did anyone here actually read atg's zombie wars?

that's not entirely true, Flaming_Douchebag posted a testimonial with pictures, enough for me to consider buying when he PM'd me saying "you'll like it" and i paypal'd for one only to be stiffed. i think this is a case of me being to naive that two mods could be trusted. Today i own a Buck® knife that has served me well, and i picked it up w/o a forum recommendation.eleven bravo wrote:
parker was a giant tool before he became a mod. the way he would talk about being a bad ass with guns and knives and then seeing a picture of him looking like 80 pounds of shit on a 5 foot frame made it obvious. if you got burned by him, you derserve it.
lol, P(olitically Correctness trumps) C(oncerned stewardship) rules American internets. why i got a vacation when a scot attacked me when i responded.RTHKI wrote:
Dauntless wrote:
if they don't care about it dying why would they care if someone called someone else a cunt?
See he admits it!KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
And I'm just as guilty of it as anyone else here from time to time.
Its called "playing the long game".Doctor Strangelove wrote:
Parker was a mod before he scammed everyone. As if one day he realized that he built up enough trust that he could finally pull such shit off.SEREMAKER wrote:
or parkereleven bravo wrote:
who ever made atg a mod has zero credibility when it comes to claiming to be involved in the forum
Not true.KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
i don't think you guys understand that chuy/oh don't care if this forum dies.
I was going to say...OrangeHound wrote:
Not true.KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
i don't think you guys understand that chuy/oh don't care if this forum dies.
(d&st especially)"If u dun liek wut u c, get ouf ot kichn." -bf2s legend
Last edited by oug (2011-07-29 08:55:55)
Last edited by (27th)Kaptyn (2011-07-29 13:50:49)
jord wrote:
You can't wrap people in cotton wool. A good aspect of this forum for the younger (stupider) members is they can post incorrect opinions anonymously and get their negative feedback and a few insults back without incident. Science forbid people spouted some of the stuff they do here in real life, oh the shame.