Gameplay was pretty crap though. The better part of your attacks missed.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
I liked Morrowind.Doctor Strangelove wrote:
Bethesda has never (and probably will never) developed a game with game-play that wasn't shit.
I doubt this will be much different.
At first, yeah. You could work around that with experience, though.
Yeah but the more annoying a game is in the begining the less interest I have in progressing through it.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
At first, yeah. You could work around that with experience, though.
Also Morrowind made it a big hassle to find your quest objectives, while Bethesda has made big improvements in that respect, it still made me just to annoyed at Morrowind to play it through.
TW2 is ace, been playing it for a few days now
There's 8 player co-op and a village mode where you can buy a village and build houses and such.
The game is incredibly deep in terms of leveling and modifying.
perhaps a dedicated thread hmm
There's 8 player co-op and a village mode where you can buy a village and build houses and such.
The game is incredibly deep in terms of leveling and modifying.
perhaps a dedicated thread hmm
Last edited by Chou (2010-11-27 07:56:01)
Doit, I´m tempted to play it too!Chou wrote:
TW2 is ace, been playing it for a few days now
There's 8 player co-op and a village mode where you can buy a village and build houses and such.
The game is incredibly deep in terms of leveling and modifying.
perhaps a dedicated thread hmm

yeah, noob question but what does tw2 stand for?Chou wrote:
TW2 is ace, been playing it for a few days now
There's 8 player co-op and a village mode where you can buy a village and build houses and such.
The game is incredibly deep in terms of leveling and modifying.
perhaps a dedicated thread hmm
Just officially announced.
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
November 11th, 2011
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
November 11th, 2011
Skyrim sounds sillyPoseidon wrote:
Just officially announced.
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
November 11th, 2011
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
it's one of the regions.FloppY_ wrote:
Skyrim sounds sillyPoseidon wrote:
Just officially announced.
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
November 11th, 2011

you hardly play elder scrolls games for the story
I'll wait for some actual in-game footage
you hardly play elder scrolls games for the story
I'll wait for some actual in-game footage

Well that's kinda obvious :3Miggle wrote:
it's one of the regions.FloppY_ wrote:
Skyrim sounds sillyPoseidon wrote:
Just officially announced.
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
November 11th, 2011
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
According to their twitter, Skyrim is using a new engine
I think far more people played Morrowind to faff about than to progress through the story from objective to objective. The first thing I did was go get lost.Doctor Strangelove wrote:
Yeah but the more annoying a game is in the begining the less interest I have in progressing through it.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
At first, yeah. You could work around that with experience, though.
Also Morrowind made it a big hassle to find your quest objectives, while Bethesda has made big improvements in that respect, it still made me just to annoyed at Morrowind to play it through.
uh the whole appeal to morrowind was its world. Everywhere you went there were interesting new places, landscapes, architecture, flora and fauna. Finding your way through miles of it to get to some quest destination, with the help of little more than a note that had some directions scribbled on it was a great way to get you immersed.
Oblivion is the total opposite. Nobody wants to mill about some vaguely european landscape for 20 minutes to get somewhere, and Bethesda assume that modern fans don't have the patience for another morrowind. It's why all you have to do to complete a quest in oblivion is run to wherever the arrow is pointing you, without a care in the world for what's actually going on. I'd hardly call that a step forward.
Oblivion is the total opposite. Nobody wants to mill about some vaguely european landscape for 20 minutes to get somewhere, and Bethesda assume that modern fans don't have the patience for another morrowind. It's why all you have to do to complete a quest in oblivion is run to wherever the arrow is pointing you, without a care in the world for what's actually going on. I'd hardly call that a step forward.

That's sort of what I just said, only without the quest focus. You could screw around in Morrowind pretty much as long as you wanted without sticking to the main plot. I agree about Oblivion, though. It's a bit simplified, but I think the biggest problem is still that there's no pressing reason to do any of the main quest stuff.
Yea...Lucien wrote:
uh the whole appeal to morrowind was its world. Everywhere you went there were interesting new places, landscapes, architecture, flora and fauna. Finding your way through miles of it to get to some quest destination, with the help of little more than a note that had some directions scribbled on it was a great way to get you immersed.
Oblivion is the total opposite. Nobody wants to mill about some vaguely european landscape for 20 minutes to get somewhere, and Bethesda assume that modern fans don't have the patience for another morrowind. It's why all you have to do to complete a quest in oblivion is run to wherever the arrow is pointing you, without a care in the world for what's actually going on. I'd hardly call that a step forward.
A friend of mine commented on that in his blog... … alley.html
EE (hats
Oblivion broke for me when I played it. Something about taking someone on horseback up to some place and failing to trigger the event and since it was my only save I just left the game, feeling rather pissed off.
Yeah that engine likes to do thatsome_random_panda wrote:
Oblivion broke for me when I played it. Something about taking someone on horseback up to some place and failing to trigger the event and since it was my only save I just left the game, feeling rather pissed off.
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
Good. Gamebryo REALLY showed it's age in FO: NV.:blacKOut: wrote:
According to their twitter, Skyrim is using a new engine
Now we just need Valve to overhaul or abandon Source. The ragdoll physics are becoming rather hilarious.
It's been so long now since any words on EP3 that I think Valve will do a massive overhaul on it or creating source2 or something...unnamednewbie13 wrote:
Now we just need Valve to overhaul or abandon Source. The ragdoll physics are becoming rather hilarious.
They really added some nice new stuff in the EP2 version of Source..
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me