I want to maybe get a tattoo, I was wondering if any of you guys could make a graphic of one. I want a black and white maybe red rose with "Corpus meum a putredine nascuntur flores et ero eos et intus aeternitas" around it or in english "From my rotting body flowers shall grow and I will be in them and that is eternity" pretty please and thank you
what's black and white and red all over?

If you are not 100% sure you want one, don't get one...I want to maybe get a tattoo
And try to get one that represents something....
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
What if you're cremated?GR34 wrote:
"From my rotting body flowers shall grow and I will be in them and that is eternity"

I am 100% sure thats what I want i just dont have a design thats why I asked it will be on my left shoulder
Make sure you get an artist that can spell...
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
"From my rotting body flowers shall grow and I will be in them and that is eternity"
Get a tattoo of like spiderman
spiderman is really cool and you can say that it stands for fidelity in chinese or something
spiderman is really cool and you can say that it stands for fidelity in chinese or something

burnzz wrote:
Shut up Adams.
burnzz wrote:
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!
Don´t ask here, go to a tattoo shop. There is a huge gap between what can be drawn and what can be drawn so it looks good on you body, something we cannot provide i presume.

That's a gross quote. You're gross.
You want to be careful with Latin phrases and tattoos, especially long ones. For one, make sure you've got it correct, (run it past someone who knows Latin,) and two, make sure your tattooist isn't a numpty who's going to misspell it.
Also, this seems obvious, but remember tattoos are permanent. A rose with a Latin phrase may be cool to you now but in a couple of years it could be utterly meaningless. One of the reasons I haven't got a tattoo despite kind of wanting one is that when I look back on myself even two years ago I consider myself a fucking idiot and am thankful that that fucking idiot didn't do anything to permanently disfigure my body. Tattoos, I feel, are a decision that some time should be taken on.
Also, browse this site a bit. Gross, funny and it may give you some idea of some of the pitfalls.
You want to be careful with Latin phrases and tattoos, especially long ones. For one, make sure you've got it correct, (run it past someone who knows Latin,) and two, make sure your tattooist isn't a numpty who's going to misspell it.
Also, this seems obvious, but remember tattoos are permanent. A rose with a Latin phrase may be cool to you now but in a couple of years it could be utterly meaningless. One of the reasons I haven't got a tattoo despite kind of wanting one is that when I look back on myself even two years ago I consider myself a fucking idiot and am thankful that that fucking idiot didn't do anything to permanently disfigure my body. Tattoos, I feel, are a decision that some time should be taken on.
Also, browse this site a bit. Gross, funny and it may give you some idea of some of the pitfalls.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
don't do it. you will regret it.