+1,010|6599|Denmark aka Automotive Hell
Hmm.. I just watched the trailer for Incursion...

Are the introducing a whole new race or what's it all about?
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+3,936|6813|so randum
revisiting some old backstory

sansha are one of the pirate factions (like guristas and such) except they used to be super powerful, not just e-drug dealers. so anyway they were all sorta like the borg and all the empires (caldari/amarr/gaylente/minny) decided they were a bit dangerous and wiped sansha out. except apparently they missed a few and their leader is now v mad
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
+1,010|6599|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

Adams_BJ wrote:

CC-Marley wrote:

Downloading Eve now. Any suggestions?
Go out and kill shit. lots of shit. use tutorials for free shit. figure out what you wanna do and shit. train for it and shit. kill shit while training for shit and shit.

The biggest problem I found with players was that they were bored so they trained for a new exciting thing, and found a new exciting thing so stopped playing while they trained for it. I just tell them to calm down and enjoy what they can do NOW, and then they actually start to enjoy. They spent too much time looking at all the things they couldn't do instead of the things they COULD.
I have to say, that is quite a big problem with EVE, to get to the good stuff in the future you have to train, then train, then earn money, then train some more, etc. and it soon feels like you will never get there since skills will be taking months and weeks to train....

And unless you are willing to commit yourself to life in the game rather than a real one, you won't be able to go top-tier like Dreads and Titans.. am I right? because that's what it's felt like to me during the few trials I've been through having the financial support of a miner mate...
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+3,936|6813|so randum
well yeh, training for a titan etc SHOULD take aggeeeees, instant-gratification is zzzz. bear in mind a titan is worth about $4k, and is basically a flagship for your corp/alliance - they're not something to be taken lightly.

the 2nd point (playing loads and loads to get ahead) nope, not really true. being logged in wont make your skills tick over faster, and there's plenty of ways to make isk with little hands on time (someone in my corp makes 3bil-ish per week for 5minutes of market work for ex). the only benefit that someone logged in 23/7 could gain is practical experience at flying and such

also, ask yourself if you really REALLY want to be flying titans and capitals - the vast majority of pilots never bother. they 1)cost an assload 2)are slow and vunerable to basically everything 3)are very very specific tools. speccing for say, cruisers would take you no more than 3-6months to max out on one race, and you'd be welcome in practically any fleet going. ill be flying dreads next month, already can fly carriers but they barely ever get used.
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
+1,010|6599|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

FatherTed wrote:

well yeh, training for a titan etc SHOULD take aggeeeees, instant-gratification is zzzz. bear in mind a titan is worth about $4k, and is basically a flagship for your corp/alliance - they're not something to be taken lightly.

the 2nd point (playing loads and loads to get ahead) nope, not really true. being logged in wont make your skills tick over faster, and there's plenty of ways to make isk with little hands on time (someone in my corp makes 3bil-ish per week for 5minutes of market work for ex). the only benefit that someone logged in 23/7 could gain is practical experience at flying and such

also, ask yourself if you really REALLY want to be flying titans and capitals - the vast majority of pilots never bother. they 1)cost an assload 2)are slow and vunerable to basically everything 3)are very very specific tools. speccing for say, cruisers would take you no more than 3-6months to max out on one race, and you'd be welcome in practically any fleet going. ill be flying dreads next month, already can fly carriers but they barely ever get used.
I think I would enjoy the game much more if I were in more direct control of the ship... rather than clicking where I want to go/orbit/stay away from....

It kinda feels like playing Microsoft Excel with sweet graphics
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+3,936|6813|so randum
yeh lots of people want joystick input (myself included). in incursion they are adding a looooad of shortcut options tho, so i could say click a mouse side-button to enter into an approach, then rock onto another to pulse my mwd and open up the lasers. better, but still want joysticks
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
+1,010|6599|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

FatherTed wrote:

yeh lots of people want joystick input (myself included). in incursion they are adding a looooad of shortcut options tho, so i could say click a mouse side-button to enter into an approach, then rock onto another to pulse my mwd and open up the lasers. better, but still want joysticks
And another thing I wonder if they have fixed...

Warp-drive travel through planets?
It allways made me feel kinda "wut"...

But eh, I'll just stick to playing and raging over League of Legends for now EVE is too complicated for me to bother with atm
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+3,936|6813|so randum
they have some waffle-backstory to get around that, but it is an immersion breaker no doubt.

for all its excel similarities though, this is the only game that i still get the shakes from post-fight
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
+252|7017|Sextupling in Empire

I have a character that has over 70m skillpoints and can fly everything subcap, and can use every t2 item(including weapons). Im going to dump him in the character bazaar in a month or so so I don't have to pay to play this game anymore, and to keep me from ever having to bother with the shit grind for isk in this game. If skillpoints was everything, I wouldn't be dropping a character like that for some isk and a brand new character. Granted I'm not going to be touching him for the next 2 months while he maxes out skills in a rifter/thrasher and then later a sabre, but that's just because i'll be doing solo work for most part. For the majority of people in this game skills matter not, because this game is mostly made up of people roaming around in big gangs killing stragglers and lone ships(though occasionally you will get a good even matched fleet fight).
+1,010|6599|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

FatherTed wrote:

they have some waffle-backstory to get around that, but it is an immersion breaker no doubt.

for all its excel similarities though, this is the only game that i still get the shakes from post-fight
Hmm... I guess it just doesn't hit me I tend to like the ships for looks, not use.. derp...

And it doesn't feel immersive too me, partly thanks to the fact you live in an egg and might aswell be a computer
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6935|Little Bentcock

FloppY_ wrote:

Adams_BJ wrote:

CC-Marley wrote:

Downloading Eve now. Any suggestions?
Go out and kill shit. lots of shit. use tutorials for free shit. figure out what you wanna do and shit. train for it and shit. kill shit while training for shit and shit.

The biggest problem I found with players was that they were bored so they trained for a new exciting thing, and found a new exciting thing so stopped playing while they trained for it. I just tell them to calm down and enjoy what they can do NOW, and then they actually start to enjoy. They spent too much time looking at all the things they couldn't do instead of the things they COULD.
I have to say, that is quite a big problem with EVE, to get to the good stuff in the future you have to train, then train, then earn money, then train some more, etc. and it soon feels like you will never get there since skills will be taking months and weeks to train....

And unless you are willing to commit yourself to life in the game rather than a real one, you won't be able to go top-tier like Dreads and Titans.. am I right? because that's what it's felt like to me during the few trials I've been through having the financial support of a miner mate...
but that's the point im making, you don't have to train for months and months and months to have fun, you could have fun NOW. You're just too busy looking at what you can't do rather than what you CAN.
+3,936|6813|so randum
related; me and adams went roaming once in 900k clones (the base SP you start with) and ended up roleplaying space police. possibly the most fun i've ever had in a rifter
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
+1,010|6599|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

Adams_BJ wrote:

FloppY_ wrote:

Adams_BJ wrote:

Go out and kill shit. lots of shit. use tutorials for free shit. figure out what you wanna do and shit. train for it and shit. kill shit while training for shit and shit.

The biggest problem I found with players was that they were bored so they trained for a new exciting thing, and found a new exciting thing so stopped playing while they trained for it. I just tell them to calm down and enjoy what they can do NOW, and then they actually start to enjoy. They spent too much time looking at all the things they couldn't do instead of the things they COULD.
I have to say, that is quite a big problem with EVE, to get to the good stuff in the future you have to train, then train, then earn money, then train some more, etc. and it soon feels like you will never get there since skills will be taking months and weeks to train....

And unless you are willing to commit yourself to life in the game rather than a real one, you won't be able to go top-tier like Dreads and Titans.. am I right? because that's what it's felt like to me during the few trials I've been through having the financial support of a miner mate...
but that's the point im making, you don't have to train for months and months and months to have fun, you could have fun NOW. You're just too busy looking at what you can't do rather than what you CAN.
But I know that's what you said, I was merely stating that I was agreeing with you
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
Caldari Battleship 5.  FML.
+3,936|6813|so randum
i has it, amarr bs5 done next month-ish
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
thats next on the list. then Mimmy BS5, then perhaps gaylente BS5
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6935|Little Bentcock

FloppY_ wrote:

Adams_BJ wrote:

FloppY_ wrote:

I have to say, that is quite a big problem with EVE, to get to the good stuff in the future you have to train, then train, then earn money, then train some more, etc. and it soon feels like you will never get there since skills will be taking months and weeks to train....

And unless you are willing to commit yourself to life in the game rather than a real one, you won't be able to go top-tier like Dreads and Titans.. am I right? because that's what it's felt like to me during the few trials I've been through having the financial support of a miner mate...
but that's the point im making, you don't have to train for months and months and months to have fun, you could have fun NOW. You're just too busy looking at what you can't do rather than what you CAN.
But I know that's what you said, I was merely stating that I was agreeing with you
Ah sorry just looked like when you said:

I have to say, that is quite a big problem with EVE, to get to the good stuff in the future you have to train, then train, then earn money, then train some more, etc. and it soon feels like you will never get there since skills will be taking months and weeks to train....
was that you were sayting you can't have fun for months and months and months.
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6935|Little Bentcock

Adams_BJ wrote:

FloppY_ wrote:

Adams_BJ wrote:

but that's the point im making, you don't have to train for months and months and months to have fun, you could have fun NOW. You're just too busy looking at what you can't do rather than what you CAN.
But I know that's what you said, I was merely stating that I was agreeing with you
Ah sorry just looked like when you said:

I have to say, that is quite a big problem with EVE, to get to the good stuff in the future you have to train, then train, then earn money, then train some more, etc. and it soon feels like you will never get there since skills will be taking months and weeks to train....
was that you were sayting you can't have fun for months and months and months.

FatherTed wrote:

related; me and adams went roaming once in 900k clones (the base SP you start with) and ended up roleplaying space police. possibly the most fun i've ever had in a rifter

I remember I copy pasta'd the chat log on here somewhere. I lol'd.
+1,010|6599|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

Adams_BJ wrote:

FloppY_ wrote:

Adams_BJ wrote:

but that's the point im making, you don't have to train for months and months and months to have fun, you could have fun NOW. You're just too busy looking at what you can't do rather than what you CAN.
But I know that's what you said, I was merely stating that I was agreeing with you
Ah sorry just looked like when you said:

I have to say, that is quite a big problem with EVE, to get to the good stuff in the future you have to train, then train, then earn money, then train some more, etc. and it soon feels like you will never get there since skills will be taking months and weeks to train....
was that you were sayting you can't have fun for months and months and months.
I can see how that was unclear

It's the same with any MMO I guess... there is allways better stuff you want... which is kinda my biggest problem IRL, so I don't want that from my games
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that's the fun part of MMO's. fun in that you can actually put in direct amounts of effort and attain them, with the 'respect' and 'prestige' of it.

IRL you can just be a fat ass virgin with no life, but it doesn't matter
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6935|Little Bentcock

Uzique wrote:

that's the fun part of MMO's. fun in that you can actually put in direct amounts of effort and attain them, with the 'respect' and 'prestige' of it.

IRL you can just be a fat ass virgin with no life, but it doesn't matter
+3,936|6813|so randum
thanks for the 1.3b tommy m8
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Field Marshal | o |
+142|7034|Ireland | Monaghan

Np m8, FYI I did get it back
Intel Core i7 CPU 920 @ 4GHz || 3x2 GB OCZ 1600Mhz DDR3 || 80GB Intel X25-M Gen 2 || KFA2 GTX 480 1536Mb ||| Samsung T220 || Xonar DX 7.1 || AV 40 || P6T Deluxe V2 || Win 7 HP 64 Bit || Lian Li P80
+3,936|6813|so randum
so how did it happen anyway
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Field Marshal | o |
+142|7034|Ireland | Monaghan

Fucked if I know m8 \o/
Intel Core i7 CPU 920 @ 4GHz || 3x2 GB OCZ 1600Mhz DDR3 || 80GB Intel X25-M Gen 2 || KFA2 GTX 480 1536Mb ||| Samsung T220 || Xonar DX 7.1 || AV 40 || P6T Deluxe V2 || Win 7 HP 64 Bit || Lian Li P80

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