Check out the new playstation controller unveiled at E3:
I wonder how games like SOCOM can utilize this cool feature.  By the way, where can you pre-order this beast which comes out November 17 2006.  The price will be $499 (us) for the lower end and $599 (us) for the higher end version which comes with a flash card reader, 60 gig HDD and an HDMI output.  Worth the Price? I guess my 7900gtx will have to wait.
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7078|AUS, Canberra
thats awsome, plane whores dream!
+85|7059|good old CA
Neat but still the ps3 is to expensive for me
+86|6965|San Francisco, CA
reminds me of the Nintendo Revolution!
Oh, but I love sony so much. … -ray-demo/
Enemy Bush Spotted!
+18|7021|asshole of the planet, NM, USA
sony is the shit.  my entire entertainment system is sony, the 300 disk cd changer, the dvd changer, the reciever, the speakers... however I must admit that i am going to upgrade to some different stuff... mainly the speakers to mirage.... but the controller for the ps3 looks bad ass!  I'm saving my money right now to get one, 'cause my wife thinks i neglect her now... HAHAHa wait till i get the ps3!  she has got somethin comming!  hahaha j/k, i love my wife very much... (incase she reads this)
Shifty's Home Number: 02 9662 8432

Its Either Xbox or Playstation, but Im a Born and Bred PS Man.
Zee Tank Skank
+80|7008|MoVal So-Cal
The P$3...such a name makes fan boys jump with glee and haters...well...hate.

Me? I have the GC, Ps2, x-box and the 360, as you can see Im not a hater or a fanboy

This generation of hardware though, is different. I personally think that sony cant come up with their own ideas (stole nintendos's motion sensing controller idea and they cant make thir own rumble feature...the new controllers have NO RUIMBLE because sony goe sued by a company that they stole the idea from) and have set their prices way too high. When the gimped version of the console doesn't support wireless controllers, wifi, bluetooth, high def blue ray playback AND has a 40gb smaller hard drive then the "good" version. The graphics dont seem to be nearly as good as all the pre-rendered movies they showed in 05, heck the 360 and the PS3 are nearly identical capabilities wise.

I plan on getting the Wii (strange because I never get nintendo products first) instead of the PS3 simply because it will be $300 cheaper (minimum) and looks to very innovative. Maybe when the price of the Ps3 goes down to sane numbers I will get it but for now my 360 (and soon to be Wii) will do me just fine.

(also not that nearly ALL cool games are also in the my view all the PS3 will have is MGS and Ace Combat. never really liked final fantasy)

IF you got the money great but if you dont get a wii and wait for a price dropp.
+788|6963|Brisbane, Australia

I love the playgarism station!

I would buy it this year, but I am planning on sticking with my computer for a long time, not much for console games, but still I have a PS2 lying around incase my folks throw a party and friends come over, good party thing, I got an itoy too, and it drives me insane, because all the little kiddys that come round are obsesed with seeing themselfs on tv!
Cool member
i dont really see the attraction of the PS3 controller with its movement thing, also the whole idea of the Wii controller with its ability to have movement controlled stuff.
was watching one demo of the Wii and the guy was aiming the controller as if he was shooting a bow and arrow. now if i am playing a game for a while, and had to do this everytime i wanted to aim at something, then i think the novelty would wear off pretty quickly. eventually your arm would get tired from having to move more than the usually gamer with his gamepad.

the_heart_attack wrote:

thats awsome, plane whores dream!
yes it is, especially with the motion sensor i downloaded the conference, saw it, and its awsome, and revolutionizes card game!! yes card games with geeky stuff and has 3d images... pretty awsome.

ppl say sony copied nintendos stuff, my theory is that the two japanese companies are working together as one large company increasing the economic growth for japan, its pretty true, lets see, snake (mgs) is in super smash bros brawl, and ps3 gets the motion sensing stuff from nintendo. what do u think of my theory?
Let see.. I think that

Motion sensing controller > Snake (MGS) in Super Smash Brothers

But hey, I think you've got a valid Japanese conspiracy theory that may topple microsoft.
this is the best we can do?

lordgeno wrote:

sony is the shit.  my entire entertainment system is sony, the 300 disk cd changer, the dvd changer, the reciever, the speakers... however I must admit that i am going to upgrade to some different stuff... mainly the speakers to mirage.... but the controller for the ps3 looks bad ass!  I'm saving my money right now to get one, 'cause my wife thinks i neglect her now... HAHAHa wait till i get the ps3!  she has got somethin comming!  hahaha j/k, i love my wife very much... (incase she reads this)
300 cd changer? ever heard of mp3?  its like brand new i guess
is drunk and crazy
I'm pre-ordering two 60gb PS3s because I know sony wont meet the demand so I will sell one on ebay and expect to make a large profit that will cover the cost of the one i want to keep and afford me some games to go with it
Zee Tank Skank
+80|7008|MoVal So-Cal

<{SoE}>Agamemnar wrote:

You know you suck when...

A GAME (halo 3) from your competitor causes more hype than your too-little too-late console.
so very true, +1 for you
Zee Tank Skank
+80|7008|MoVal So-Cal

<{SoE}>Agamemnar wrote:

You know you suck when...

A GAME (halo 3) from your competitor causes more hype than your too-little too-late console.
Microsoft shut down the sony hype machine BIG TIME at E3 with the announcement of Halo 3, another fantastic showing of Gears Of War, the accouncement of the GTA series coming out at the same time as the PS versions and even announcing Fable 2 as well as some  preppy girly-boy Japanese RPGs. Playstation 3 looks more like a $600 toy that can play 2 games that i give a patoot about (MGS and Ace Combat) and has little to no innovation whatsovever involved in it's develpoment

Last edited by Pernicious544 (2006-05-31 23:41:16)


illapino wrote:

Worth the Price?
Simple put: Fuck no.

Considering the Wii is going to be $250, have cheaper games and accessories, isn't going to be hampered by a potentially INCREDIBLY restrictive DRM-based media, AND they're going to have online access to a large majority of previous nintendo offerings (some for free) there is no way I'm going to shell out the cash for that crap which is called PS3.

I'm sorry, Nintendo is innovating and putting players first whereas Sony is making a tech push for themselves and making YOU pay for it -- right out the nose.
Zee Tank Skank
+80|7008|MoVal So-Cal

chuyskywalker wrote:

illapino wrote:

Worth the Price?
Simple put: Fuck no.

Considering the Wii is going to be $250, have cheaper games and accessories, isn't going to be hampered by a potentially INCREDIBLY restrictive DRM-based media, AND they're going to have online access to a large majority of previous nintendo offerings (some for free) there is no way I'm going to shell out the cash for that crap which is called PS3.

I'm sorry, Nintendo is innovating and putting players first whereas Sony is making a tech push for themselves and making YOU pay for it -- right out the nose.
This generation is going to be all about the Wii and 360. reserving the Wii the second i can because i like the idea of having about a bajillion games avaliable for my system at launch.
O-<--< stick man lolololol
my dads pre ordered them one in each color hes mad!!!
+60|7020|USA, Arizona
I had a feeling Sony would jump on the motion sensing bandwagon like Nintendo has already implemented. Now everytime I see a little kid, or insanely unkempt old man jumping around while playing a game... I'll only have to look at their hands and see that controller "Oh it's a PS3... he HAS to jump around like that, it's okay." And walk away very, very slowly. Or quickly if I have to.
Unintentionally Verbose

theDude5B wrote:

i dont really see the attraction of the PS3 controller with its movement thing, also the whole idea of the Wii controller with its ability to have movement controlled stuff.
was watching one demo of the Wii and the guy was aiming the controller as if he was shooting a bow and arrow. now if i am playing a game for a while, and had to do this everytime i wanted to aim at something, then i think the novelty would wear off pretty quickly. eventually your arm would get tired from having to move more than the usually gamer with his gamepad.
I call the arm getting tired as a good thing.

People wanna call themselves cyber athletes? New technology is bringing it closer to reality.
Plus! Some of the uh... less than healthy... members of the gaming fraternity will be given some real incentive to actually move, gain some fitness. Not a bad thing at all.

You'll quickly find that if you enjoy a game that requires more arm movement you'll quickly build up some degree of strength and fitness in your arm that allows you to play these games for long periods with apparent ease.
I'm moving to Brazil
nice find
+86|6965|San Francisco, CA
might as well rename the Playstation 3 to the PenisSucked (3) since you'll be doing PLENTY of that to Sony when you shell out all that delicious cash that you could auctually spend on something else more don't know, a 7900GTX for your computer? Maybe more ram and a new CPU!

LOL, zOMG new computer parts for $600+ that'll last way longer!! ^^
not to mention that you'll have to spend $60~ PER game while PC, Wii games'll stay $50 < $60. Oh hey and you got a new rig with that $600 saved too! Totally amazing.

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