
*Plays: 200k+ 100k+ 50k+ 30k+ 10k+
Play counts last updated 1/10/11
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About Last.fm
Signing up and creating a user profile on Last.fm is free, and so is using most of the features with the exception of the radio, which is a subscriber feature in most countries.
Last.fm is a music service that lets you discover new music you like, based on the music you already listen to.
The Last.fm website is filled with tons of information on artists, albums and tracks, more music similar to them, charts and other statistics and more, all built by the Last.fm users who’re keeping track of what they’re listening to with Last.fm. (If you want to join them and get your own profile with your personal charts and stats, read the next question for more information.)
You can read about artists you like, check out their most popular tracks, browse their album and find out what other artists are similar to them; learn about upcoming events, explore interesting genres, listen to music and watch videos
When you recommend some music to a friend, or you tag it, or you write about it - even just listening to it - you shift the song's importance on the site. It'll be recommended to different people, because you've listened to it. It'll move up our music charts and maybe more people will hear it because you thought it was good.

Download the Last.fm Scrobbler
The Scrobbler automatically fills your library and updates it with what you’ve been listening to on your computer or iPod.

updated values, ugh that took forever
Last edited by Winston_Churchill (2011-05-21 21:14:37)