Player portobello from Warchild died recently on January 9th. Contact w.spiderman for any more info.
Doctor Strangelove wrote:

couldnt find any info on who this is anywhere, just a couple of clan pages with no info.
Played for Warchild back when BF2 was popular.

Not to be a dick or anything but I doubt anyone here knows who he is. Anyway, if this isn't another "xxx is dead but oh wait, he really isn't hahaha we fooled you guys" forum prank that's been overdone, RIP.
hmm i remember warchild, but thats it
for a fatty you're a serious intellectual lightweight.
I don't get what's such a big deal, mushrooms die all the time.
AussieReaper wrote:
My state was founded by Batman. Your opinion is invalid.
Rip jeff goldblum