The smell is becoming stronger!
My sig and:
"The Male Brain"

"The Male Brain"


Naw... but if people start using these in their sigs, there will be some skull-thumping!Citizen One wrote:
Triggersnappy thread closing ownage on the horizon no?
Triggersnappy has it out for THA, the smell is growing so strong, like...the smell of cooking wofting up through the floorboards, and in this case I smell some raw closage baby lol.
Citizen One: Here's One of You

Now then, does anyone see any similarities?superfly_cox wrote:
Citizen One: Here's One of You … e_view.gif

Hmmm. Reon Kadena anyone?
wow polar, you really know your internet porn. i got mine off an animated gif page, but thanks for the id. Now we all know citizen 1's real name!
this feeling i likeJenspm wrote:
the funny fealing is getting stronger!!!
LMFAO, got to love gulable guys.
Last edited by Citizen One (2006-05-09 10:48:14)
was that the Shitting Olympics I saw?
polar stop poking fun at citizen or der will be no sex tonight
aalso bears.. i cant message yu on msn it keeps saying my messages dont go through its been like dis all day
ROFL... you know why
mmm can anyone say " blocked"I.M.I Militant wrote:
aalso bears.. i cant message yu on msn it keeps saying my messages dont go through its been like dis all day
i can ^_^the_heart_attack wrote:
mmm can anyone say " blocked"I.M.I Militant wrote:
aalso bears.. i cant message yu on msn it keeps saying my messages dont go through its been like dis all day
you read it
Those are all so funny! Is there a way someone can copy them onto their computer? I'd really like to have some of them.
thanks.the_heart_attack wrote:
that was fucking funnyHerrBaron wrote:
right click - save image as ...Stravromula wrote:
Those are all so funny! Is there a way someone can copy them onto their computer? I'd really like to have some of them.
an oldie, but a hottie.. pah..!! pah..!!

Last edited by uber73 (2006-05-09 12:52:45)