did attend a gig last time the were touring and it was very good. Regardless of inactivity this is a great garage/bogan rock track, fast, upbeat, loud etc.

Autozamm - You Don't Know Me

Play Loud.

May 2nd/3rd - The Tutts

The 2006 New Zealand Music Month thread.
[Blinking eyes thing]
+447|7155|Seattle, Washington, USA

Ah, good, you're back with this again. Good thread, pretty good music, if you weren't here for it last year keep your eye on it.

Last edited by Homeschtar (2007-04-30 22:48:54)

+788|6963|Brisbane, Australia

You didnt cover enough in V.1? My head hurts already. In a good way.
Mass Media Casualty

The Tutts

These guys are indie garage rockers from Auckland NZ. Their first big break was just on the release of their first single "K" in November 2006. It became the theme song to New Zealand's music TV channel "C4", and thus gained some popularity. I missed out on going to a gig of these guys because I didn't keep my eyes peeled for their posters, (which apparently were everywhere.)
From what I've heard of their music so far I wouldn't rate The Tutts up as a great NZ act, but to be fair, "K" is a pretty catchy upbeat song. Video's kind of weird though. Random dancing asian chick...

ANYWAY, yeah I can't get a CD recording, an illegal download recording or even an iTunes recording, BUT good old YouTube is a good backup, (it's also on their MySpace page in better quality - the title of this post is the link, along with a few other songs where honestly I haven't listened to fully yet. Yay for Ty and his marvelous research!)
Yeah. "K" is a cool indie garage band upbeat drinking-type-party song.

May 4th/5th - Fly My Pretties
[Blinking eyes thing]
Mass Media Casualty

Fly My Pretties

This is an interesting group. It's not really a band as such, more a group of Wellington, (capital city,) musicians who get together and play live gigs every now and then. Their style is hard to pin down, bits of jazz, bits of rock, bits of roots, bits of... well, everything. It's headed, (more or less,) by a bloke named Barnaby Weir, probably most well known for his work with Wellington dub/roots group "The Black Seeds". The group changes quite a bit, but it's fair to say that they are all geniuses.

This track is called "Foresight" and is probably my favourite. It's wonderful Jazz, incredibly mellow, you can literally melt into the sound, it's bloody marvelous. Thankfully I have uploaded an album-quality mp3 as only this music deserves. It's live of course as all FMP recordings are and it's absolutely fantastic. If you have any musical taste at all you'll like this. If of course you can't stand anything other than screaming electrics and rapid drum beats, than still listen to it. It'll expand your horizons just a little bit. Make sure you have it up loud enough to fill the room you're in. Just enjoy it as good music deserves to be enjoyed.

Everyone should hear this.

Fly My Pretties - Foresight
May 6th/7th - Opshop
[Blinking eyes thing]
Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6962|Teesside, UK

Ty wrote:

So, if I haven't turned you off already I'll offer a couple of reruns from last year to start us off. Shihad as always are my favourite band, I've been trying to convert people for years. Some of you have already heard this, but to those who have not I suggest you do so. This was from the "Pacifier" years of Shihad when they lost their identity and name trying to get into the American market, (Shihad sounded too much like 'Jihad' so "Pacifier" they became - not so any more.) So yeah, this track is pretty mainstream hard rock style, but it's still awesome.
I may have asked in the past but if so i can't remember.  Is it the same shihad who did La La Land?  I used to have that song on a sampler and loved it.  Never got round to searching out an album tho
+1,716|7040|St. Andrews / Oslo

*opens LimeWire*
Mass Media Casualty

crimson_grunt wrote:

I may have asked in the past but if so i can't remember.  Is it the same shihad who did La La Land?  I used to have that song on a sampler and loved it.  Never got round to searching out an album tho
Yep, that's the one. The album La La Land was on was the first self-titled album, also known as the Fish Album.
They have had four albums since then, with one of them being a two-disk live release which also included La La Land.
I'll try and include the live version of La La Land later when I revisit Shihad.

Jenspm wrote:

*opens LimeWire*
Good luck. So far everything but The Tutts you'll be able to download from Putfile I think. I can't find The Tutts anywhere so I had to rely on YouTube. I have no queries about you guys downloading this stuff, I'd prefer you buy it to support the completely broke NZ artists, but that's next to imposible in anywhere but NZ, and maybe Australia.
[Blinking eyes thing]
We shall beat to quarters!

Nice thread Ty, I do like the sound of Foresight.

Keep it coming!
~ Do you not know that in the service … one must always choose the lesser of two weevils?
Member 5307
wow, has it been a year already? oh yeah....
+447|7155|Seattle, Washington, USA

Great stuff so far, I especially liked the Foresight song.
Mass Media Casualty

I can't keep to scedule. I think I'll just write "Next time" and then hope to update whenever.

Opshop are a band from Christchurch who I for one have been quietly watching for quite a while. They've never ben a big New Zealand act until recently with their first single from their new album "Maybe" which is very marketable. I have only met one person who doesn't like it, (my Sister who's a music snob - more so than me.) She has a point, it isn't brilliant music, but it is a good song - this is proven by the fact that radio stations have been playing it shit-loads and Opshop have been making regular appearances on TV.

Opshop are kind of the New Zealand equivilant to U2 without Bono's wank. The difference in popularity can be probably put down to the fact that Opshop havn't been around for that long and of course the main reason why New Zealand music struggles - isolation. I've included Opshop's latest single - I tried for more but this post is fucked up for some reason. It's from YouTube, as I mentioned in my opening post copy protection on CDs sucks and Opshop are a prime example of an offender.
Anyway, on to the music. The first single from Opshop's second album "Second Hand Planet" called "Maybe".


Next time: Flight of the Conchords

Edit: Something's wrong with my ISP/computer so this didn't turn out right. I had a bit more written and another video embedded - it dosn't show up on my PC, it may on yours I'm not sure. I'll fix it later if I can.
[Blinking eyes thing]

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