ewwww! creepy! good work
LoL! . . . i 8 it.
Dude, your bug photos are nuts. Are you into entomology or something?
There is an old macro lens down at the flea market. Looks like it could have a canon mount, gonna take the camera down tomorrow and see if it does.
There are so many cool things to take macro shots of. It's like having a telescope in reverse.
Nic wrote:
Yeah, the wifey loves taking macro shots. Would be nice for her. Would also be good for when I do a computer build. I wants me a fish eye.Superior Mind wrote:
There are so many cool things to take macro shots of. It's like having a telescope in reverse.
Take a macro shot of a real fish eye.
a mackerel?
Any one you like. Mackerel, salmon, trout, tuna, sturgeon, piranha, guppy.
Nope, just like the challenge of macro shooting and how cool bugs look. Its also one of the cheaper areas of photography, so that makes exploring it not as big of a deal as areas like birding.Superior Mind wrote:
Dude, your bug photos are nuts. Are you into entomology or something?
went for a wander today to the place next to my first year halls (haven't been back since my first year, mega nostalgia) only armed with an iphone but saw some real nice views.
this is the royal airforce memorial to all the members of the commonwealth air forces killed in the two great wars (with a stroppy woman)

the entire walls are lined with this (and it's big)

you can walk right up to the top of it and look out from south-west countryside to central london... i took a photo but there was too much glare (and the detail of the skyline of london was too far in the distance for the iphone capture-size to properly show)
about 250m through the woods from my first halls is the place where the magna carta was signed

and of course, in english fashion... we commemorate this with a tea-house

though you yanks (specifically the american bar association) decided to build a monument to yourselves there (i'm not sure they're any good at history)

there's also pretty interestingly a long cobbled walk up to this memorial

nearby there is also a tree planted by the queen in memory of JFK and a tree planted in soil taken from jamestown, virginia... all this shit is just lying in the middle of some fields in the middle of nowhere, just outside of heathrow in south-west london. barely anyone knows about it.
and what iphone snap-happy day is complete without a shitty polaroid app?

you should come to england it's nice here (though fuck the north)
this is the royal airforce memorial to all the members of the commonwealth air forces killed in the two great wars (with a stroppy woman)

the entire walls are lined with this (and it's big)

you can walk right up to the top of it and look out from south-west countryside to central london... i took a photo but there was too much glare (and the detail of the skyline of london was too far in the distance for the iphone capture-size to properly show)
about 250m through the woods from my first halls is the place where the magna carta was signed

and of course, in english fashion... we commemorate this with a tea-house

though you yanks (specifically the american bar association) decided to build a monument to yourselves there (i'm not sure they're any good at history)

there's also pretty interestingly a long cobbled walk up to this memorial

nearby there is also a tree planted by the queen in memory of JFK and a tree planted in soil taken from jamestown, virginia... all this shit is just lying in the middle of some fields in the middle of nowhere, just outside of heathrow in south-west london. barely anyone knows about it.
and what iphone snap-happy day is complete without a shitty polaroid app?

you should come to england it's nice here (though fuck the north)
Last edited by Uzique (2011-05-13 14:41:00)
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
New age fun with a vintage feel?
In all seriousness though, some nice pics
Last edited by Microwave (2011-05-13 14:45:56)
dude the magna carta is soooo vintage
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
you probably haven't heard of it, it stopped being cool in 1215AD
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
shame about that massive red zit on her finger
it's a genital wart
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
it's ironic cause emos cut their wrists but she's not emo so she cuts her finger |_()|_