Anger is a gift
+174|6946|Sin City

lowing wrote:

Well I for one am all for reparations for slavery.

All slaves in America that are still alive should be set free and reimbursed AT ONCE with our sincerest apologies.
Great. I think you should get out your check book and take care of it for the rest of us since it bothers you so much.........

As for the slaves that are still alive, I'm fairly certain the last one died along time ago. However, maybe you could pay to have them dug up and sent to their home country.
Repreations for descendants of slaves is bullshit.  They need to get the hell over it and move on with their lives.  Also, I might be more prone to be compassionite if they stoped with the "ghetto" image.  I mean honestly, why would anybody want to dress like that?  hey look at me, im poor, have no education, am probably going to get shot if im not careful, and get high.  Now im sure that not the situation every where, but in milwaukee it is, cuz the inner city education system blows.

D6717C wrote:

lowing wrote:

Well I for one am all for reparations for slavery.

All slaves in America that are still alive should be set free and reimbursed AT ONCE with our sincerest apologies.
Great. I think you should get out your check book and take care of it for the rest of us since it bothers you so much.........

As for the slaves that are still alive, I'm fairly certain the last one died along time ago. However, maybe you could pay to have them dug up and sent to their home country.
LMAO!!!.......oh well, another painfully obvious attempt at sarcastic humor shot to hell.

dedelus wrote:

Repreations for descendants of slaves is bullshit.  They need to get the hell over it and move on with their lives.  Also, I might be more prone to be compassionite if they stoped with the "ghetto" image.  I mean honestly, why would anybody want to dress like that?  hey look at me, im poor, have no education, am probably going to get shot if im not careful, and get high.  Now im sure that not the situation every where, but in milwaukee it is, cuz the inner city education system blows.
I kinda think our education system doesn't suck........The parents and kids morality does. Do you honestly think those types of people (white or black or hispanic) will go to Harvard for free and graduate if given the opportunity?
The Bartenders Son
reparations wont help people.. we need to Educate them... Money will not solve the problem when they dont know how to mange it.

will they go to Harvard for free and graduate if given the opportunity? Nope! most of them want there free CheeEEZ

Last edited by The Bartenders Son (2006-05-14 05:52:31)


The Bartenders Son wrote:

reparations wont help people.. we need to Educate them... Money will not solve the problem when they dont know how to mange it.

will they go to Harvard for free and graduate if given the opportunity? Nope! most of them want there free CheeEEZ
Thats exactly right.  But we don't need to education them.....They need to educate themselves, and the tools to do so are already provided. how does that saying go?......you can lead a horse to water , but you can't make him drink??

Last edited by lowing (2006-05-14 06:36:30)

Hates snipers and says the "F" word a lot
+72|6987|Houston, Texas
3 Words. I'm Rich Biaaattccchhhhh
+14|7154|Atlanta, GA

lowing wrote:

The Bartenders Son wrote:

reparations wont help people.. we need to Educate them... Money will not solve the problem when they dont know how to mange it.

will they go to Harvard for free and graduate if given the opportunity? Nope! most of them want there free CheeEEZ
Thats exactly right.  But we don't need to education them.....They need to educate themselves, and the tools to do so are already provided. how does that saying go?......you can lead a horse to water , but you can't make him drink??
Absolutely right Lowing.  The tools are in place and we as a country throw more money at education that any other developed natio and what has it gotten us?  Lower test scores.  I do think that our education system is sorely lacking in accountability for both teachers and students, but a large portion of the problem falls squarely on the parent(s) and the students actually doing the work and trying to make the very most of the educational opportunities provided them

dedelus wrote:

Repreations for descendants of slaves is bullshit.  They need to get the hell over it and move on with their lives.  Also, I might be more prone to be compassionite if they stoped with the "ghetto" image.  I mean honestly, why would anybody want to dress like that?  hey look at me, im poor, have no education, am probably going to get shot if im not careful, and get high.  Now im sure that not the situation every where, but in milwaukee it is, cuz the inner city education system blows.
Hey, I live in Greenfield. Yes, you are correct, the public schools are a joke. They also trash their neighborhoods, and take no pride in owning anything. Hell you could probably buy a whole block for around $20,000 on the North side of Milwaukee.

Why do they not go to Africa, and complain to them, as it was their own people who traded them to the US for food, and women.
Horseman 77

lowing wrote:

The Bartenders Son wrote:

reparations wont help people.. we need to Educate them... Money will not solve the problem when they dont know how to mange it.

will they go to Harvard for free and graduate if given the opportunity? Nope! most of them want there free CheeEEZ
Thats exactly right.  But we don't need to education them.....They need to educate themselves, and the tools to do so are already provided. how does that saying go?......you can lead a horse to water , but you can't make him drink??
Once " I MADE " a horse drink, I swear to god!
The Bartenders Son

lowing wrote:

The Bartenders Son wrote:

reparations wont help people.. we need to Educate them... Money will not solve the problem when they dont know how to mange it.

will they go to Harvard for free and graduate if given the opportunity? Nope! most of them want there free CheeEEZ
Thats exactly right.  But we don't need to education them.....They need to educate themselves, and the tools to do so are already provided. how does that saying go?......you can lead a horse to water , but you can't make him drink??
Very True!!!!!!!!! .. @#$@# THEM ALL
This is all happening because America lost its soul! America was(and can be once again ) the great nation of the world. But it has to go back to where it came from.......believing in God. In the 60's the culture turned its back on the teaching of the4 bible to the teachings of "if it doesnt bother me, then its ok for them to do what ever they want" liberal shite! And it has been down heill ever since. You can plainly see it.....gays getting married, the slaughter of innocent babies, removing prayer and god from all schools....these alll startd in the 60's. There has been a drastic decline in morality in the american people and we have now become sheeple! We are led by the media , our president is not doing his job and we may have a person who was instramental in the crap that started in the 60's, along with her husband, as President in 2008.....Hillary Clinton. I love this country, it is my adopted country but it saddens me to see how far it has fallen. I pray for all our children in the future if we dont get things right and get them right soon.

lowing wrote:

Well I for one am all for reparations for slavery.

All slaves in America that are still alive should be set free and reimbursed AT ONCE with our sincerest apologies.
Ahhhhh............ +1 coming your way sir. That was funny.
Horseman 77

captain_itchy_pants wrote:

This is all happening because America lost its soul! America was(and can be once again ) the great nation of the world. But it has to go back to where it came from.......believing in God. In the 60's the culture turned its back on the teaching of the4 bible to the teachings of "if it doesnt bother me, then its ok for them to do what ever they want" liberal shite! And it has been down heill ever since. You can plainly see it.....gays getting married, the slaughter of innocent babies, removing prayer and god from all schools....these alll startd in the 60's. There has been a drastic decline in morality in the american people and we have now become sheeple! We are led by the media , our president is not doing his job and we may have a person who was instramental in the crap that started in the 60's, along with her husband, as President in 2008.....Hillary Clinton. I love this country, it is my adopted country but it saddens me to see how far it has fallen. I pray for all our children in the future if we dont get things right and get them right soon.
If God, a belief or a Faith works for you thats fine.

Some people Define God as " Good Orderly Desicions"

You have to be taught and it has to start with your parents. A cat will not learn to hunt on its own the Mother cat must teach her kittens. I have seen kids that are toddlers out in the Streets of NYC at 2 am with no adult within 500 feet of them.

Is it a wonder children grow up to murder do drugs speak some unintelligible slang and see rape as a Rite of passage to manhood? As f*ck'd up as my parents were They did teach me the basics. These kids are feral.

lowing wrote:

D6717C wrote:

lowing wrote:

Well I for one am all for reparations for slavery.

All slaves in America that are still alive should be set free and reimbursed AT ONCE with our sincerest apologies.
Great. I think you should get out your check book and take care of it for the rest of us since it bothers you so much.........

As for the slaves that are still alive, I'm fairly certain the last one died along time ago. However, maybe you could pay to have them dug up and sent to their home country.
LMAO!!!.......oh well, another painfully obvious attempt at sarcastic humor shot to hell.
People don't get sarcasm here. Your efforts would be better spent on VOIP.
This is just another dumb ass idea, by a dumb ass that is looking for the black vote.
I think its time to vote these rich old farts out of office and get some young middle class working americans in office. Then maybe they'll do what the people want.

yuck7777 wrote:

This is just another dumb ass idea, by a dumb ass that is looking for the black vote.
I think its time to vote these rich old farts out of office and get some young middle class working americans in office. Then maybe they'll do what the people want.
They will cease to be middle class working americans once they get voted into office, and will become the same rich old farts that you voted out. Just give them a few years.

This is just more bs to garner votes. The idea of reparations for something that happened centuries ago is compete crap. That's like saying I want reparations for my irish ancestors that were persecuted in England 700 years ago. I mean, give me a break.

At some point people need to accept that their shortcomings are not the fault of their ancestor's being persecuted hundreds of years ago, it is their responsibility alone. Clinging to the past like this is what is holding people back, not the fact that their ancestor's didn't get 40 acres and a mule. When you think you are being held down by the man, you will live as though you are being held down. When you refuse to be held down by the past, you can surpass your own expectations and rise above all that. It just so happens that millions of people refuse to move past it, so they willingly live in poor neighborhoods, blaming "the man" for holding them down because his ancestors might have owned slaves 200 years ago. The only people holding them down are themselves.
I am all that is MOD!

captain_itchy_pants wrote:

This is all happening because America lost its soul! America was(and can be once again ) the great nation of the world. But it has to go back to where it came from.......believing in God. In the 60's the culture turned its back on the teaching of the4 bible to the teachings of "if it doesnt bother me, then its ok for them to do what ever they want" liberal shite! And it has been down heill ever since. You can plainly see it.....gays getting married, the slaughter of innocent babies, removing prayer and god from all schools....these alll startd in the 60's. There has been a drastic decline in morality in the american people and we have now become sheeple! We are led by the media , our president is not doing his job and we may have a person who was instramental in the crap that started in the 60's, along with her husband, as President in 2008.....Hillary Clinton. I love this country, it is my adopted country but it saddens me to see how far it has fallen. I pray for all our children in the future if we dont get things right and get them right soon.
I seriously hope you are being sarcastic here.  What are you saying?  That believing in God is how our country will be great again?  George Bush is a born again Christian, and where has he gotten us?  Where do you get your US History from?  I can see that you are angry with the way America has been developing lately, but to say that "America has lost its soul due to a lack of faith in God" is ridiculous.  Like you said, it is your adopted country, maybe you should research what our country is about before you tell everyone how we are failing.  I agree that there are things that we as Americans can do better, but I think its pretty irresponsible to blame it on people that thought a certain way 40 years ago.  Obviously you don't like hippies or counterculture people, but don't go blaming them for all the problems in the world.
+302|7049|Salt Lake City

captain_itchy_pants wrote:

This is all happening because America lost its soul! America was(and can be once again ) the great nation of the world. But it has to go back to where it came from.......believing in God. In the 60's the culture turned its back on the teaching of the4 bible to the teachings of "if it doesnt bother me, then its ok for them to do what ever they want" liberal shite! And it has been down heill ever since. You can plainly see it.....gays getting married, the slaughter of innocent babies, removing prayer and god from all schools....these alll startd in the 60's. There has been a drastic decline in morality in the american people and we have now become sheeple! We are led by the media , our president is not doing his job and we may have a person who was instramental in the crap that started in the 60's, along with her husband, as President in 2008.....Hillary Clinton. I love this country, it is my adopted country but it saddens me to see how far it has fallen. I pray for all our children in the future if we dont get things right and get them right soon.
God has no place in our schools.  That should be left in churches and homes.  The problems associated with this are far too great to even begin to fathom.

I also suppose you are one that is against the removing of "under God" from the pledge of allegience.  Did you know that the pledge has been changed multiple times since it was originally written?  Did you know that it was written by Baptist minister, and the original version never contained the words "under God"?  Those words were added to the pledge in 1954.  Just a little history on the matter if you care to read up on it.


Also, the appearance of "In God We Trust" was not put on US currency until 1864.  Much of what people are mad about in these matters was ever done by the founding fathers, and largely was never intended to be.

http://www.treasury.gov/education/fact- … rust.shtml

Last edited by Agent_Dung_Bomb (2006-05-15 10:12:53)

Horseman 77
People need to lighten up a bit.

captain_itchy_pants wrote:

This is all happening because America lost its soul! America was(and can be once again ) the great nation of the world. But it has to go back to where it came from.......believing in God. In the 60's the culture turned its back on the teaching of the4 bible to the teachings of "if it doesnt bother me, then its ok for them to do what ever they want" liberal shite! And it has been down heill ever since. You can plainly see it.....gays getting married, the slaughter of innocent babies, removing prayer and god from all schools....these alll startd in the 60's. There has been a drastic decline in morality in the american people and we have now become sheeple! We are led by the media , our president is not doing his job and we may have a person who was instramental in the crap that started in the 60's, along with her husband, as President in 2008.....Hillary Clinton. I love this country, it is my adopted country but it saddens me to see how far it has fallen. I pray for all our children in the future if we dont get things right and get them right soon.
Go back to where we came from, huh? What makes you think believing in a god is where we came from?

This country came from it's founding fathers, the people who revolted against England, who wrote the Constituion, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence.

Thomas Jefferson didn't believe what was written in the bible, and put together his own version, removing all references to miracles and anything that would make Jesus appear as divine. I've got a juicy quote from our third president:

Thomas Jefferson wrote:

I have examined all the known superstitions of the Word, and I do not find in our particular superstition of Christianity one redeeming feature.  They are all alike, founded on fables and mythology.  Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined and imprisoned.  What has been the effect of this coercion?  To make one half the world fools and the other half hypocrites; to support roguery and error all over the world ...

    The clergy converted the simple teachings of Jesus into an engine for enslaving mankind ... to filch wealth and power to themselves.  [They], in fact, constitute the real Anti-Christ.
Thomas Paine was a Deist, which if you didn't know, Deism claims that any "revealed" religion... Christanity, Islam, Buddhism are all false.

John Adams, who became the second president was a Unitarian, and I'll quote him:

John Adams wrote:

"As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion - as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Musselmen, - and as the said States never have entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mehomitan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arrising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.
Funny, considering the situation in the Middle East, huh?

Let's hear from James Madison, who openly opposed organized religion because of the corruption it brought to government:

James Madison wrote:

What influence in fact have Christian ecclesiastical establishments had on civil society? In many instances they have been upholding the thrones of political tyranny. In no instance have they been seen as the guardians of the liberties of the people. Rulers who wished to subvert the public liberty have found in the clergy convenient auxiliaries. A just government, instituted to secure and perpetuate liberty, does not need the clergy.

James Madison wrote:

Religion and government will both exist in greater purity, the less they are mixed together.
Benjamin Franklin was one of the few founding fathers who was Christian. He voted multiple times to have a member of the clergy come in and pray to begin the sessions where the Bill of Rights, Constritution, etc. were written. The founding fathers took a vote on whether or not to involve a preacher in these sessions, and they voted Benjamin Franklin's request down. Want to know why? Because Christians were the minority.

If there was any semblance of a national religion at the time our country was founded, it would be Deism, based on nature and reason, not Christianity. Deists rejected Christian Beliefs of the Holy Trinity, and any organized religion for that matter. It was during this time that the Baptist Association of Danbury (based in Connecticut) wrote a letter to Thomas Jefferson (president at the time) expressing concern over Deism being declared the national religion, in which he replied and I'll quote: "The First Amendment has erected a wall of separation between Church and State." The separation of powers was not invented in the 60s as many Christians tote, but the idea of the separation of powers was not sponsored very early on in this country. It wasn't hippies in the 60s trying to bring the country down, it was our founding father's idea!

For a country that Christians claim is based on Christian principles, let's look to the Bible!

Bible, 1 Peter 2:13-14 wrote:

Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right.
Our country was created through Revolution against the King of England! How can we create a country because of something that directly violates instructions in the Bible, and claim it to be based on Christians principles?? We can't!

What basis can you say that this country was founded on Christianity? Christianity is not where we came from. Where we came from has been truly lost. Christianity is what the founding fathers wanted us to stray away from, not adopt. It has only been in the past 60 years that Christianity has become such a mainstay in our society. If anything, Christianity can be to blame for our current day issues, not the lack thereof.
+27|7085|Atlanta, GA USA

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

lowing wrote:

D6717C wrote:

Great. I think you should get out your check book and take care of it for the rest of us since it bothers you so much.........

As for the slaves that are still alive, I'm fairly certain the last one died along time ago. However, maybe you could pay to have them dug up and sent to their home country.
LMAO!!!.......oh well, another painfully obvious attempt at sarcastic humor shot to hell.
People don't get sarcasm here. Your efforts would be better spent on VOIP.
Yeah, I would have thought people would have figured it out at "should be set free."
+37|6968|Montréal, Canada
^^^ well said ^^^ +1 for you

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