THe first one is great, but is he using carrots?
Last edited by daffytag (2006-10-13 06:52:42)
lmao +1
check my sig
One of my clan mates posted this in our forums the other day:

P.S., hope Poncho doesn't see this! OMGOVER200K!

P.S., hope Poncho doesn't see this! OMGOVER200K!

keep em coming!!!
im making one out of your sig pic, he is painting the side of his face and his mouth is openeing and closing real fast.
it look fucking funny.
Here's one I made.
Disclaimer: clan mate didn't realize these were two dudes, I had to... point it out for him!
Disclaimer: clan mate didn't realize these were two dudes, I had to... point it out for him!

biatch, i got a logic reason for that. And I dont over-react that way about 200 K. Only if its 1 bloody mb. The logic reason is as follow; I hate it when I want to click a link but I cant (or click something else) because the whole bloody forum is moving/shifting down all the time because of the sigs.NM156 wrote:
LOL! Re-fucking-lax!
it was a j o k e!
it was a j o k e!

i knew that was gana come back at you!NM156 wrote:
P.S., hope Poncho doesn't see this! OMGOVER200K!
heh! no shit, I think he reads every thread here!
Oh well, I gave him +1 for calling me biatch!
Oh well, I gave him +1 for calling me biatch!

more ahahahahaha

ahahahah x 2

edit: heart_attack beat me to it! (Truth or Dare)

more ahahahahaha

ahahahah x 2

edit: heart_attack beat me to it! (Truth or Dare)
Last edited by Boomer1120 (2006-05-09 10:22:17)
that was fucking funnyHerrBaron wrote:

Last edited by superfly_cox (2006-05-09 10:26:40)
Tell me how to make gifs and I will post some...
you can make them in adobe image ready.Citizen One wrote:
Tell me how to make gifs and I will post some...
prob best to find a tutorial online.
To create them free, google search for "create animated gifs free" and it will give you several choices of programs to useCitizen One wrote:
Tell me how to make gifs and I will post some...
Last edited by King_County_Downy (2006-05-09 10:27:07)
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it

i will come with more later, but man, thispage takes forever to load....
My computer nearly died, especialy now people are going to put them in there sigs lol. Oh dear...I smell....Triggersnappy thread closing ownage on the horizon no?