+1,010|6594|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

blademaster wrote:

I'll add some of you guys to the friends list even though I havent played in like 3 months... or will do it hopefully as soon Im done with this semester... stopped playing when patch 1.0 came out... I heard that they added bunch of new characters ect.

also u guys use those sites (where they provide different builds) or you just do random builds or copy builds based on what somebody else does... after the game ends..
I build dynamically...

Getting appropriate items to counter the enemy champions..

But generally on carry casters I stack archangels staffs lategame for maximum AP

I rarely plan further ahead than my next item
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arrivederci frog

h4hagen wrote:

FloppY_ wrote:

Aries_37 wrote:

Frozen heart on lux

Started playing ranked....these people are 100x worse than the people in normal. So bad.
only lvl27

Frozen heart was because it gives me the 25% cd reduction and the attackspeed boost from nashors tooth feels abit wasted on her better have armor then
Frozen heart is actually a great item for support casters when your facing a lot of auto attack champs (MF, Koggy, Ashe, Trist, Xin Zhao, WW Etc.) Because of all the armor, plus the attack speed nerf for enemies in the radius, as well as the cool down reduction (plus the shield with the mana, armor, and CDR is a great early item anyways)

Picked up LeBlanc, in lane with sona is WTFBBQ, unfortunately Sona is so boring to play I usually cant get my cousin to play her, haha. Enjoying Vlad as well (EZ mode for sure) and picked up Gragas for 3v3s, awesome champ for that. Morgana has been pretty fun lately as well.
Any lane with sona is an automatic win- IMO the most OP champion in the game now that leblanc has been hotfixed. If I'm captain I always ban her and either Janna or Galio as they are just so unfun to play against.

iceman785 wrote:

Aries_37 wrote:

Frozen heart on lux

Started playing ranked....these people are 100x worse than the people in normal. So bad.
Yeah that's why "ELO Hell" exists.  People are fuckin terrible and play ranked, feed, then bring down your rating.  I rarely play ranked, and when I do  I grab a buddy and dual que a 5v5.  Makes the game go much smoother. Currently at like 1268 cause I never play ranked.
At this low ELO so many teams don't even have simple things like a jungler, a tank or a carry. Played against a team of lux/gangplank/morgana/fiddle/nasus - our team went 34-2 in the first 20 minutes Don't see how people can get to level 30 and not understand the basics of the game.

And yeah I'm not solo queeing until I'm out of ELO hell
+1,010|6594|Denmark aka Automotive Hell
Nomatter how much I fail with Katarina, she (like Lux) is so awesome fun to play


inb4 "wtf sunfire cape Katarina"
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+93|6981|Alaska, mother fucker.
Can I make a suggestion Floppy? Build kat as AP.

Get Rylai's
Magic Pen boots
Void Staff
Abyssal Scepter
Banshee's Veil

The slow from Rylai's makes your ult slow people, so it's easier to get more damage off faster.  Banshee's also prevents people with disables and stuns from stop your ult right off the bat.

Edit : bad spellings

Last edited by iceman785 (2010-11-07 20:36:26)

+93|6981|Alaska, mother fucker.

Aries_37 wrote:

h4hagen wrote:

FloppY_ wrote:

only lvl27

Frozen heart was because it gives me the 25% cd reduction and the attackspeed boost from nashors tooth feels abit wasted on her better have armor then
Frozen heart is actually a great item for support casters when your facing a lot of auto attack champs (MF, Koggy, Ashe, Trist, Xin Zhao, WW Etc.) Because of all the armor, plus the attack speed nerf for enemies in the radius, as well as the cool down reduction (plus the shield with the mana, armor, and CDR is a great early item anyways)

Picked up LeBlanc, in lane with sona is WTFBBQ, unfortunately Sona is so boring to play I usually cant get my cousin to play her, haha. Enjoying Vlad as well (EZ mode for sure) and picked up Gragas for 3v3s, awesome champ for that. Morgana has been pretty fun lately as well.
Any lane with sona is an automatic win- IMO the most OP champion in the game now that leblanc has been hotfixed. If I'm captain I always ban her and either Janna or Galio as they are just so unfun to play against.

iceman785 wrote:

Aries_37 wrote:

Frozen heart on lux

Started playing ranked....these people are 100x worse than the people in normal. So bad.
Yeah that's why "ELO Hell" exists.  People are fuckin terrible and play ranked, feed, then bring down your rating.  I rarely play ranked, and when I do  I grab a buddy and dual que a 5v5.  Makes the game go much smoother. Currently at like 1268 cause I never play ranked.
At this low ELO so many teams don't even have simple things like a jungler, a tank or a carry. Played against a team of lux/gangplank/morgana/fiddle/nasus - our team went 34-2 in the first 20 minutes Don't see how people can get to level 30 and not understand the basics of the game.

And yeah I'm not solo queeing until I'm out of ELO hell
If people had a basic idea of how this game actually worked, that above team could do VERY well. I've 3 shot people with gangplank having 100% crit, lux is an awesome support carry, morgana is cheesier than a fucking brick of chedder, and nasus can be an INSANE dps/tank carry.

But because most people who play this game have an IQ of 50, they don't win.  I just don't get how someone can play 150 games and still not have a basic idea of how this game works and the mechanics that come along with it.  Also, I don't recommend solo queing ranked at all lol, not only does it give you the chance to ban the heros you know are best, it makes it so you can have an awesome setup with your partner (taric and twisted fate is OP as fuck).
+1,010|6594|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

iceman785 wrote:

Can I make a suggestion Floppy? Build kat as AP.

Get Rylai's
Magic Pen boots
Void Staff
Abyssal Scepter
Banshee's Veil

The slow from Rylai's makes your ult slow people, so it's easier to get more damage off faster.  Banshee's also prevents people with disables and stuns from stop your ult right off the bat.

Edit : bad spellings
Yes I know that but AP katarina deals much less damage than a physical build lategame
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+93|6981|Alaska, mother fucker.
I wouldn't really know honestly, never built her as AD.  Though I have seen people with 5 maxed out bloodthirsters (+ 500 dmg) and boots do an insane amount of damage. Thinking I'll go try that now haha.
+1,010|6594|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

iceman785 wrote:

I wouldn't really know honestly, never built her as AD.  Though I have seen people with 5 maxed out bloodthirsters (+ 500 dmg) and boots do an insane amount of damage. Thinking I'll go try that now haha.
Katarina's bouncing blade stacks with her attack damage, her shunpo with AP, shunpo is single target, while blades are 5-6 target and her autoattack which is obviously AD aswell... It all adds up
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+93|6981|Alaska, mother fucker.
Yeah but with lichbane and her passive you can have insane amounts of damage output in a team fight.
+1,010|6594|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

iceman785 wrote:

Yeah but with lichbane and her passive you can have insane amounts of damage output in a team fight.
Why bother? You get the same high output without losing an item slot by going AD...

But both AD and AP are viable...
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+1,010|6594|Denmark aka Automotive Hell
Singed is so damn unstoppable when built as tank xD

I only died when they were 5on1 against me xD
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arrivederci frog
Carries don't carry teams, tanks do. Can kill any ranged carry in half the time it takes for 5 people to focus the tank down. Added to that they generally have great CC and natural non-item dependant scaling.
+93|6981|Alaska, mother fucker.
I had a singed on my team solo laning.  He was killing rammus and blitzcrank by himself.  He was crazy good.
+1,010|6594|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

iceman785 wrote:

I had a singed on my team solo laning.  He was killing rammus and blitzcrank by himself.  He was crazy good.
Singed can solo extremely well.. Early game in the pic above we had our mid feed, he gave up and asked for a replacement, and even though I was 3 levels behind the opponent lux I pushed her so much I nearly killed her 3 times and eventually took down the tower by just sending creeps through...

Like I said, he is unstoppable
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+1,010|6594|Denmark aka Automotive Hell
I fucking hate the matchmaking, I allways get put on the worst team in the fucking world (which is okay because I suck like shit) but it allways matches us against some pre-made ventrillo communicating pro-team that kicks fucking arse like nothing else...

I hate it so much I fucking wish I had other games worth playing instead... derp
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arrivederci frog
Get mumble and play with us you tard. Matchmaking woes solved.
Whats my age again?
+91|6661|Troy, New York
Picked up Anivia and Shaco for 5's and 3's respectively.
I love Anivia's burst, but also the crazy utility she offers when compared to most other mages, and shaco is just fun to play.
Also grabbed Blitzcrank, not great with him but I hit my claw often enough. Ill stick with him for a while though, I've seen some uber pro Blitzcranks in ranked.
Edit: Any other US players on here?

Last edited by h4hagen (2010-11-28 13:08:22)

+1,010|6594|Denmark aka Automotive Hell
Fuck, I just had the most horrible game...

pretty decent team setup, although mostly useless people and we were abit heavy on magic damage...

25minutes into the game, Alistair (who insisted that he wanted mid early) says he will go DPS and take madreds...

Last edited by FloppY_ (2010-11-28 15:06:13)

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I'm moving to Brazil
damn I tried playing the other day and sucked havent played in months lol will start practicing again in couple of weeks... anyone willing to share any specific builds or anything on here... or what items they get ect....
Psy squad
I got this one DPS and heavy crit build, works wonders with yi, I imagine it should work with tryndamere and other dps"ers

Found it on this site:http://leaguecraft.com/strategies/guide/9285-jackrabbit-yi-the-king-of-krit.xhtml

Got a couple of aces with it, perhaps you can make it work too ?
arrivederci frog
Blade who do you play?



+1,010|6594|Denmark aka Automotive Hell
I love the comics, too bad there are so few great ones...

Dumping my folder







I love it when this happens

EDIT: https://img600.imageshack.us/img600/4395/index2u.png

Last edited by FloppY_ (2010-11-29 09:10:32)

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+93|6981|Alaska, mother fucker.
Haha those are all pretty great.. fucking Garen.
I'm moving to Brazil

Aries_37 wrote:

Blade who do you play?
these are the heroes I used:
------------- but annie, fiddle, heimerdinger and ryze are my fav. havent played the new heroes so not sure how they compare to the ones I played before... for example they have (Vlad, swain, luz and LeBlanc in the mage category)


but out of those I mostly play casters then sometimes poppy, or mundo if no one picks a tank...
so if anyone has any good guides for those 4 casters up top let me know... had some good guides before but removed them all from my PC could prob. find it again.. but I want to see what you guys think...

Last edited by blademaster (2010-11-30 18:34:42)

arrivederci frog
For solomid Annie I go 9/0/21 picking up the 15% spellpen in offense. Ghost/flash. Q->W->Q->E->Q/W->R

Dorans ring + hp pot
Catalyst the protector
Sorc boots
Mejais or Rod of Ages depending on how much I think I'll die

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