6 different kinds of retarded sounded serious.
oh and if dead bodies are disappearing, there's an option you can change in the menus.
oh and if dead bodies are disappearing, there's an option you can change in the menus.

Last edited by krazed (2011-02-22 22:05:45)
Last edited by Hallvard (2011-02-23 02:49:04)
Last edited by aerodynamic (2011-02-23 06:26:03)
Oh, I didn't even think about that. Melee kind of blows by comparison.aerodynamic wrote:
First time playing the battle got my ass kicked, retried by charging full front and still got my ass kicked. Third time, used more tactics, got close to defeating the main force and then the other guy betrayed me and got my ass kicked. Fourth time sent the general on a lonely charge.
Loving the graphics, loving the art work, loving the game. Can't WAIT!
ps. kinda hard to get back to melee after playing Napoleon and Empire for a long time.
Melee > pewpewJohnG@lt wrote:
Oh, I didn't even think about that. Melee kind of blows by comparison.aerodynamic wrote:
First time playing the battle got my ass kicked, retried by charging full front and still got my ass kicked. Third time, used more tactics, got close to defeating the main force and then the other guy betrayed me and got my ass kicked. Fourth time sent the general on a lonely charge.
Loving the graphics, loving the art work, loving the game. Can't WAIT!
ps. kinda hard to get back to melee after playing Napoleon and Empire for a long time.
Until cavalry chops up your artillery.Uzique wrote:
yeah what are you talking about, melee is way more fun. pewpew just becomes a stand-still static borefest.
yea.... as opposed to "you'll line your guys up over there, and I'll line mine over here. Remember to wear your brightly colored clothes so you are easy to see and aim at. Then both sides start firing at each other for a while with crappy guns until one side is dead. There might be some actual action if our fancy-looking cavalry guys do a bit of flanking, but don't keep your hopes up."JohnG@lt wrote:
There's just less strategy involved with melee once the armies meet. Yeah, you send your cavalry around the flanks and break the enemies morale but that gets old after a while. Maybe the AI in S2 will actually be passably difficult without having to give them double morale over the player.